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Sandfall: Hope (ooc)

I'm only against using actual dates because we don't know the pace that our story will take. Canonically, Sandfall has a date system and major events in the world's timeline (such as the Revolution) have a specific date. If our goal is to eventually get to the Revolution, we don't know how long it will take for us to get there, so I think it would be easier to retcon in the dates.

Using "Day #" sounds good for me.



I like the Day # idea, just if one person screws up it can mess up the whole system.  Exactly how long is the Rp gonna last? Is it going to go on after the revolution?  Because if it ends right there, then we're on a non-permanent Rp. 
The current planned climax is the Revolution, but who knows how long after that it might go. Depends wholly on us (speaking of which, I need to write something. fucking webdesign taking up my time).
could I please get a little more information on these army we seem to be opposing? Rank structure, Skill, Power, Dispersion and most important, weapons carried? thanks.
Yeah, I can write up some stuff. As you can probably tell from my absence in the main thread for a while, I've been busy withs lots of stuff. Hopefully I can find some time tonight or tomorrow to help out.

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