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[SIGN-UP] The Pandemic

Your character looks good. With only a dictionary to get you over the language barrier though remember that it takes a hell of a long time to look up anything in those things.
(i.e. you cannot instantly decipher Italian. You have to take time and care to do so).

Also for the people who are starting in the same starting points: If you are very near each other, you are already aware of the people in your same location, though you can decide whether or not you have met formally. Please be sure to be aware of who you are near to include them in your scenes.

i.e. All people in the Russo villa know already of the other people in the Russo villa.
But in big places like the hospital, you have to be in the same room or general vicinity (people in the supply room don't know of people on the roof).
Name: Edgar Lopez
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Nationality: Mexican
Body build: Average Build
Skin color: Tanned
Hair color: Ginger
Profession: Pimp
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Yes
Proficient in handguns?: kinda by that i mean he knows how to point it and shoot
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: same as handgun
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: no
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): Mexican and english
Handicaps?: 3 broken ribs (explained in the back story)
Immune to bloodborne?: No
Starting point?: Hospital, outside the store cupboard
Back stroy to start off i thought i would mension he has a Carving knife in his left poket. Anyway Edgar used to be a highly respected and feared hitman. Nobody knew his name so they just called him "The silent death" because you could never hear the knife cutting into his victim. People call him he killes that person you want dead type of buisnes Back Then he was called miguel with long brown hair being very good at free running (for quick escapes). He mainly uses Homemade knives that he throwes at his target he wore gloves so nobody can get his fingerprint.
But one dayhe was asked to kill a mafia godfather, Miguel (or Edgar as he is called now) knew it was very risky from the start because if he makes one mistake he knows that the police force may find out who he is and he could be exicuted.
On the day of the contract he had to kill him at 7:00 AM and of all the things to go wrong his alarm didn't go off and he woke up 7:30 AM so he had to Make a bad the parking lot where the godfather was and threw a knife strait at his heart killing him instantly but he forgot to wear a glove so the whole of the mexican police for knew who he was because they had his fingerprints on file from when he stole a load of plate fom a shop and was caught.

Almost Immediatly aware of what happned he moved to italy to escape cut his hair died it ginger, canged his name to Edgar Lopez Became a pimp to compleatly hide the fact that he used to be a Knife weilding hitman maniac. He also tried to raise his phisique by spending time in the gym but tried to lift too much and dropped it all on his chest! he then went to to the hostpital to see what could be done about it he had an apiontment in a an hour so decided to go to the store cupboard to Steal a few things to make shivs with as a hobby.(By that i mean just like Chim can bombs Edgar Can make Knives out of everyday items)
Captain Mexican if you're trying to make a serious sheet then I'll need you to provide a background and also you cannot be proficient in rifles with that profession.
Changed. The character has seen a lot in war and suffers from survivors guilt and what would be called PTSD nowadays. He can not switch off the soldier under fire mentality and does not cope with normal social situations well. He is also very stern from both special forces discipline and his upbringing and is further butressed by typical rural British prejudices (anti-catholic [won't get along with the local I-talians very well], General disregard for non white/western european people's)
Ok, as of the beginning, the following are approved. If you have edits, make them.


(*) = You have minor edits. You must edit your character per Venetia's posts here to begin.


Aryana Hospital-Roof Knows of no survivors
Alex Hosptital-Patient Rooms-F1 Knows of no survivors
Jonathan(*) Russo Villa Arturo
Robert Harbor-Houseboat Dag
Sean Russo Villa-Outskirts Knows of no survivors
Byron Hospital-Supply Rm-F2 Chim
Dag Harbor-Houseboat Robert
Arturo Russo Villa Jonathan
Elvin Hospital-Entrance Knows of no survivors
Durante Russo Villa-Outhouse Knows of no survivors
Chim Hospital-Supply Rm-F2 Byron

Posting RP thread now.
I would imagine that byron is in the supply closet. I forgot to mention that Chim was just outside the room so byron and Chim would not know about each other and assume the other was a zombie. Also would it be alright if I add to my chara that he gains an "intuiton" when he drinks the zombie water that tells him that a zombie is nearby?
You can have your character do that, sure.
Also I kind of made it so the supplies were stored in a room more than a closet. If you want to be holed up in a closet and you meet Byron in your first post that's fine too.



soz =)

I didn't really know about the blood born thing. I knew that if you were handicapped you were automatically immune, but I was also a soldier, you were automatically susceptible to Hydra. I guess the bullet wound will heal eventually so I'll just not count it.

Also, it sucks, but the weather forecasts a pretty freaking large blizzard coming my way, and if it lives up to the expectations, it's going to knock out electricity and most travel for a few days. It's predicted to hit Sunday night, so I might not be posting for a while from then. I'd rather not become a zombie, so in case the above happens, I give permission to any volunteers to control Jonathan.
It's alright, it takes a few weeks to be assimilated and we assume you're not coming back. I know shit goes down sometimes. Thanks for the heads up :)



Further crap that I have to fix:

Captain Murphy - I didn't say Jonathan was in the marines, did I? Unless I'm a douche and the term G.I. doesn't encompass the army :huh:. Also, I had a different backstory that I scrapped involving Jonathan being specially trained as a sniper, and that his training didn't include explosives. I just forgot to change it. Thanks for the reminder.

Glitch - Since Arturo is aware of Jonathan, I'll have to change my backstory. You can go ahead and post and I'll change my bio to include you.
Venetia":2ube1q6a said:
Captain Mexican if you're trying to make a serious sheet then I'll need you to provide a background and also you cannot be proficient in rifles with that profession.

I'm sorry about that i was in a hurry and thought i could just cange it later and nobady would notice
i've changed it now it's on page 1
Name: Grzegorz Kowalski (George Smith)
Age: late forties
Sex: Male
Nationality: Polish
Body build: Beer Belly
Skin color: White
Hair color: Brown
Profession: Ship's Physician
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Yes, his cane
Proficient in handguns?: Yes, most common ailment in his office is gunshot wound
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: No
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: Yes
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): Polish, Russian, Some German
Handicaps?: Had his leg blown off by debris in a sailing accident; Agoraphobia
Immune to bloodborne?: Yes
Starting point?: Docks
George is a former ship's physician, who tended to crewman aboard the common trade routes between Gdansk and the Russian Kalingrad District. Long months spent in cramped ships have left him with a serious fear of open spaces. George has a hatred for Nazis, after they kidnapped and killed his young son - mistaking the boy for a similar looking Jew. Soon afterwards, a tragic accident (or not?) occurs when a ship aboard which George was serving got struck by a Nazi torpedo. George, who was at that time sleeping in his bunk in the medical office (which was situated in the most resilient part of the ship - for obvious reasons) was the only one to survive. His wife dies aboard. Though he survived George is left a husk of his former self and his right leg is ripped to shreds as the ironclad is shattered by the high explosive. Now he is left to hobble with a cane on land, but years on the sea have left him proficient in sailing ships, and fearless on the water.

After hearing rumors that the plague originated in Ortense, George - eager to screw with the Nazi bastards that ruined his life - travels by boat to the city. He has recently arrived at the docks on board his small dinghy, and is ready to help the affected.
Captain Mexican":38hh3by5 said:
I'm sorry about that i was in a hurry and thought i could just cange it later and nobady would notice
i've changed it now it's on page 1
Sorry hon ... No offense, but I kind of need everyone in the RP to display a modicum of spelling effort and grammar skills. Really not trying to be a jerk or anything, but if your contributions to the RP sound like your description, no one will be able to understand what's going on.

Velocir: (I approve them here.)
Yay, a physician.
Since you're starting on the docks, I'm going to have you just arriving at the harbor right after Dadev or Bacon make a post regarding their characters leaving the docs. So don't post before that. Should be happening soon.
You can use grenades.
Other than that, you're approved.
JSYK, as a physician, if you encounter someone infected with the bloodborne strain within 15 minutes of being bitten, you can drain the wound (ala a snake bite, by either sucking it out or siphoning it with your doctor's suction) and save them.

You can't use rifles at all, though, even crudely.

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