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Super Simple Journal

The white checkmark comes with the demo. The green checkmark is up there in one of my previous posts. Just right-click -> Save image.

Can you post your Journal scripts from Your computer?
Nope, but I can post the scripts with a 2nd page implemented.

# ** Window_Journal
#  This window displays a journal.
#  Original Script - Lambchop
#  Modified 'for' loops & 'journal_height' so you only have to edit the
#  data array. - Brew
#  Moved completed items to 2nd page (L, R arrows to switch)

class Window_Journal < Window_Selectable
# ------------------------
attr_accessor :page
def initialize
   super(0, 32, 460, 330) 
   @column_max = 1
   @page = false
   self.index = 0 
### to change the windowskin for the journal
#   self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin("RMXP4life_Wood.png")

# * Draw the contents of the item window
 def refresh
   if self.contents != nil
     self.contents = nil
   # populate your journal with entries. Each entry must match its switch number!
   @page_title = []
   @page_title[1] = "Active Quests"
   @page_title[2] = "Completed Quests"
   @data = [] 
   @data[1] = "Help Man"
   @data[2] = "Kill Chicken"
   @data[3] = "Make cow eat"
   @data[4] = "Sniff the Glove"
   @data[5] = "Jump off a bridge after your friends"
   @data[6] = "Item 6"
   @data[7] = "Item 7"
   @data[8] = "Item 8"
   @data[9] = "Item 9"
   @data[10] = "Item 10"
   @data[11] = "Item 11"
   @data[12] = "Item 12"
   @data[13] = "Item 13"
   num = @data.size
   # variables
   @journal_height = (num - 2)*32   # y height of entire journal
   @n = 0                     # y coord for each entry
   @item_max = 1              # max items to display
   # draw the bitmap. the text will appear on this bitmap
   self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height+@journal_height)
   if @page == false
   # Show active items
     for i in 1..(num - 1)
       if ($game_switches[i + 100] == true) and ($game_switches[i + 200] == false)
         @item_max += 1
   # Show complete items
     for i in 1..(num - 1)
       if ($game_switches[i + 200] == true)
         @item_max += 1
# * Draw an individual item in the window
#     index : Index of the item to be drawn

 def draw_title(index)
      item = @page_title[index]
      rect = Rect.new(10, @n, 460, 32)
      self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0,0,0,0))        
      self.contents.draw_text(0, @n, 428, 32, item, 1)
      @n += 32
 def draw_item(index)
      item = @data[index]
      rect = Rect.new(10, @n, 460, 32)
      self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0,0,0,0))        
      self.contents.draw_text(10, @n, 15, 32, "â—
Im getting an error when I start the game:
NameError occurred while running the script
undefined local variable or method 'i' for #<Interpreter:0x3a1fa18>
It occurs when I pick "New Game"
I took out the jornal script and AP Script,
These are the scripts I have:
Mr.Moe's NeoABS
Rye CBS Starter Pack 0.3
Enhanced Weapons 0.5



Hey Brew, I know you advised Love to look at another post when they said they couldn't find the Window_Menu. I looked, yet I still can't figure it out.  :down: I know, I'm ashamed. And the link for the demo goes nowhere.
Ok, I updated the instructions for a new game.  (there is no Window_Menu script)

This post got destroyed by the server move. (See the 1st post)
brew! there you are.

it worked, thanks so much.

but one prob, the 'square' ain't long enough to support another item so the line above 'play time' cuts through the word 'journa;'

how can i change that? please and thanks.
brew, i have another problem.

i copied and pasted that code into the scene_menu part and everything seems fine at first, but when i playtested my game i couldn't even go into my menu section! why is this? O_O

something about line 70 having problems...

i check line 70 and the word 'update' is there... what's that supposed to mean?
Not a clue.  To even have a chance at guessing, I need to see the whole error. (either type it in, or post a screenshot of the error window.)

More than likely, something got botched with the copy / paste.

Another problem is, now I have so many different versions of this script, I don't even remember which one is yours...

If you want to post your version of the scripts (Scene_Menu, Scene_journal, Window_Journal), I can debug it for you.

Wait, I just read that again.  If you pasted my Scene_Menu in place of the default Scene_Menu, that is probably the problem.
What you needed to do was Insert a new empty script right above 'main', and add my Scene_Menu_Mods there. My version of
scene menu is not the whole script, it only adds things to the class.
To get the original / default Scene_Menu back, the easiest way is to start a new project, then copy / paste it from the
new project to your project.

So, the bottom of your scripts list should look like...

Scene_Debug              <- this is the last default script other than main
Scene_Menu_Mods      <- I called this Scene_Menu_Mods so they don't get mixed up
Scene_Map_Mods        <- If you are using the "Q" option

Let me know
Colonist540":33qkfrdj said:
How can i make the Journal Description?

If you mean, "How do I add my own quests?"
Look in the Window_Journal script for these lines...

   @data[1] = "Task 1"
   @data[2] = "Task 2"
   @data[3] = "Task 3"

and change "Task 1" to the text for your first quest

Be Well
Err...I mean like
If the player press at the journal a Description come out.Like if the player press the beer quest then it comes out the description in a new window.
Something like this:
Beer Quest:
  Go buy you Father a beer.

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