Okay, first things first, character intros:
Abraham Beowulf: His name is just a reference to my favorite ballad, Beowulf. Nothing more. Other then that, his glasses are a reference to Alucard(and they look cool).
Sedrick Gastlefiend: He's a psycho. Not much more to say. Oh, he's blind.
Original Title Page:
On to the good stuff....
Note that it is alot shorter then I wanted to make it.
Matthew Gaal
He came to London, not for work, money, or fame. His business was far darker. He came on a boat, bathed in the mist of the Thames, and hid behind a pair of purple sunglasses. He was guarded by an arcane revolver, and garbed in an open coat worn on his shoulders. His cold, hard face disguised a young man whose dreams of a peaceful life had died long ago, for he was a vampire hunter.
The old, barely sea-worthy, boat came to a slow stop along the docks, and he walked onto English land for the first time. Behind him, a brute carried a large wooden crate.
“Ack! Abe! Ya thin this is ‘eavy enough ‘or ya?â€ÂÂ