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THE HKCP :: The Half-Kaizer Construction Project.

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Nice work V! I've been too busy at work, and sick and just generally unmotivated lately. I still have to finish that horse. But Kudos to you for putting all this together!
Trek22":23yst1ux said:
So how long has this project been underway before it was opened up two days ago?  Seems like a valve was finally opened to release the pressure from blowing apart the engine.
As far as I know, before January 8th. That was when Ven mentioned it in her HK hair tutorial, but I'm not sure how much of that was planning and how much was working. I've been working on it since January 24th, so definitely before then.
I got together w/ CS about it about ... Uh, probably 1.5 months ago, but work didn't really begin until about a month ago. I just wanted a smallish library to kick it off, so it didn't just look like I had a proposal instead of something that's really happening.

Now if only my server wasn't crapping out ... >_< Sheesh, in June when my contract's up, I'm switching hosts. Micfo is charging too damn much anyway 9_9
Venetia":5299wk4b said:
I want to mention that creamdonut is an expert spriter, easily on par with CS or SK. Actually, the whole team is just amazing right now, and I look forward to adding creamdonut very soon ;D. I have another bundle of resources to add to the library tonight thanks to Britchik & KazeN.

Well, thanks for saying that, you made me blush!  :blush: And besides, you talk about me being compared to Cerulean Skye and Showkaizer, but what about yourself? You're too modest!  :wink:
It's too bad I have school by day and work by night, so sometimes it becomes harder to have some time to sprite. Anyway, I'm quite confident that I'll be releasing something for you guys today. When I do, I wanna hear critics!  :thumb:
And when I do.... whoho! I will be able to be part of the Elite team (dances all around the house).
(Sits again in from of the PC) as for the host thingy, it's normal that the Server begins to be laggy Venetia. After all, everyone is accessing your site to pick up the resources. And if you have a bandwidth limit, then you may experience more problems... with PAYMENT!!! (say it spooky-like, it sounds funnier) Although, I really don't know about it and I should shut up (rofl)
Anyway, enough of small talk! Let's start spriting!  :thumb:



Woo, such an awesome project to come back and see. You can bet your buttons I'll contribute. Just a quick question: What are your feelings on commercial games (yes, I keep asking). ASW is still in the works and will be HK, so I'll be making a ton of HK resources to begin with, which I would not mind sharing at all, but how would the HKCP feel about their resources being used on a commercial project?
That is said in the beggining. Yes, you can use it, however you must provide credit to the whole team and before you launch the game you must talk to Venetia. Any further comments regarding this issue, I'm sure Venetia will clear everything with everyone.  :thumb:
Right. Commercial distribution is allowed, but credit must be given where due, and a small-term, limited-use contract must be hashed out. When dealing with money, the lines between fair use and what's fair gets fuzzy.

My intention is that this will be used in freeware, but rather than discouraging use in commercial games completely, I intend to make it freely available to everyone, without stepping on the artists' toes.

I should have enough bandwidth to make up for this spike; I think my server was going through maintenance yesterday. If I experience more probs I'll have to contact my host :'/
i know im asking alot and im sorry. but i was wondering if you would like me to try and get the TLE template converted into a battler for this project. and work with the generator like normal. its a huge detailed template that really needs a generator to be of any use outside of big teams. and as battlers are normaly bigger then the map sprites i think it could work.

this is it to jog your memory http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y51/da ... /TLE/1.png[/img]

Okay, I updated some things. After deeply looking into my server troubles ... I found nothing. My bandwidth is fine, and my space is ample. But it's slow as paste. Took me like an hour to only update a few things. Ridiculous.

To save myself a headache, for now, other skintone support is going away. It'll be easy to revive in the future, as soon as I get a php-based system set up. From now on, artists, please submit only in the Pale palette (only because that's what 99% of the sprites I've seen so far have been in). If you need to recolor pieces, it's a simple process. I'll go over it in-depth soon in a tutorial.

I did add some files, though, and the files that're currently there aren't going anywhere.

This'll hopefully make it easier on the artists, too--less superfluous recoloring ;)

Keep an eye out for the Generator. It'll be coming later this week. Fingers crossed :lol:!


@BK: If you'd like to rally more support for a battler project, I have no problem with that. On the horizon we have the HKCP, the eHKCP, and the aHKCP to work on, with no battler support in sight (I, myself, use animated battlers, from pre-existing, edited HK sprites).

It's not to say there won't be battler support in the future, just not at the moment.

You're thinking ahead though, and I like it :thumb:



So, I needed a break from my usual projects and decided to give HK a shot.  It took me /all day/ so I don't think I'll be trying this again any time soon, but here's some armor you're welcome to use if it suits you:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/ ... helmet.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/nphyx/HK/rosearmor-body.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/nphyx/HK/rosearmor-legs.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/nphyx/HK/rosearmor-boots.png[/img]
And a demo: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/ ... earmor.gif[/img]

I think the animation still needs some work but I am thoroughly exhausted with this one and not likely to work on it anymore.  Hope you enjoy. :)
Wow, Nphyx. Those are freaking awesome. And I was working on some female bodyarmor, too. Now I've got to completely revamp it.
Nicely done. My only real gripe is with the helmet - Row 1 looks more like a rose than a helmet to me.
Well, now that my spriting ability pales in comparison....  :wink:

Very nice, Nphyx! Do you mind if I do some recolours of it, maybe some small edits?



Recolours are just fine, the palettes are set up for easy swapping in Graphics Gale already.  And it's supposed to look like a rose, that's the theme :)  However feel free to edit to smooth it out, no copyright whatsoever on that one except what the HKCP wants to put on it if they use it (a mention somewhere would be cool though ;) ).

Oh the parts are set up to work independently of eachother, also, so they'd go good for mix & match if you recolor them to a standard metal color or something.  The thong or whatever you want to call it on the pants part actually uses a seperate palette than the armor pieces too, if that's relevant to anyone, I just ended up using the same pinkish color on the armor (it was black when I finished it, I swapped to the rose colored palette afterward).
Holy crapamoli ... That is freaking sweeeeet.

You're ... So ... Talented T_T

Well, even if you don't want to make any more in the near future, you still made 8 pieces, which qualifies you for Elite status ;)

I'll make an update tonight.
Wow, really coming together. Unfortunately, as I said. I have no time. I feel kinda guilty being named as a team member as I didn't contribute much. =/ But keep it up V! This wuz a great idea!



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