From now on, I'm ignoring Diegoale's posts, they're too good.
Joking. If it's eventually sold it would definately be a commercial game I would buy. I wanna see it actually in play though... The youtube video you posted earlier didn't seem to do it justice, what with the low resolution and all that.
Anyway, this is a concept for my game. I call it Dynamish Interiors. (Sort-of-dynamic but not quite.
) Basically, when you walk up to a door, the roof disappears and you walk inside. What's actually happening is you're going to a "clone" map that just contains that small section of the bigger exterior, with extra inside. The interiors are very unique, as each will be a picture, 640x480 in size, made in paint or some other sort of program (likely Fireworks). With pixel movement and collision maps so you can explore every pixel of the houses.
I'm not sure if I'm going ahead with this, but it seems a good concept.
This is a mock-up, and not a very good one at that. ... namish.png[/IMG]