Oook :D
i've seen this topic... and i can't wait to post a lot of screenshot of my game XD
Let's start then :D
In Order the screenshot are:
Title game (edited with the script, the background is animated and also the Icones)
Main Menù (edited with the script, the Icones are animated and i must put in a section with the name of the Icone: Item - Equip - Skills - Summon - Status)
Item Menù (the layout is changed)
Equip Menù (I must put another parameter: The Actor Graphic)
Devil's Pick (It's a mountain in my game... very dangerous, the tileset is the standard, like for all my map XD)
Garuda Cave (is a dungeon, little, but a real labirint XD)
Front Guard (Is a little village near a forest, little and nice. Text: "This place is so nice, i don't wont to wake up")
Inn of Umi (It's the savepoint, a Kyonshi, i've creat this maskotte for my game, like the Moguri in FinalFantasy XD. Text: "GunGun, Wont to save?")
Trifaglia (It's a forest, with a lot of fairy, the indications on the deck are write with a nice script, the one i'll use for the messages in game XD)
Umi (Is the first town you meet in the game, a port town with a lot of mercant, is near the sea than XD, in this screenshot there is the name of the map, when you enter in a new map with this script you can see the mapname :D)
The Text in the screenshot are in Italian XD, than the best think i can do is translate the contents of the message of my screenshot... if i'll decide to post a version of my game here on this forum maybe i'll translate the entire game XD, but i'm not sure of it :\ maybe i'll post it in Italian