keisukeyui":127n0zlh said:
This looks really awesome - can't wait to see more. Will there be an albino skin palette and a darker brown skin palette?
I could do that if people wanted it. It wouldn't be supported on the same level, however, so you'd have to do the recoloring on your end for indiv. parts. Unless of course we can get that auto-recolor generator program ;D
Nphyx":127n0zlh said:
Are you guys planning on compiling tilesets as well?
Yep ... Just give it some time. The eHKCP will be around as soon as we get more rolling on this particular section.
Nphyx":127n0zlh said:
I must have missed that part in the massive jumble of information up there.
What are you writing your character maker in, and are you going to make the code available? I'm sure a lot of projects could get use out of it besides HK.
The current one is in php (web-based), through an html skin. I don't know about releasing the code to it, since that's Fomar's baby. The Breeze Generator he made is similar, but the skin I set up makes it a little easier to use quickly. Some kinks are being worked out on it, particularly on the file structure, so it could be a few weeks. We wanted it released at the same time, but I found some hangups. Hang in there!
iceplosion":127n0zlh said:
Wow, with enough work (and maybe some HK tilesets) this may make the HK usable in a game, I liked the style but never was able to use it before, I may consider it now.
That's the goal :D
creamdonut":127n0zlh said:
Of course it will still take some time to get the half-kaizer to be completely usable. Right now, if more people adhere to it, then it will be so much easier! You can bet on that! :thumb:
I want to mention that creamdonut is an expert spriter, easily on par with CS or SK. Actually, the whole team is just amazing right now, and I look forward to adding creamdonut very soon ;D. I have another bundle of resources to add to the library tonight thanks to Britchik & KazeN.
(That was a little pep-talk :wink
@Everyone else: Thank you for your support! I look forward to seeing what the community can contribute, as well as the Elites already on the team!