Mega Flare
Awesome Bro
my ears are bleeding...
Mega Flare;287325 said:my ears are bleeding...
u probably shoudlnt have made this topic on this site though.
The Good King;287331 said:this song isnt rly good, but its no that bad either. u probably shoudlnt have made this topic on this site though.
':| @_@
I think the same way.i am a fairly big fan of certain hip-hop, but i cannot stand crunk or miami bass or rap that focuses on beats and bass rather than lyrical content. there is no purpose to this music as far as i am aware; there is no depth or artistic merit.
panda":2a31yr2h said:I'll just say this about the controversy, if you don't understand a music genre...shut the fuck up.
gman said:I disagree there's been a few stars since then, Lil Wayne, Young Jeezy, T.I. G-unit they're the best rappers out there right now...
icpfan666":2a31yr2h said:yeah. because an art based entirely around sounds is supposed to be more about lyrics, and a message, than the actual sound being produced.
Cruelty;287459 said:so if music isn't focused entirely around the lyrics, they don't need to even be saying anything at all? sure. that's a great argument.
Just to be a prick...PeteD2S;287384 said:My definition of music is poetry with sounds. If "Crank that" or whatever it is called, is poetry then I don't exist. If he wants to do a club music, he shouldn't have those lyrics in his song. It's noise, ruins the beat.
sixtyandaquarter;287575 said:Just to be a prick...
So, like, if I sit here and play Apocalyptica thats not music? Cause, you know, I don't see any poetry there. No lyrics. Well, the only songs I have with lyrics have all been covers, so obviously I'm not talking about those.
Music is expression.
If the expression is about the feel, then lyrics have nothing to do with it. Clearly the expression is about the feel. The dance, the bounce, the hook. That's all that is meant to be expressed, the other things are just filler to get that feel out there.
And yet the only place I've heard this song is when I opened it on this thread... Am I that removed from high school so many years back that I'm now "old" enough to say words like "hip" and "phat" out of context and believe I'm both "hip" and "phat" and "jiggy with it". Should I start pulling my pants up above my navel and grow ear hairs because I'm so far removed from what apparently is a popular teeniebopper swing?
I have the strange feeling threw paranoia that my earlier posts were taken out of context, or were merely displayed by me in a wrongful light. If I wasn't clear I'm jabbing at the idea of a genre being killed by a subgenre or popular group/song/motif of the mome.
Andy6000;287598 said:God this topic sucks. Learn to debate.
Actually, fuck, I should just make a rule against musical debate, since it apparently all drags everyone down. Oh and don't forget that someone felt the need to fucking drag in the assinine 'YOU JUST DON'T LIKE IT CAUSE YOU'RE WHITE' as well. This is a fucking failure of a topic.
Oh and my personal thoughts on the song? Garbage. Pure fucking garbage. The whole thing just pisses me off. Do I have a huge explanation of why? No. Do I respect people that go out to clubs, get high, and dance to this? No.
Cruelty;287994 said:OH U
The problem there is that music brings difference of opinion. difference of opinion brings debate. you might as well just put a stop to music discussion as a whole if you want the music debates to stop. Its pretty impossible to have an intelligent music discussion where everyone just gets along, unless everyone has the same exact music taste.