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The Mirror Lied

The Mirror Lied

Honestly, I don't see why you're so anxious to get into his project. Most people don't even release unencrypted versions of their games, so you should be grateful, and sit tight, and wait.

Or don't. I mean, I'm sure that Reives looooooooooooooooooooooves you badgering him every two seconds. :|
Heheh, that's okay, I am always curious myself to open up others' projects to see how they made it, etc. But keep in mind that this will probably make the game less interesting, now, as the whole mystifying feel of a game before knowing its internal gears is gone. "What-you-see-is-what-you-got", don't expect any sudden hidden treasures. :p

I posted it, and will reference it here in the next few days as I promised.
Wow this game was awesome. Haha I got so pissed whenever the phone was ringing becasue it would always happen as I'm doing an event so I would never get to it until like the 8th time :lol:

I have a question though. When she shot the got did she shoot herself, the bird, the person who was sending her the emails?

I didn't quite see the direction of the bullet... or is that for the player to solve?

Anyways great game, you should really look into making another mystery game, your quite good at it!



I thought from her sprite that the gun was actually being pointed down at a diagonal, but that didn't make much sense so I assumed she had shot herself. Then again, this game being what it is, maybe Reives just tossed that detail in to give your imagination a little more fodder/your mind another little obstacle to work around.
As Chimmy stated, I do not have any fact answers for ya myself; but feel free to say here of what you believe, and why. c:

However, I would like to point out that while she was last seen with the gun pointed down; after the screen blacked out, there was a "swing" sound, meaning that the gun might've been swayed to any direction.



jesus christ don't release an unecrypted version!  surely the world will come to a complete halt and the earth will plummet into the sun if someone tears open a fucking rmxp game and looks at its precious precious script!!!

shame on you necrile!  the encrypt button was designed to protect the developers stolen resources and final fantasy music :mad:

EDIT: On a serious related note, I'm kind of pissed off because this game is basically a ripoff of a idea I had 5 years ago with rm2k (and tried to resurrect it for the rtp contest of 2006) but seeing as I never complete anything you beat me to it and I hate you forever.  Really liked the overall atmosphere and the closest RM game I can think of it coming to is Yume Nikki but I didn't really like that game because it basically ATMOSPHERE ATMOSPHERE ATMOSPHERE WHOOPS WHERE'S THE GAMEPLAY? 

This game atleast had some basic direction.  Nikki was essentially "WANDER TO POINT A... NOW WANDER TO POINT B OH LOOK WEIRD SHIT IS HAPPENING!"

Maybe I'll actually finish my game now... but I'll have to wait a year so people won't point their fingers and call me a copycat.
Marcus":3rc1sqai said:
jesus christ don't release an unecrypted version!  surely the world will come to a complete halt and the earth will plummet into the sun if someone tears open a fucking rmxp game and looks at its precious precious script!!!

shame on you necrile!  the encrypt button was designed to protect the developers stolen resources and final fantasy music :mad:

EDIT: On a serious related note, I'm kind of pissed off because this game is basically a ripoff of a idea I had 5 years ago with rm2k (and tried to resurrect it for the rtp contest of 2006) but seeing as I never complete anything you beat me to it and I hate you forever.  Really liked the overall atmosphere and the closest RM game I can think of it coming to is Yume Nikki but I didn't really like that game because it basically ATMOSPHERE ATMOSPHERE ATMOSPHERE WHOOPS WHERE'S THE GAMEPLAY? 

This game atleast had some basic direction.  Nikki was essentially "WANDER TO POINT A... NOW WANDER TO POINT B OH LOOK WEIRD SHIT IS HAPPENING!"

Maybe I'll actually finish my game now... but I'll have to wait a year so people won't point their fingers and call me a copycat.
I've had similar ideas too (though mine had a little more direction). I'm sure it's not uncommon; we're just all lazy bastards.

I'm doing a bit of work on mine now, actually. You've motivated us, Reives!
I loooove unencrypted games. Of course I only do it to check out how everything works, I'm the kind of guy that learns best by example. I'll look forward to it~
seita":qdm3sz8q said:
I loooove unencrypted games. Of course I only do it to check out how everything works, I'm the kind of guy that learns best by example. I'll look forward to it~
You and me seem to be the only ones. >_>
I understand the benefit of unencrypted games but this game hardly even has any systems or the like, I could understand people being interested in unencrypted complexities.

Standard encryption won't help hiding the precious final fantasy rips either!
Necrile":1hszw036 said:
seita":1hszw036 said:
I loooove unencrypted games. Of course I only do it to check out how everything works, I'm the kind of guy that learns best by example. I'll look forward to it~
You and me seem to be the only ones. >_>

Nope! Me too.

Seita's similar to me in that we learn best by example. I wouldn't even be half the game designer I am now If I hadn't registered here and started checking out games.
@Marcus & Shark:
Hahah, that's cool - You guys really should get one done too for the hell of it, really; these things are always short, so a nose-dive should get it done once you get started. Many seem to find this "genre" somewhat refreshing, so I'm sure it'd be appreciated if you guys can get some out too. Looking forward to it if ya do.

And oh, now that you mention it, Yume Nikki probably did influence me on starting this in some ways. I didn't exactly play the game, though, but did watch some trailers, and I do remember finding it an interesting concept. Another inspiration was actually a "comedy" short about a robotic mother and her 3 children, which gave me a "huh" feel that I found to be rather refreshing.

And for the benefit of unencrypted games - I dunno, personally, I just like to open up games and see how it was made, regardless of complex systems or not. It's mainly a matter of curiosity for me, I suppose. c:

And the unencrypted version was posted on its home board yesterday; I will be posting its link on this thread the day after tomorrow. Until then~
I have never been really disturbed by a game before.  I don't know what it was about this one;  it just scared the shit out of me.  I really wanted to play through it, but...  I just couldn't.  I got a bit after the scene with the fire, and after that, I just...  :down:
Just think that it's not scary and it won't be. c:

Necrile, please take down the link for now, it is not intended to be posted here yet. Thanks.

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