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The Get to Know You Game

Bonus Poll: How much do you like your fellow members?

  • Neutral. I don't think of other members here much, if at all, though they're mostly alright.

    Votes: 5 7.6%
  • Some. I like a few people, but otherwise I don't know many well.

    Votes: 21 31.8%
  • Quite a bit. They're cool, for internet people.

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Very much. I'd consider more than a few of them real friends.

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • Apathetic. I don't care about any of the members here at all.

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Not much. Most of the members here annoy me.

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • Not at all. Why do I even come here :/?

    Votes: 2 3.0%

  • Total voters



lol @ nikki's martyrdom complex

I'm pretty basic with that kind of thing (I've only ever done pot,) so I don't really have enough variety under my hat for the first point. I've always wondered about PCP, though. the main thing is that it apparently messes around your mind's input, so you can hear colours or taste sounds or whatever. I'd rather avoid the hard stuff entirely, but it sounds like it'd be a really interesting thing to do.

do you tag or paint murals? if so, what kind of style do you have, and how much are you into it? if not, what sort of things would you do, if you did?

High Hopes

Awesome Bro

I don't. If I did, I'd most likely do something either wrestling related or a modern, epic battle of some kind.

What aspect of yourself do you feel is the core of who you are?



Walton Simons":27w16pj4 said:
I don't. If I did, I'd most likely do something either wrestling related or a modern, epic battle of some kind.

What aspect of yourself do you feel is the core of who you are?

That's a tough one!!! :eek:: err.. my laziness I guess :eek:uch:

Q: Do you have siblings, if you do, what are they like?
A: No :). Well, kind of.
I have a half-sister I've never met, and a step-sister and a step-brother I knew only for short bursts of time as a kid, who are both a lot older than me and bullied me a ton and I never really identified with.
My half-sister is my blood-dad's kid. She came from a relationship he had a few yrs before he got with my mom. Then they split a bit after I was born and I went with mom.
My steps are my step-dad's. They were from a previous marriage as well and lived with their mom in a different state.
So far as I know, my half-sister is with a militaryguy and does photography for a living. My step-sister got knocked up at 17 by a gangbanger and again at 19 by another gangbanger, and did a lot of drugs. She's over 30 now but I don't know what came of her. My step-brother ended up better, last I heard he owns a chain of gardening and hydroponics stores in AZ.

Q: If you were forced to live in an era and/or civilization in the pre-1700's, what era/civilization would you pick and why?
I think I would like to live in the Middle Ages, and not to be rich but not poor either. You know, have a job like a smith or baker. A traditional occupation, really. I think it would be amazing how simple the live was then, if you just kept your head out of complicated stuff. Today you are forced to do all kinds of stuff, most that you dont even like to do.

Q: If you are an adult, what is your reason to live where you live? And if you're a child, why you think you live where you live?
A: I live in Mass now because my girlfriend got a job offer down here, so we moved from Maine. I don't particularly like it, cause everyone's got a fucking stick up their ass or has a very narrow peripheral vision. Everyone was so nice in Maine..

Q: If you could build something, what would it be and why?
The perfect computer. Not AI, not a good compouter, but the perfect computer. One that I don't have to worry about upgrading, that can use any and all software, and that can do whatever I want it to. Why? Because that would just kick so much ass.

If you could go to a fictional world, but you had to stay there once you got there, where would you go, and why?
A: I don't like my country, but if I had to choose, I'd say Washington. It rains quite often there :)

Q: What's your LEAST favorite color?
A: My least favorite color is chartreuse because it's so hard to spell, and the fact that it looks like vomit.

Q: If you could be any bird, what kind would you be?
A: blue jay. Cause they're really cute, they're blue, which so few animals seem to be, and they're omnivorous(I won't be able to stand just eating meat or just vegetation.

Q: If you knew the world was going to end- everyone dies, no stopping it, and only you knew it, what would you most realistically do?



sit back and chill. I rarely relax quite as well as I can when I know that things are completely out of my hands. otherwise, I'd feel motivated to help, but without that possibility, it's all good.

I'd also keep it to myself. no need to ruin everyone's day.

if you had the means to purchase any one thing to own, what would it be? leave aside the silly altruistic responses, because everyone can see those coming anyway and they're quite dull and don't tell us anything about yourself.

so, one selfish indulgence in something attainable through the open market, the closed market, the black market, whatever. if you can realistically buy it with money, it's game.


Awesome Bro

Hmm, if I could buy any one item, well, if money wasn't an issue, I'd be all over the Koenigsegg CSX-R, top speed is over 260mph, and quite franky, I like fast cars.

However, on a more realistic scale, where money IS a factor, I'd buy the required materials to make a one man hovercraft, and use it to cross the channel, if that worked, I'd attempt it over to Egypt, although I'd need a boat following me incase something goes wrong.

Have you ever regretted buying something that you were so excited about, only to find out it wasn't what you hoped for ?
It's called final fantasy 12.

No, I don't hate the game that much, it's that I accidently bought two of them once on ebay. I can never get any of my friends to pay me a cheap 12 bucks for an brand new game, which sucks even worse.

Do you like your family, or do you hate your family?

High Hopes

Awesome Bro

I can't say I hate my family that much, but there are some that annoy me more than others.

What kind of career are you considering for the future?
Right now it's a toss-up between some sort of career in physics and climatology. I have a lot of interest in both but I'm not sure which I'd rather pursue more. I guess I'd have to learn more about the specifics and requirements for each of the jobs to make a decision. But every time I think I want to be a meteorologist or something I think about the Large Hadron Collider and antimatter and holy shit it's just so incredibly cool!

What's your favourite month of the year, and why?



Favorite month is definitely October. In Pittsburgh, by late October all of the leaves are off the trees, leaving a definite "crunch" when you walk, and the weather isn't quite cold, but has a bite of winter in the wind. There's also Halloween, which is fun for all, and I especially love seeing what decorations my neighbors have put up that year. But mostly it's just for the weather.

You have a degenerative disease, and there is no cure. Your only option, right now, is to suffer through it and eventually expire. What are you going to do in the meantime?
I'd probably go with a. Ain't no way I'm missing out on a travel vacation, and I have tons of family that I never talk to that I have no problem with scapegoating :D

2 weeks is a lot to ask though, so I'd probably be nervous asking for so much time off! and if i didn't have the vacation days for it, there's no way i could go so long without getting paid. so i would probably have to skip out somewhere in the middle.


Q: What is your favorite room or place in or just around your house (note: backyards/front yards count, too--and so do little places like closets, cabinets, bathtub, etc). And why?
Assuming it counts, there's this stream in the woods behind the field that's behind our house. In particular, there's this one spot where it's flat and would be perfect for a picnic or something. Nomming on a sandwich while letting my feet soak in the water sounds incredibly relaxing. And it's far enough in that you have privacy (which you really don't appreciate until you live on a state highway your entire life, imo). I haven't actually spent much time there, but I've made it a sort of safe haven in my head if I ever need to get away for some reason.


Q: What is your favorite holiday/event/celebration you've been to and why?

Thank you for viewing

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