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[SIGN-UP] The Pandemic

(Had the game already started? No problem. You can join any time. Just post your character sheet here so Venetia can verify it.)

a story of surviving the WWII Zombie Apocalypse


It is July 15th, 1944.

In the United States, a scrappy and polio-ridden Franklin Roosevelt is quickly edging out the competition in his electoral race for President against Thomas Dewey. Ever-witty Winston Churchill remains Prime Minister of England, while Hideki Tojo, Prime Minister of Japan, is seriously contemplating his withdrawal from office. Fascist Benito Mussolini is ailing, yet subserviently heading the Nazi-mandated Italian Social Republic. Europe is war-torn by WWII. The streets of cities such as Warsaw and Paris are deserted except for the constant droning boom of exploding shells. The water runs red, the skies loom grey, and Hitler seems all too adroit at dodging assassination attempts.
Meanwhile, in an [obviously fictional] Italian city named Ortense (pronounced "Or-ten-seh") …

A little girl named Maria carries a warped water jug to a babbling river, which runs alongside her family's mill. The entire city had been cleared of jews by the occupying nazis several years ago, but her family had successfully hidden away two of them: a young couple originally from Poland. Maria had to visit the brook several times a day to fetch water for her family and their guests, as most passersby or onlookers would not question why a quiet girl of eight was meandering to and fro incessantly. As she stoops down to scoop up her quarry, she notices a strange huddle of people and carriages at some distance upstream. She could not read yet, but it's easy to identify the emblems emblazoned on the sides of the coaches: swastikas. Whatever the fascismo were doing was happening at the source from which most of Ortense drew its drinking water.

However, being an eight year old girl, Maria takes little time to question the light, strange odor emanating from the water, and returns to her home to share the jug amongst her thirsty family.

The next day, all five Italians and the two Jews awake with a terrible illness. Their skin has gone pallid and sticky, their throats are dry, their eyes, bloodshot. Simply moving about is a chore. They soon find that most of Ortense is feeling very much the same way. Infants and the infirm begin dying as early as that very evening. The Polish jews staying in Maria's home, worried about their remaining time, send a letter filled with kisses and farewells off to their family in Greece. Four days later, three-quarters of Ortense have passed away.

The plague spreads. It begins with the jews' letter in Greece. The grief-addled family hugs the letter to their chests to breathe in the sentiment. A week later, after touching and speaking to many, they are gone. It spreads out in a web fashion, afflicting any and all who come in contact with the diseased, or their corpses. People worldwide begin donning surgical masks in a futile attempt at staving off the killer disease. The war screeches to a halt, as many of the companies and their leaders begin to fall. And something is wrong with those who die: They don't remain dead. They rise again, with a primal urge for bloodlust unlike any has seen. Those who are immune often fall prey to those who were not. As people travel, so does the plague. As people try to flee, the plague follows them on the wind. It spreads like wildfire.

After three months, the world has fallen to its knees. The plague is given many names, but to most, it is called Hydra. The killer with many heads.


- After getting sick, a healthy adult can die within 2-3 days. Children and the infirm take significantly less.

- After dying of Hydra, it takes approx. 4 hours to become a zombie.

- Symptoms of the sickness include: pallid/clammy skin, visible vericose veins in face, bloodshot eyes, lethargy, coughing up blood, vomiting in general, diarrhea.

- Hydra zombies' abilities degrade with time. At first they can run/jump/etc. But as time wears on they become less and less able to get around, until they slow to a shamble.

- Hydra zombies are more interested in killing you than eating you. They will eat anything, from animals to paper to people. Whatever is organic and they can bite down on. They also eat each other if they are hungry enough. They will fight each other for a meal, too.

- You can make up as many nicknames as you want for Hydra.

- The Hydra strain does not affect anything but humans, monkies, and apes. Occasionally dogs, horses, and cats may become more violent/ferocious when infected, but it is not common.

- There are 2 Hydra strains: One is airborne, and one is carried by blood/saliva. If you are in the RP you are automatically immune to the airborne pathogen. You make the choice as to whether or not you're susceptible to the bloodborne one. Read at the bottom where you make stats.

- Hydra zombies can smell the plague on you. Their eyesight is poor but they will flock to noise. If you're not infected, and one smells you, or is hungry, look out.

- You "kill" a zombie (i.e. making it inert) by severing their brainstem or destroying their brain. All other actions will only stun/immobilize them.


Begin by starting off in one of the following places (map to follow later):

- You are holed up inside of a villa formerly belonging to the Russo family. It is a rural dairy farm on the outskirts of town. The Russo family had turned, but are now all dead and inert in the corner.

- You're inside of the Ortense General Hospital.

- You are stuck at the harbor, shacked up in one of the dilapidated houseboats.

UPDATE 2-26-10: If you're now new to the game, post your character sheet with a blank space for your starting point, and Venetia will make one for you based on the story.

In all 3 situations, your immediate vicinity is surrounded by zombies, but they are not aware of you yet.

Your character can be native Ortensian or from any country you wish. The language barriers are up to you. It has to make sense as to why your race would be in 1944 rural Italy, however. And it can't be any made-up shit.

You cannot leave Ortense. All other cities around are far more infested with zombies, and the seas are treacherous. Your goal is to survive in this Italian village.

If you are speaking in a language other than English, write brackets of what language before the speech. (i.e. [IN ITALIAN:]"Hello I'm Italian.") If your character can't understand certain languages then you must demonstrate that.

You are not Rambo. It is 1944 in a mostly unoccupied village. There are not many guns around, and if you find any, they are shoddy German hand-me-downs to the Fascismo, and will likely jam or will probably be out of ammunition. You can get lucky sometimes but don't run with it.

If you don't participate within a few weeks, you will be automatically assumed by the horde.

If your character dies, you have to make a new one. It's possible for your new character to run into a zombie version of your old one.


You can be anything you want that would make sense in 1944 WWII rural Italy. You can be a roaming soldier, or a native farmer, a fascismo, a wanderer from other lands, etc.

If you are a soldier, polizia, or someone good with weapons, you are not allowed to be immune to bloodborne Hydra.

If you're non-trained in combat, you are allowed to be immune to bloodborne Hydra, but you cannot operate rifles without being taught in-game by a soldier, polizia, etc.

If you're a woman, you cannot be proficient in swinging blunt objects.

If you are a physician, you are automatically immune to everything. You can also save a bloodborne-infected person within 15 minutes of infection. You cannot wield any gun larger than a handgun.

If you give yourself a handicap, such as being elderly, or a broken leg, etc., you are automatically immune to everything, and can use any weapon proficiently. (It's assumed you have to be proficient to have survived this long with a handicap).

Your character cannot be under the age of 17 or over the age of 65.

If you're a native Italian, please god have an Italian name. Etcetera.

If you're not proficient in something you can still use it. You just will have a harder time with it, or consequences.

You can control other characters in a limited way. You cannot kill other player-characters but you can put them in harm's way or have them do simple actions or dialogues. Consult them in the OOC thread for agreements on these matters. Be mindful of their skills and limitations.

You can kill another player-character with yours only if you consult that player first in OOC and you both agree.

If your character only speaks one language, they are automatically good at using grenades. ONLY these characters and soldiers can effectively use grenades. This is for balance.



The formerly militarized zones means that there may or may not be caches of weapons or ammunition in those places. You should also note that these and government buildings are the most dangerous areas as you're more likely to run into a soldier zombie (the most aggressive and the strongest zombies).
Farmlands are full of high grasses and weeds by now, so while it is a good hiding spot for you, it's a good one for zombies, too.
The ugly-drawn unfilled private business there in the center-north is a hostel. I forgot to label it.


On the map, you will notice a hexagonal-shaped house.
This will now be referred to as Cappella di'Esagono, or Hexagon Chapel.

(yes i stole and edited the map off something i found on google)
Fill this out (copy/paste. Be sure to read all rules and limitations):

Body build:
Skin color:
Hair color:
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?:
Proficient in handguns?:
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?:
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?:
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3):
Immune to bloodborne?:
Starting point?:
Name: Aryana Mancini
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Nationality: Native Ortensian
Body build: Thin
Skin color: Olive
Hair color: Black
Profession: Daughter of rich man
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: No
Proficient in handguns?: Yes
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: No
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: No
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): Italian & English
Handicaps?: None
Immune to bloodborne?: Yes
Starting point?: Ortense General Hospital, roof
Aryana is a meek and delicate daughter of a businessman originally from Ortense, but who'd made a fortune buying cheap olive oil, tin, and knickknacks in Italy and selling them for outrageous prices in the U.S. As a child, after her father had amassed some wealth, Aryana's family was moved to Rome. She learned fluent English from her family's frequent business trips to America, and how to operate a handgun by her uncle, a handgun enthusiast.

After the plague broke out, her entire family and wait staff perished. She fled Rome in a broken-down Ford, deciding to return to the city of her childhood. The jalopy died just outside the Ortense General Hospital. She managed to flee to the roof, but is shaken, and hiding near a ventiliation duct.

She was bitten once on the arm but it is not serious. She is not sure if she is infected. She has a well-oiled Luger on her with 14 bullets, which she was trained in using by her father.
Name: Alex Morgans
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Body build: Tall and skinny. Can run fast. Most everything else moderate
Skin color: Pale, almost "hydra" like. Bad complexion, freckles, and lots of remnants from when he was a teenager and had acne.
Hair color: Dirty blond
Profession: Photographer
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Not much.
Proficient in handguns?: Other than hand-eye coordination, Nil
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: Nil
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: Nil
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): English and German
Handicaps?: Tip of the left pinky gone from an accident long ago, half-blind without glasses.
Immune to bloodborne?: Half immune- serious incidents can turn him, and weak attacks might make it seem like he is about to die, but he most likely won't. However, his sickness will attract zombies to him
Starting point?: Hospital, patient rooms/near basement
A young and aspiring photographer from America who had been making a living in New York, he'd hated the World War and the blatant propaganda that was shown. Rather than try to make propaganda, he'd wanted to take pictures of the suffering from both sides, and thus went to Europe with a fair amount of money from his parents. He's adept at using his photography, and usually carries around a large backpack with all of his equipment, including three cameras.
When the Hydra broke out, he was traversing the country side at the time, meeting people and asking them about the war. A infected family attacked him, although his right arm was mildly yet not dangerously scarred, and he's worried he's getting infected. Getting sick, he rushes to the hospital nearby...



Name: CPL. Jonathan Dempsy
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Nationality: American|Georgia
Body build: Muscular
Skin color: Tanned
Hair color: Light Brown
Profession: US Army Rifleman
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Trained to use a bayonet
Proficient in handguns?: Colt .45 M1911, Walther P38
Proficient in rifles?: M1A1 Carbine
Proficient in grenades/explosives?: MKII Fragmentation Grenades, M37 Satchel Charges
Spoken languages: English, German*, Dutch*
Handicaps?: A bullet wound in the left leg
Immune to bloodborne?: No
Starting point?: Russo Villa, Backyard
John Dempsy was born into a wealthy family living in the heart of Atlanta. Though his life was considered luxurious by most people at that time, Jonathan disliked the bore of business and economics. In his teen years he found his escape: danger. John started behaving in a reckless way in order to get a thrill. He even went as far as to break into a neighbor's house.

The danger of war vastly appealed to John, and he quickly enlisted into the army. John did not go disappointed; he had many near-death experiences during the Italian campaign. However, his enjoyment came to a tragic end during a skirmish in a town a mile off the southern coast. John had taken a bullet in the leg, and he could do nothing as the rest of his unit was mowed down by MG fire. Knowing he would soon be found by the enemy, John crawled towards the treeline to the south.

John was lost for two days in Italian woods before he found a small village he remembered being identified on a map as Ortense. He knew that must have meant he was near the coast. He didn't know much about the town, but he was quite sure there was some Allied soldiers there that could help him.

"I'm sure the townsfolk will be able to tell me something..." He said to himself, and he started towards the villa.

Extra Information: John lost his rifle in the skirmish mentioned above. He still has his .45 and an M3 Combat Knife.
I edit this way too much =(
Friggin' Americans! Let's see some other nationalities D:<

Name: Robert Moore
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Nationality: Australian
Body build: Moderate
Skin color: Tanned
Hair color: Dark brown
Profession: Auto mechanic/soldier
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Yes
Proficient in handguns?: Yes
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: Yes
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: Yes
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): Only English
Handicaps?: Two weeks prior a piece of shrapnel cut his left eye, and a result he has no vision in that eye. The shrapnel also left a deep gash in his left shoulder that hasn't been very well treated yet, so that arm is more or less useless unless it is properly treated.
Immune to bloodborne?: No
Starting point?: Dilapidated houseboat
Backstory: Robert was born in 1922 and raised on a wheat farm in rural Queensland, Australia. When he was 17 he and his 20 year old brother Charles opened an automobile repair shop in the city of Rockhampton. In 1939 at the age of 19 he and his brother enlisted in the Australian Army and a few months later was sent to France to fight Axis forces. His brother was taken prisoner in 1940 near the Belgium border, and Robert never saw him again. The loss of his brother devastated Robert to the point where he no longer had the will to fight any longer without him.

Luckily, Robert managed to escape to Vichy just as Nazi Germany took over the whole of northern France. He remained stationed in Vichy until 1943, when the Allies began the invasion of Sicily and Italy. Robert fought alongside Canadian, British and American troops in southern Italy, and eventually in 1944 made his way to rural Italy near Naples. He was stationed there to aid in the repair of tanks and weapons because of his auto repair experience. He was sent to Ortense to get supplies and more tools from the mechanics at the harbor there when the pandemic went into full force. After being attacked by the infected, he hid in one of the houseboats, taking shelter from the zombies on shore. He did not have any weapons with him at the time and as far as he knows, he's alone in the boat.
Name: Sargent Sean Kensington
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Nationality: British
Skin Color: Caucasian
Profession: SAS Commando, Air Troop
Proficient in swinging objects?: Yes Hand to hand and rifle butt
Proficient in handguns?: Yes
Proficient in rifles: Yes. Can operate a BAR and Light MG's
Proficient in grenades/explosives: Yes. Knows how to set mines and satchel charges.
Handicaps: PTSD and Survivor's Guilt has made Sean a real downer and is rather roughnecked socially. Despite his moral torpitude he has taken to drowning his sorrows with the creature and smokes regularly.
Immune to bloodborne: God no.
Starting point: Russo Villa, outskirts
Back story: Hails from a small town named Milby in rural English Midlands. His father was the Parson of a local church and raised Sean under his rather strict moral convictions and stern handling. Sean was driven, and when war came in 1939 he enlisted in the volunteer corps and earned commendations for his hard work and enthusiasm. His service record in North Africa led to his selection into the SAS in 1942. In 1944 his unit was dropped in Monte Cassino on a mission of general sabotage and harassment of enemy forces while the allies made their way to Rome. Since then his unit has been based outside of Rome after Italy's surrender, which was swiftly followed by the outbreak of the Hydra plague.

Sean's unit was dispatched to Ortense to find noted specialist on infectious disease and blood borne pathogens Dr. Vincenzo Pizarro. While enroute Sean's unit was ambushed by a horde of infected and Sean was separated from his unit.

Spooky, the marines would've landed you in the Pacific Theater. Also you are a CPL. in the Army and you don't know how to throw a grenade???
Okie doke yay! I'll start this bitch off tomorrow.
JSYK, my character is kind of a story pusher. I'm kind of a dungeon master in a way. Mary is fairly weak with the purpose of you all protecting her in the pursuit of furthering the story. The actions my character takes should shape the plot that your characters should loosely adhere to. I'm not going to be strenuous with guiding you but pay attention to the directions I take because I'll be describing the state of the city.

I have some edits to your characters:

- Daxisheart, your having the disease on you in a small amount would actually make the zombies LESS agitated toward you. They can smell when someone doesn't have Hydra and become incensed towards them. Your half-immunity is actually a pretty good strength! They won't ignore you but they won't be as aggressive.

- Spooky, you are automatically proficient in grenades as a G.I. You are also automatically not immune to bloodborne (so write "no" there :D)
- Spooky, at the beginning of the Russo Villa area, the inhabitants of the villa are inert. Everyone starts out with the zombies not being alerted to you yet. So you can start in the villa and even be the one to have made the Russo family inert, but when you start, it's a clean slate. --Well if no one else starts in the Russo villa then I guess it's not a big deal if you start on a cliffhanger.

- Dadev your character looks good except you need a somewhat stronger handicap to be proficient in grenades (it's a very powerful proficiency).

- Soph your starting point is not one of the acceptable 3 starting points. You're also crazy strong so you're going to need a handicap of some sort. That can be such things as being unlikeable, or being very attractive to the horde, or you're particularly unlucky, etc.



I wanna play. Yo.

Name: Byron Reginald Nobleson
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Nationality: England
Body build: Heavy Set, Weak
Skin color: White
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Profession: Private Investigator
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Yes
Proficient in handguns?: Yes
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: Not at all
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: Nope.
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): English, Italian, German
Handicaps?: Slow Runner, Extreme Fear (will throw others under a bus to save himself, etc)
Immune to bloodborne?: Yes
Starting point?: Hospital, supply closet
Backstory: Byron was working on finding the whereabouts of a young Italian woman who suddenly stopped sending letters to her family in England. Byron followed the woman's trail to Ortense, where he discovered a great deal of people were dying. He found the woman dead in the hospital, and decided to get some tests done while he was there to be sure he wasn't infected with whatever was killing the other people. Byron seemed okay, but before he could leave, talk of the dead coming to life frightened him into a closet, where he remained hidden for a short while.

(is that okay?)
Name: Dag Jørgensen
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Nationality: Norwegian
Body build: Lean
Skin color: White
Hair color: Blonde
Profession: Pastry Chef
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: No
Proficient in handguns?: No
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: No
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: Yes
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): Nynorsk
Handicaps?: Cannot swim, Hemophilia A
Immune to bloodborne?: Yes
Starting point?: You are stuck at the harbor, shacked up in one of the dilapidated houseboats. D:

Since the age of 14, Dag has been studying the ways of becoming a great pastry chef and was his dream of moving out of his small, yet urban abode where he lived with his parents to somewhere more peaceful and rural. His father worked at the local mill and his mother stayed at home, cleaning. He had 2 younger brothers and an older sister as well. His family has always been somewhat poor, and they scraped for food and money. Dag has always been jealous of his younger siblings, and felt like he had to fight for attention with his already busy parents. At the age of 24, he finally raised enough money to pursue his dream to become a great pastry chef and make enough money to afford rich and shiny things for his parents.

It was his goal to move to Madrid in Spain, however, due to a mix up in planes, he ended up in Italy. Not having enough money to afford a plane ticket to Spain, he settled in the village known as Ortense, where he rented a house boat. However, within a week, the White Plague had already hit, and Dag held up in his houseboat, waiting to be rescued.

(I tried making my character as balanced as possible O:!)



Woops. Ma bad. ... i'm a failur...


EDIT: Just thought, since Byron does cases all over the world, that he would speak more langs. But I guess this will keep balance better.
Name: Arturo Genosa
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Nationality: Italian
Body build: Tall, thin.
Skin color: Tanned, but not dark.
Hair color: Brown. Rather mousy, actually.
Profession: Scholar, professor.
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Yes
Proficient in handguns?: Yes
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: Yes
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: No
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): Italian, English
Handicaps?: A few broken ribs from a fall.
Immune to bloodborne?: No
Starting point?: The villa
Backstory: Arturo was raised in a wealthy family, and given a fine education. He took an interest in several things as a child, the first being combat of all types, and the second being the sciences. His parents, delighted that their normally sedate child was taking an interest in something physical, promptly hired tutors who began teaching him several forms of hand-to-hand combat. As time went on, he began learning weaponry as well, and trained himself with as many weapons as he could legally get his hands on without garnering attention.

At the same time, he was studying the sciences, and eventually settled on geology as his major field of study. Eventually, he became a faculty member at Oxford, teaching several advanced geology classes.

He was in Ortense on an expedition to study the local geology, as he had heard some unusual rumors of various things having been found there that, by all rights, shouldn't have been there. After the outbreak, he fell in an attempt to escape several of his subordinates, and broke a few ribs. However, he managed to escape, and made his way to the villa, which was owned by a family he knew.
Since Glitch is the only Italian, I've changed Mary into Aryana, a native Ortensian. This'll be easier for story-guiding anyway.

I wish there were atleast 1 physician. If anyone new starts we definitely need atleast 1 physician.

Some more notes:

- Glitch technically you shouldn't be proficient in rifles, but having broken ribs is a pretty huge handicap, so I'll allow it in this case. Note however that the jarring shock from firing a rifle with broken ribs would be EXCRUCIATING. Swinging blunt objects would probably be incredibly difficult as well.

- Spooky there're some other people starting at the Russo villa now so you can't start on a cliffhanger.

- Bacon's character looks great. Since he doesn't speak English make sure to preface the things he says with [IN NYNORSK:].

- OS's character looks good too since he reduced the number of languages.

Ok I'll set up the OOC thread so we can discuss a few things; make sur eto fix your character sheets so I can start the game later today.

I added a map for us to reference :)



Is their any room for the token black guy?
Sorry for the long back story but it's hard to explain what a black man is doing all the way in Italy in 1944.

Name: Elvin Bell
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Nationality: African-American
Body build: Short and athletic.
Skin color: Black - moderate complexion
Hair color: Black
Profession: High school dropout/soldier
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: yes
Proficient in handguns?: not really
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: not really
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: no
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): English
Handicaps?: none
Immune to bloodborne?: Yes
Starting point?: Hospital, entrance
Is a very intelligent kid from North Philadelphia, who grew up with no parents living in a house filled with random colored families with his older brother of 21. His brother, having never graduated high school, decided to enlist in the army to do something productive with his life, leaving Elvin behind. Even though Elvin was was very bright and street smart he soon learned that he was really nothing without the aid of his brother. He could barely manage to stay alive, living on the tough streets of Philadelphia, without finding himself in troubled situations in school and on the streets. So he manages to forge his way into joining the army hoping to reunite with his older brother and to escape his life back home.

After being enlisted for less then a month, he finds himself in Ortense as part of a support squad to another African-American unit. When he and his squad arrives everyone is either dead or turned into hydra-zombies. Having only been serving for less then a month, Elvin finally gets his first actual combat experience fighting against the zombies that have killed the unit he came to support. Towards the end of the fight there are only a few soldiers left versus an overwhelming amount of zombies. So he and the rest of the soldiers try to run for it, and while most of them get caught, he and one other make it out alive. Luckily for Elvin he is unharmed, thanks mostly to everyone but himself, since he really has no weapons training (very limited). However, the other soldier, who survived the attack along with Elvin, is badly injured and can barely walk on his own. So they use their map to head for the nearest hospital for help.

This is how they arrive at the entrance at the Ortense General Hospital, only to find the hospital to be trashed, with the dead bodies of workers everywhere.
Cool! Yeah people can sign up at any time. You never know when an immune person'll crop up.

A few notes No ID:

- Per limitations, you can't be under 17.
- If you're a soldier, and you only speak one language, you are automatically proficient in grenades.
- As a soldier you CANNOT be immune to the bloodborne pathogen. It's just the rules :)
- It's 1944, not 1949 (the war is long over in Italy by '49!).

If you're trading proficiency in grenades for immunity though, I'll allow it, especially since you can't do rifles. So mostly you just need to change the year and bump your age up a year.
Name: Durante, or Dante for short
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Nationality: Native Italian
Body build: Semi muscular, highly defined
Skin color: "Farmer's tan" white
Hair color: Brown
Profession: Farmer
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: Yes (owns a hand-made "mace" made by cutting a hoe in half, and can use the hoe tip to strike with)
Proficient in handguns?: No
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: No
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: Yes
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): American Sign Language (see backstory), "Light" lip reading (can occasionally read lips for simple words such as "work", "hello" and others, basically any one syllable word), can "read" people's faces/expressions
Handicaps?: Deaf (see spoken languages), can only write down things that he reads, but does not know what they mean (just because you see a word, doesn't mean you know what it is if you've never heard it before)
Immune to bloodborne?: Yes
Starting point?: Russo Villa, currently in one of the outhouses (if they have actual toilets, then he's in the bathroom :P)
Backstory: Born on a farm, raised on a farm. Dante's family has long since been a poor one, either working on farms or waiting at the most dirtiest of restaurants with very little tips. When Dante was born, his family could not understand why he wouldn't react to them speaking, as they had never seen a deaf person before. When he turned 4, they decided to take him to a doctor that was in good standing with the family. Upon inspection, the doctor declared he was deaf. As a result, Dante was immediately shunned by the family, and was no longer a part. His family forced him to begin learning how to work on the farm when he turned 5, and since then, that's all he knows.

At the age of 14, Dante picked up sign language when a young woman by the name of Helen came to their village from America. He took a liking to her and showed it by giving her free samples he smuggled from working on the farm. It wasn't long before she realized he was deaf, and, since she had a long time standing with aiding deaf children in America, she was able to slowly teach him simple words, which quickly escalated to full conversations, since Dante had no prior knowledge on how to speak and was so excited.

To this day, Dante is still the only one who knows how to sign in his family, since they still wanted nothing to do with him. It is unknown what happened to Helen or his family, as they suddenly disappeared right before the major outbreak..

EDIT: Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but I just woke up and can't think straight atm, I just wanted to get in before it started
Ok being deaf is a big handicap. So you can use grenades and he is immune to bloodborne too.

On a rustic villa in 1944 they'd likely have outhouses or heads located on the outside edge of the house.
Name: Chim (pronounced kim) Jordan
Age: 21
Sex: male
Nationality: British
Body build: Heavy. Can lift up to 35 kg unaided (25 kg is the most a single workman can lift legally without using a machine)
Skin color: white
Hair color: Brown
Profession: Explosives expert (note NOT trained as a soldier),
due to his father being a field medic he is also proficient at emergency first aid.
Proficient in blunt/swinging objects?: yes (his strength would help with this)
Proficient in handguns?: yes
Proficient in rifles (see Limitations)?: No
Proficient in grenades/explosives (see Limitations)?: Yes. Can use ordinary items to make mild explosives. (for balance I would have 3 of these explosives are only strong enough to destroy a chair)
Spoken languages (can only have 1-3): English and has an italian to english dictionary.
Immune to bloodborne?: Yes.
Starting point?: Hospital. Supply room.
Backstory: Trained as an explosives expert for only 2 yeas but showed an extreme affinity for them he completed his training faster that anyone else and was sent to Russia to help set up the explosives on the planes and destroy any enemy bases. Because of this he has developed a resistance to the cold. After a year there he was dishonorably discharged for "incorrectly" arming the bombs on a plane that was headed for a civilian town.

Before he left for home his father suggested that he learn to be a doctor and that he was able to get him into a good one for training. Before Chim left his father gave him an English to Italian dictionary. He came to italy to take up the doctor training, and arrived at the hospital he was allocated and reached the third floor when he heard a noise coming from the supply room.

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