Actually you guys are ALL wrong about the title. I think improper grammar is morally reprehensible. Therefore it is BAD.
I'm joking, but the title definitely isn't technically incorrect since the meaning of improper and bad can be very different. Saying it is bad just makes it a moral question rather than a technical one. I could very well be referring to a moral issue. There's a difference between an "improper turd" and a "bad turd." An improper one is one that is sitting in the supermarket freezer section. A bad one is one that burns your mom's ass on the way out. Good turds are the ones you barely notice. Then again, maybe some people prefer big, hard turds.
So whether or not any grammar (proper or not) is good or bad is up to personal preference. But, yes, the grammar in that sig is also technically improper, right. Then again...saying grammar can be bad is like saying science or math can be bad (I heard a really religious guy refer to "bad science" once.) Either the methods and their executions are accurate and correct or they aren't. Doesn't change that I could have been talking about morals in the title.
But, hey. I never said I gave a shit (PUN) about grammar. My point was what many are saying here, including Glitchfinder who mentioned the title in the first place: if you're GONNA be a super nazi about grammar, you better be Jesus when it comes to typing.
I use to watch my English teacher for mistakes all the time, and when she made one, I was like, "AHA!!!!" and then she was like, "No one is perfect." I thought she had been acting like she was and was obsessed with proving her wrong.
There are traps on both sides people can fall into. Point is, don't be a moron acting like you're "more perfect" than others, and morons won't obsess over proving you wrong.