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Stargate Ring & Iris WIP RTP (PA)

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It's not, it's blue. And kip, that was just rude. >_>

Anyway, the Iris is still off, as you've still got that thick blue shading there, and (what looks like) you just added random dots. Recolor the area with the base color and try again is the best suggestion I can offer. You did make a good color choice when it came to the boarder for the Iris though, so make sure to reuse that.

Also, don't be afraid to add highlights either. That should give it a bit more depth.

EDIT: And the KAWOOSH is very good despite the front view. You did very well on that one.
Ah...It seems that my first impression of the Iris being hard to get is correct...I've tried and tried, I still can not get it. -_-

The Iris highlights I've done make it look too shiny...and as I'm studying a picture, the actual Iris is VERY texturized and kind of a dull metal.
Mm... good point. And those highlights just make it look... bad.

Ugh, I don't even know what to suggest at this point. *scratches head* I'd offer to do a sample to help you out, but I work slow, and you'd probably figure out how to do it before I would.

Try ditching the highlights and re-applying a texture and see what happens. Maybe without the thick blue lines it'll look better.
Well, I'm going to work on the stargates one by one till I fig. it out...so I've worked on the crisscross of a closed Iris..hopefully it's improved..
...O...kay....what black thing? and do you mean my iris is more grey than blue or do you mean the Iris in general is more gray than blue? Meh...if you are going to help me improve then you please have to give me more than

kip;137086 said:
To quote lex from superman: WRONG!!
now the fun beings

The Stargate center is like water http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Sg1stargatefront.jpg when the gates open it looks like this on the side http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Kawoosh_side.jpg and this the iris http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Iris_prop.jpg
make you irss more water like and more blue that purple
Yesterday 02:40 PM

kip;137086 said:
remove the black thing on the iris and its more gray than blue

otherwise I can't take what you say to help at face value...I'll just see it as a nitpick or something to ignore.
Thank you

EDIT So the crossing of the iris was revamped...here it is so far.
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... rgate2.png[/IMG]
I may remove the highlights...but hopefully tis closer to a closed iris.
Thanks Mea for the reference pic...^^
Ahh, good to see you fixed the iris. Looks pretty good, definetly one of the better attempts i've seen and are you making a stargate game or something?

Keep it up : )
That does look quite a bit better. I'd leave the light effect on the Iris when the portal is active, but take it off when the Iris is closed without the portal active. Makes a bit of sense that way.

All in all, you're doing pretty good.
@Kaos, Thanks and no its not really for me, someone requested I finish it for use in thier game. A while ago I had started out one because I am a fan of the show and I happen to like challenging projects...(And what a challenge it is turning out to be -_-)

@SKyla; Thanks... I was working off something similar to this ....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:StargateIris.jpg Upon further examination, now that you've mentioned it, I'm not sure if the lights are coming from lights surrounding it or what...hrm...*goes to dig up older episodes on file* Doing some closer research...
I'm not sure either. It looks like it's coming from lights above the StarGate, but I seem to recall some episodes where the lights were off and that glow was still there. I'm not sure; it's been ages since I've watched it. X_X;
Weeellll...I too could have sworn the same thing..(and it's been ages since I've really watched the show, or seen the movie) So I've decided if someone really wants the lighting, they can use a lighting sprite or fog layer...it is easier to add lighting for RMXP than to subtract...
That being said here is what I have ...

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... rgate6.png[/IMG]
(hopes that it is finally getting close to a final product -_-, )
Yeah, the event horizon came out fabulous. And I still love the WOOSH! XD The Iris still bugs the hell outta me though; hopefully someone better at graphics will come around and give you better advice. Still, you've progressed very far, and I hope it's been more enjoyable than frustrating for you. :P
Eh...a little of both actually ^^; I might just have to take a step away and put it on hold a bit. Sometimes doing that gives me a fresh perspective, switching gears and doing something else, I'll think of a solution in midst of a different project and come back.

Still thanks for all of you guys help, it really has helped me improve a great deal.
"And I still love the WOOSH!"

/\ The technical term is a "Kawoosh" just so you know. (Yes, I am a Stargate geek.) :thumb:

That's a pretty good job there, now all it needs is some sort of platform, like Earth has the metal walkway, or other planets have stone steps, etc.
Naaa...I'm going to leave that up to the game creator to do that...so that
1. If it is wanted it could be a floating stargate or space stargate
2. A stone platform wouldn't fit with a military complex or a metal walkway wouldn't go necessary with a back water planet I'd end up doing a whole bunch of versions to go with each setting...-_- and there are a LOT of different settings in the SG-1 and SGA universes (I'm sure ya'll already know that)

I guess you could always add one to a tileset and place it on the 2nd layer and the stairs on a 3rd layer....
Rpgbrummi;138076 said:
so now, make it 3D, its just a circle! maka a podest or sth wich it is on

Sorry, I'm...not sure..what you are saying -_-
It isn't that artistically I don't know what you are suggesting...(well...I still don't)
It is umm....what you are typing I don't understand.
He's telling you to make it 3D, Kieara. I don't know what the second line is, but it's better to ignore people that post things that aren't helpful like that.

But yes, when making a tileset to go with it, you'd need to make a platform to fit around the StarGate, and set the priority of the part that would cover the gate to 1 and make it and the tile under it impassible (that way if people try to move their characters through it, they can't, and it won't look silly to have their heads tucked under the ground). When it comes to events that require the characters to go through the 'Gate, they can set the character to THROUGH ON and ALWAYS ON TOP ON via move events.
Oh geeze -_-; I forgot to try to finish this...Hmm, I don't think I can do much about the Iris. I've tried and tried the only thing I've amended is trying to understand what rpgbrummi was trying to say so I've made it slightly"3-d" I may have to come back and work on it more,(when I've finish my current tileset project) however If someone doesn't mind it being a loooong extended WIP they can use it for their game.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... ate2-1.png[/IMG]
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