Screw a topic, we'd need a book.Luminier":3eqquu5h said:Can we get a whole topic filled with stories about Sixty when he was drunk/high? It sounds like a great idea. There's only so many stories you can get out of him in a topic like this.

Screw a topic, we'd need a book.Luminier":3eqquu5h said:Can we get a whole topic filled with stories about Sixty when he was drunk/high? It sounds like a great idea. There's only so many stories you can get out of him in a topic like this.
gratheo":1hd4zilx said:Ouch... I doubt that it was attempted arson, though. I mean, if it were me, I'd turn on the gas in the oven and light a candle as far away as possible, making sure to seal and close all windows and doors. The fire and explosion would burn away most traces of my being there, and I'd eliminate the rest. Hot dogs don't make the greatest tools.
Or I'd just kill the guy in his sleep. Nothing fancy.
...Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Well then, why not just turn on the gas and let them suffocate in their sleep? It's a viable murder method. And also easily pinned as an accident.iceplosion":1pbnw5lm said:Too much evidence, using the hot dog thing police wouldn't even look for a murderer they'd just call it an accident (not to mention it's practically impossible to search for evidence after a fire, most of the useful stuff is gone)
gratheo":2jzf400j said:Well then, why not just turn on the gas and let them suffocate in their sleep? It's a viable murder method. And also easily pinned as an accident.iceplosion":2jzf400j said:Too much evidence, using the hot dog thing police wouldn't even look for a murderer they'd just call it an accident (not to mention it's practically impossible to search for evidence after a fire, most of the useful stuff is gone)
Clizzz":2apzfz90 said:XD, Teh Worldz iz endins 11!!!!!11 Syphonmax and Luminier's assassin decided to stop by some random 7-11 and pick some hard lemonade ... got drunk and bumbled up to his targets apartment. While en route, he ran into Venetia sneaking into the apartment ... sparring ensued and Venetia emerged victorious ... She snuck in and set things up, so she could forcefully take over and Have Sixty all to herself in their little PRIVATE forum topics ... oh, not to mention empower women in teh interwebs xD
Clizzz":2oy4r0go said:XD, Teh Worldz iz endins 11!!!!!11 Syphonmax and Luminier's assassin decided to stop by some random 7-11 and pick some hard lemonade ... got drunk and bumbled up to his targets apartment. While en route, he ran into Venetia sneaking into the apartment ... sparring ensued and Venetia emerged victorious ... She snuck in and set things up, so she could forcefully take over and Have Sixty all to herself in their little PRIVATE forum topics ... oh, not to mention empower women in teh interwebs xD
I'm no murderer! I'd never go through on any of my plans! I mean... what? I don't know what you're talking about.Clizzz":1ga8a0tc said:Offtopic: You guys all sound like murderous schemers, :tongue: Especially Gratheo ... Him and his silent kill tactics ... just another starving artist, my foot ... more like another starving murderer ... ROFL