I'm not a horror fan. Although the saws are more like gory thrillers. I don't really get off on that but I enjoyed the movies, the first 2 at least.
It wasn't the gruesome stuff that had me interested but the intriguing story line. Saw one was great, with some very nice twists, my favourite. Saw 2 was also decent. Most people I know say it was there favourite, but the twist wasn't as interesting for me. Probably a lot of people just enjoyed the gore. (The needle scene is hard to forget)
Saw 3 completely lost it, like Cruelty says. There was barely a storyline or twist, it was just torture, torture and guess what? Bunny rabbits. Drums: *boom boom tish* ':|
With 4 I'm not expecting it to be anything other than horrible. Or will they turn it around? If they don't, they definitely should have left it at 3. Although we can't expect them to care, we were stupid enough to give them all the money they needed to see it viable for a 4th.