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[SIGN-UP] The Pandemic

Venetia":2aytym0b said:
Sorry hon ... No offense, but I kind of need everyone in the RP to display a modicum of spelling effort and grammar skills. Really not trying to be a jerk or anything, but if your contributions to the RP sound like your description, no one will be able to understand what's going on.

They won't i can be sure of that



Name: Ignacio Hernández.
Age: 21.
Sex: Male.
Nationality: Argentinian, Spanish parents.
Body build: Skinny, but has a bit of muscles.
Skin color: Medium, nor white or black.
Hair color: Black.
Profession: Ignacio is a Physician. He currently works in the Harbor (George Kowalski's Apprentice).
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: He is good at throwing stuff.
Proficient in handguns?: He is quiet good with it due to street fights in Buenos Aires when he was a teenager.
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: He can only hit something with them, weakly.
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: No.
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): Speaks both Spanish and English. He also understands a bit Polish.
Handicaps?: His left hand is weak, causing him to drop things without wanting to.
Immune to bloodborne?: Yes.
Starting point?: Harbor, arrives with Grzegorz.
Ignacio lived with his 3 sisters in Buenos Aires, in the early 40's. He was member of a well known Ing.Maschwitz's gang called "La 12".
His father, being the co-founder of the gang, died in 1941 in a bar fight with some Italians form a town called Ortense that were in Buenos Aires buying some lands for corn. After his father's death, Ignacio started to rank up in the gang and started to investigate about the murderers. 2 years passed until he found out that one of the killers was callad Matterazzi. Ignacio learns that he was an Italian business man from a town near Ortenese, Italy. After this, he decides to travel to that town to find about this guy.
Around March 1943, Ignacio found out that a ship was sailing to Europe with soldiers and doctors to help in the war. In the ship, he learns the Physician profession and how to shoot handguns.
He arrives to Italy in 1944, where he meets George. They both travel by boat to Ortenese.



Yup, random characters seemed kinda pointless so i though to mix 'em up.
hint: this Matterazzi guy knows Mancini. Somewhere in the story i'll make that character ( if someone wants to, go ahead). he'll arrive to the city and will mess with ignacio and maybe get zombied up .
Name: Frederick Jones
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Nationality: Britain
Body build: Like an average man ( Not fat, not slim )
Skin color: White
Hair color: Black
Profession: Butcher
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Very well ( He's a butcher, so yeah :P )
Proficient in handguns?: No, afraid of guns
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: No.
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: No
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): English, Italian
Handicaps?: Limping due to some injuries
Immune to bloodborne?: Nope
Starting point?:
Backstory: An amateur, unprofessional businessman. His father is a well known founder of a huge company, and Frederick wants to be like his father. To start his career, he went on a business trip to Italy when he was 27 years old. Due to drastic failure, he went bankrupt. He planned to leave Italy because of his bankruptcy, but he is afraid of his father's disappointment and did not dare to ask him for the money for the return trip. So he had to find a way to earn some money to go pay his own trip. However, the city's rent is too expensive, so they found this small place called "Ortense" and settled there as a butcher.

As he worked there and got to know the folks there, he made friends with many people. After a few years, he had enough money to cover the trip's expenses and more, the Nazis occupied Italy, and Frederick could not leave Ortense to visit his parents, so he had a prolonged stay, wishing to leave as soon as WWII ended.

But before that happened, the Pandemic came...
Name: Bill Ralphs
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: American-Italian
Body build: Slim
Skin color: Little bit tanned
Hair color: Black
Profession: Student
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Yes
Proficient in handguns?: No
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: No
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: Can set up good explosive traps
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): English and Italian
Handicaps?: Right eye isn't working properly because of an accident in his childhood
Immune to bloodborne?: Yes
Starting point?:
Backstory: Bill was an average student in high school before Hydra took over, being the son of two wealthy parents. He is sort of a stubborn guy. He was born in Italy with American parents, who had it difficult to learn Italian. He was bullied in high school because of that. One time a kid punched him in the eye, making that eye almost useless.

He didn't bother joining any side in war mainly because he was scared of death.
But now, because the Pandemic has arrived, he will have to work with people to survive, while death is just around the corner...
@Nachos: Looks good. You'll have to work out how to work in your character with a guy who's already semi-started though.

@Chillaxer: Looking good! I would prefer if you started out, holed up in one of the small shops near the Harbor. Perhaps your own business?

@Mining Gast: Your balance seems decent. You pass. You can start in one of the shops near where Chillaxer is beginning. It is up to you if you both know each other already.

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