dr. goodlife":39s6dp3z said:the explosion doesn't matter at all, really. it's the fallout that gets people scared. so long as the bomb is enough to spread nuclear nastiness over an un-ponderous area, that's all you need to make some foreheads sweat
Well, yeah. But my point is that Krakatoa was an entirely natural 200 megaton explosion. No nukes necessary. It not only had the immediate blast (which actually killed nobody), it had a half-mile high pyroclastic flow that swept over twenty miles of open water to the mainland in under 6 minutes, and proceeded to dry roast everybody and everything it touched, well into the landmass. Follow that up with a massive tsunami that manages to kill even more people, and you have more people dead than any nuclear weapon could achieve without being dropped on one of the most populous cities in the world. Not only that, but it's happened several times, and unrecorded explosions were probably even bigger. (One, that took place in the dying days of the Roman empire, was almost certainly much larger) And Krakatoa isn't even one of the biggest known volcanic eruptions. One of the volcanoes with that dubious distinction resides within the United States. Specifically, Yellowstone National Park, when it erupts, is the type of volcano that lowers global temperatures. The last few eruptions in the area quite literally blew a state-sized hole in the Rocky Mountains, leaving a massive caldera in its place. Top that off with it suffocating life with its ash fall, from several hundred miles away, and you have a natural disaster on a scale of order far greater than any mere nuclear weapon. Not only that, but that kind of eruption isn't classified as an "if". It is classified as a "when".
Yes. I know. I'm a nerd for geology. :specs: