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Stargate Ring & Iris WIP RTP (PA)

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not to be negative or anything, but there are only supposed to be 7 Cheverons. 6 Coorodinates and an origin point...

Otherwise, it is looking good.
Actually I'm quite sure that there are 9, I say this because of a discussion somewhere else that the 8th is like an "area code" that can help in dialing other galaxies. There are nine, but so far it hasn't been explained yet as to why there are nine. (although I've heard rumors [we all know how rumors go so don't take it as fact] that a new show is going to expound on this ) I only know this for certain because when I first started working on it, I mistakenly made only 7. It was then pointed out to me there are 9, so I looked up this and used it as a reference in designing the stargate ^^;

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225 ... gram-1.jpg[/IMG]
@kiera: The new show's named 'Stargate Universe' (how original -.- ), and there are indeed 9 Chevrons: Six for the 3D-Location adjustment, the 7th for the current location, the 8th as an additional galaxy referer, and the 9th has an unshown usage so far... will be used in Stargate Universe, as stated before ^_^



yup, in the show, you don't see the 9th shevron since it's under the ramp. To dial an adress within 'our galaxy' you need 7 chevrons. To dial to the pegasus galaxy, to Atlantis you need 8 and the usage of the 9th will be revealed in the new show like you said already..
but back to topic i really like your gate!



My only problem is that in a few of the episodes where the gate is lying flat on the ground there are only 7 cheverons arranged in a way that leaves the bottom clear.
Take a look at the date the last post was Dark Squall...
Don't necropost!

If you wanted to thank Kiera, you could have PM'd her. If it's this old, there's probably not much useful that can be said about this...
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