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Super Simple Journal



Have you ignored the many many things about necroposting up topics? I suppose this isn't too bad as it's only 11 days.

You should ask for help in the script requests, not advertising your thread in this one.
Colonist, this script doesn't do that. It's "Super Simple!" :scruff:

It was designed to be a simple 'to do' list. So your quest text would be / should be:

"Buy Brewmeister a beer."

Be Well



Wow, I've been messing around with this system on RMXP. I've made it so that you can set switches that give you an X mark if you failed the task. I like it being simple, it gives huge room for editing without much RGSS knowledge.
I think that was "Lamby-Poo's" objective in sharing it. :scruff:
(she is a pretty Hoopy Frood!)

I have 6 different versions of it myself.

It's not the cleanest code, but it does illustrate making a scene with windows well.

Have fun with it.
In my script list, there is no Window_Menu. There is, however a Windown_MenuScene. What do I do? There is a Scene_Menu... which is odd...
You didn't read the whole thread, did you?  Halfway down page 2, are modified instructions.
We know there is no 'Window_Menu' in the default scripts. Lambchop must have had a customized version to start with.

There is no 'Windown_MenuScene'.  There is a 'Windown_MenuStatus', which is the right window in main menu.

Scene_Menu isn't as odd as you might think. When you open the menu, you are in a new 'Scene'. The scene is made of the other windows, and the methods to control what happens when you press buttons.

Anyways, follow the instructions on Page 2, and I think you will be ok.

Be Well
Hello Brew,

Its a great script but i have a problem. Now if i have received a weapon, The weapon is in my itemlist not in equiptment.
:blush: well, I've tried the first script given here to add a quests journal in my game... I'm a totally newbie in that kind of prommaning langage, so... sorry to bother... most of the time I more guess how it works because I've been a programmer a looooooong time ago, but in .... cobol... yes.... I admit it :smile:
so, I almost understand everything, or guess them, but I've got a problem with the "index" reference...
so far I use switches from 1 to n, it perfectly works, but the problem is that in my game, these switches are already used, so I would like the switches for the quests to begin at 301...
so I changed the value of @offset at 300 and put naturally the definitions of the data for the messages from 301 to n...
but at the end of the script, I'm told that
"TypeError occured - cannot convert nil into string"...
so, just to test, I've put the real value in the "item = @data[301]" and it works quite well, except the fact I've got the same message 2 times in my journal... :huh:
so, if I have well understood, seems the value of index isn't well "fed" and stays at nil, but I can't figure so far how to change that...
I've tried many things, but none worked and I guess I really miss something ... :eek:uch:
any help would be really nice... thanks by advance :smile:
First, the offset applies only to the switches, not the data.
So, with an offset of 300, @data[1] is controlled by switch 301

Look at the refresh method, where it calls draw_item
            for i in [email=1...@data.size]1...@data.size[/email]

              if $game_switches[i + @offset] == true


                 @item_max += 1



The 'i' in the for loop is what gets sent to 'index' in the draw_item method. (not 'i + @offset')
So the first index getting sent is '1'
However the test for the switch is 'if $game_switches[i + @offset] == true'
ohhhh thanks so much :blush:
well, I thought the value of the data in [] had to be exactly the same as the number of the switch...
and then offset would apply both somewhere.... don't know why, I thought I had read that somewhere... maybe in another life... :eek::
that's why I was totally beside my feet (don't even know if it's really an english expression, but it's a French one :smile: )

thanks again anyway, it's works naturally perfectly now

Catchoun offers a beer or anything else Brewmeister would like to thank him ... maybe a real old French Calva ? :grin:

btw, do you got any good link to get a good Ruby method ?... I'm not so young anymore :biggrin: , so, I need a simple one ...
Hello! I'm so new to RPG maker XP & this is my first time I explore the script editor. Anyway, I did everything mentioned & when I tried to playtest the game it said: "Script 'Window_Journal' line 49: SyntaxError occured." Is it something I did wrong on my part? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Okay. I tried again & somehow it works. Thanks :biggrin:
If you mean: 't Smisje Calva Reserva - Brouwerij De Regenboog, or even something similar, I'll be right over to collect!!! :scruff:
It looks delicious!
Heavy, dark beers are my favorite.

In english we say, "beside myself", which means pretty much the same.

I use the ruby site http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ for reference. But I was a programmer prior to learning Ruby.
Do a search on the site here, I know there's a list of references for beginners. And, we're always here for support as you go.

Be Well
I tried with all 3 scripts posted here, but an error keeps comming up: (open the spoiler)
Script 'Window_Journal' line 104: SyntaxError occurred
I am using RPG Maker VX and the only other script I'm using is a side-view battle script.
You might have not seen errors like this one...

@n = 0Â

That  shouldn't be there because it follows a number for no good reason. So delete any  you can find there.



Is there any way to turn the actual topics into buttons, though?

I know you told Colonist it's a simple script, but I could TOTALLY figure it out myself if I know just that, and how to identify the selected journal entry's ID, as that would help me find the right 'long' description, I can do the rest.

PLZ plz plz... you'd be my hero if you can just tell me heheh :P

Kudos for a great script by the way, I spent 4 HOURS today trying to work in a really nice-looking script that turned out to be only for VX... U.U (Building on XP)

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