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THE HKCP :: The Half-Kaizer Construction Project.

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Xpspriterstakecharge":3se5nsmi said:
Question is there any child sitting on ground poses, or do I have to make them myself (if there isnt any Ill make one and post it here.

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only one guestion? Why is your forum on finnish server or is it just me. Not complaining cause i´m a finnish guy :wink:
omg, i see the words half-kaizer but theres no mention of Berserker?
have I been gone so long.
I have some stuff that HKCP might be interested in. :D

Ill see if I can make some tihngs worth adding to the pile.
Hmm...I guess because of this project
the XP RTP and Half Kaizer might become best friends...
Once this project has already made a lot of things
for HK...The Half Kaixer can be finally usable.
It may seem like not much has happened in this project lately, but I'll have an update for this project late in the day tomorrow.

The team is still alive and well, and pixelling as much as possible ;).
Spriting on the HK template is like spriting anything else. Just takes practice. Any spriting tutorials, concerning character sprites apply.
Just want to know if this project is still alive. Unfortuneatly it looks like there hasn't been an update in about 4 months.

Just some confirmation of exestence would be nice :P
Now you got me exited, Ven...

Since I was thinking about using HK as the template for my project this would help me out a lot...

Say, are there tilesets going to be included in the MAJOR update? That is one thing I really miss for HK right now...
Just goes to show you how much the HKCP monitor this thread and how hard they're working for us :D
If you guys need any help just give me a holler...
I doubt it since you have so many workers.

I cant wait for this update :D 
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