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Soooo...Wanna bring back RolePlaying?

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No, I'm not asking for the subforum back, nor am I going to advertise some crappy website on it. I'm just kind of sad that Roleplaying in it's entirety died here.

Seeing as I'm imaginationally(sp?) stupid, I'm wondering if anyone else wants to help come up with a new, good roleplay that will start this thing back up.

So get the imaginations rolling and post some ideas!



role play: mawk quest 2009

students are walking down the subway when they realize they have developed strange powers....now they must used the skills they have gained to face a new shadowy foe (more when I figure this out XD) and overcome their own erspnonal struggles if they have any hope of survival!

fill out this characterform

name: your name XD
age: ummmm how old are you (is you're mysterious just put "???")
hair: what is your hair like
eyes: what are your eyes like (do they glow red when you're angry)
lothes: you have to wear soething!
power: choose an elemrnt from the list (only one): fire darkness earth wind thunder holy shadow light water ice wind plant metal bird machine lightning
weapon: what doi you use to fight (besdies your powers I mean XD)



psiclone":eu4iwyyy said:
We can 'pretend' that I rape your land and destroy your women. That sounds like fun! :)


Isn't that a line out of an Iron Maiden Song?

mawk":eu4iwyyy said:
internet roleplays are never good

honestly seeing what used to come out of that subforum I'm glad it's died here

I gotta say that some stuff out of there was pretty Godawful. We did have a few successful ones, though. Des's Sandfall RP and that other one was pretty good.
name: Psiclone
age: 29
hair: Short, dark brown
eyes: Dark red glow
lothes: Jeans & black t-shirt
power: Lightning
weapon: Bo staff



RPing can definitely work...but you've got to generate interest and make it interesting ;/ Last time I saw someone try to start up an RP thread here it was like

Name: Asteroth
Age: 12

so thr's thses 2 lands at war and 1 is a casle and 1 is liek japn and u pik wich1 u wanna join
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