Hey I think Protoss can be tactical, if you ever know how to use them.
I especially like the arbiter+carrier+scout team. That team can kill a battlecruiser armada. Ofcourse your yamato guns are useless after a few shots. Scouts are there to block ground units from attacking the arbiters/carrier by using the special ability that i forgot what it was..
If you're Zerg, just build scourges(the small flying things). each I think would do 100 damage(suicide). A scourge egg produces two so in total you get six from 3 little worms beside the hatchery. That should kill a Battlecruiser armada.
I really love the queen of the Zerg because it can spawn broodlings (chaos in the middle of the enemy army!)
Protoss against:
Battlecruiser = Arbiter (freeze!) Kill of using scouts or carrier
Ghosts=dark templars+observers
Science Vessel = Hallucination of whatever(high templar, usually with dragoons) dark archon
Wraith=observer+scout/dark archon
Defenses= Reavers
Queen(broodlings)= use your dark archon's ability(what that was but it powerful as long as its used with enemies with energy)
Ultralisk= Aerial attack!/ Archons
Mutalisk(this is seriously a cheat, two attacks in one)= Carrier, fill it!
Lurkers= Archons+observers
mass zerglings= zealots a ratio of 1:3
Infested Terran= run for your life! (hit&run tactic!)
Scourge= Dragoons+zealots(dragoons won't last long on a 1on1)
defiler(plague)= kill it with anything, it is a great threat to any base!
seige tank= very hard, if your battling with a terran you should counter this using a drak templar before your enemy get a comsat station. then counter using aerial.
Arbiters' priority: Cloak the Carriers
Carriers: Main Attack force and defend the arbiters when in danger
Scouts : block ground forces from attacking and defend the Arbiters
Weakness: detectors
A fair and balanced army Zealots take care of the ground, Scouts aerial.
The Reavers+Dragoons
(requires enough reavers to take care of medium sized armies)
Basically this tactic dominates over defenses and ultralisk/goliath/seige tank armies. Becareful, if you're enemy has spawned an army of zerglings/marines
expect this tactic toast! This is designed for enemies that love to use the known phrase "Quality over Quantity".
When battling in the middle of the Valleys
position high templars on the valleys without compromising much your attention to your main army. use psionic storm once or twice then make your hig templar evacuate. Their position is more or less been given away. If you don't remove them from the valleys, the next thing you know your high templars are dead!
Preparations when you see a nuclear silo.
Gather some probes and make some transports. Each probe must be equal to a transport. scatter them across the base. Never be to sure, its good to have some colonies across the map. Always be ready to accept that some must go and die. Don't just look at the screen in terror when the nuke strikes at an army/base, you know what you have to do (recover what was lost). You will have time to destroy the silo, the sheer power of the Protoss can pound any defense! If you just can't get through, you're dead!
Mass Zerglings (early game)
Remember, you're Zerg enemy might do this. Do the Jedi way, let your enemy take the first move. Lets say the enemy did do this, you're zealots can easily kill them but, Mass Zergling target the source of the protoss power, the basic probes. Don't let them get to your probes and kill them quick. Don't fight back yet, instead wait until you can create dark templars and some scouts. use this kind of army to strike the enemy base(don't make it look obvious! add some zealots so it looks like your main force sre your scouts. He'll get shocked a bit but he'll probably say what cheap tactic you used because overlords are detectors. The focus of your enemy now is on the overlords, hydralisk and zerglings. Start producing your carriers and arbiters. Defend against mass zerglings using high templars and zealots. His focus on the zerglings are now over and you can do what ever with your enemy. I've never been killed by zerg using this tactic, seriously. the protoss units in the early game are expensive but they do pay-off! I've only been killed by Ultralisks+Mutalisks+Queens (the queens killed my powerful ground units instantly).
I never fought anyone who used a terran against me, only Protoss and Zerg.
The Terrans for me are balanced and they will never be ver good in the extremes.
(that was long, I guess that my experience for those long years of starcraft)
Oh yeah, I think I know why blizzard is going to make the announcement in Korea. In Korea starcraft is very very popular (I know, because every time someone talks about starcraft and my korean friends here it, they're going keep talking about it!). I think a new Starcraft will be released! BTW if ever Starcraft 2 is going to come out, they did a good job at keeping their mouth shut!