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Sandfall: Hope (ooc)

Tezcacoatl, will you be my new dad?

Alas, I am but a simple, highly-reflective serpent with a pen and a sharp tongue; my paternal skills are somewhat lacking. I can, however, address your other questions:

Shortly: yes. Do try to keep it reasonable, though, won't you? A hunk of sharp-edged steel welded onto a bit of lead pipe wrapped in leather (or llama fur, as the case may be) is much more acceptable than a finely-honed Far Eastern blade, given our lack of a canonical Far East. Creativity is key - Arizca is a land of artists, inventors, and improvisational comedians.

Magic, quite simply, does not function in Arizca, and has not since the creation of the Sandfall in 1:58 (that is, Age 1, Year 58).

Picture this, if you will. You are a child, playing on the winding dirt road that runs from your family's farmstead to the local crosstown. You stop for a moment, perhaps to bat away a fly, and notice a rather large anthill. Bored, you grab a stick and begin to poke at it, watching it cave in on itself. Days, weeks, months, years of work on the ants' part, gone in an instant to the whim of a spiteful child.

The Sandfall is, in a way, the result of such a stick. I will not get into the creation story itself right now; suffice to say, it is a giant tear in the earth, stretching from Ash Fall in the south to the Calidri Desert in Seyenne. The sands of the surrounding deserts trickle into the great rift, very slowly in most places, but quite fast in others - a waterfall of sand, as it were. If I remember correctly from my last excursion, the floor of the Sandfall itself is surprisingly cool - though the sun beats down heavily in many other parts of Arizca, the Sandfall is rather nicely shaded by the sheer rock walls. Of course, there is never any reason to go down there, and the Climbers rarely descend far enough to safely jump off.

While sandstorms are an occasional nuisance, their frequency depends largely upon where you are. They are somewhat more common in eastern Arizca, given its proximity to the Sandsea (I believe that is the name, though I may be mistaken - it's been a while since I last ventured east; young Despain will correct me if I am indeed wrong), though they do occur in the west as well. Stormchasers, such as our dear Marcel, generally focus on the latter - there are many ruins in the desert west of Harad. The floor of the Sandfall itself is quite calm; indeed, the sand is rarely disturbed by anything but the occasional falling rock.

but go from a rough estimate of the Sahara, I think.
Your Sahara is a much better example of the Calidri Desert in Seyenne, as well as the Sandsea east of Arizca, though to a lesser degree. The deserts of Arizca itself, however, are geographically much closer to the deserts of Arizona and New Mexico; there is not much loose sand, consisting largely of dirt.
Claude Dallas North.

He can hear footsteps from a mile away with his exceptional hearing.

Just no. Other than that, your edits are accepted. Just be sure to put spaces after all your periods and commas in the future.

On the topic of swords, in addition to Tezcacoatl's observations, more "traditional" swords (often rapiers, there are no katanas whatsoever) are often put to use in Seyenne, and thus they do exist. However, they are largely impractical in a place where the primary weapon is the firearm among those that can afford them. Seyenne swords are often seen, however, as decorations in peoples' homes, but not used as serious weapons.

The only magic that remains is in the form of incredibly rare enchanted relics from the past. However, these are so rare (and those that are still around are in the ownership of nobles and Hazaga scholars) that it is hardly worth mentioning. In the main stories, some of these items have importance (the Dune Knight's armor, for example, or the whip Crackle) but for all practical purposes they will not show up in this story. I only mention their existence to help solidify your knowledge of the world.

Sandstorms are largely like the great god said, are mostly regional occurances. There is a reason that people do not settle to the far west or the east, and sandstorms is one of them. Sandstorms rarely happen in the central areas of Arizca; this is both due to the makeup of the desert being largely rocks and sparse vegetation rather than loose sand. They are not unheard of, however.

Before it comes up, some of the common animals living in the Arizcan desert:
- Tiny desert bats live in underground caves and come out at night to hunt in packs- they'll largely ignore humans.
- Bighorn sheep make their habitats in nothern Arizca and in the mountains bordering Seyenne.
- Burrowing rodents such as prairie dogs, gophers and ferrets are common in the desert.
- Jackalopes are incredibly common nuisance as they do not fear humans. They are known to wander into civilization.
- Although related to Jackalopes, cottontails and jackrabbits are plentiful but shy from humans.
- Although rare, black bears and bobcats do exist, near rocky areas with water and vegetation.
- Peccaries/Musk Hogs roam the desert in small families, living in small canyons and gorges.
- Large plated insects, such as scorpions and spiders, live as predators to small rodents.
- Buffalo and Bison roam the desert in large herds. It is very rare to see them.
- Rhinoceros were common in ancient Arizca but the few that remain are in Seyenne. Their close rleatives, the Triceratops (in Arizca, Triceratops are mammals but largely have the appearance of the dinosaurs we know) can occasionally be found alone in the desert.
- Horses and Camels were imported to Arizca from Seyenne. They are often seen as work animals, but are rare in the wild.
- Archaeopteryx live in the swamps and jungles of Pacatl- it isn't rare that they are sometimes seen flying in southern Arizca.
- Pronghorns and other similar horned mammals live in the desert.
- Coyotes are among the primary predators in the region. They live throughout Arizca.
- Small feathered pack hunters such as velociraptors are also a dangerous predator. They are known to attack humans, but it is rare that they are ever seen.
- A large number of birds, insects and small reptiles are found throughout Arizca.
                Charles Harris
                Charles sports long greasy black hair that hangs just below his shoulders;
                which sits under his brown, leather Stetson.The dirt and dust covering
                his skin is often mistaken for a tan, however his 'true' skin is rarely exposed to
                the sun as it is covered by his white, sand-stained trench coat. (underneath
                which he wears his blue overalls) His hands are calloused and rough, his fingers
                long and gritty. He stands at about 5 foot 6 and weighs in at 90kgs. His calm
                blue eyes providing a refreshing, peaceful break from his rough violent body.
                His chin is surrounded by a short, scruffy goatee.
                Charles carries a modified bolt action rifle that can load only a single shot.
                He carries five of such shots in his belts at any one time and, although he
                usually only uses his rifle for long-distance shooting, he has no scope
                attached. The stock of his firearm shows his hand carved images of
                velociraptors. He also carries a small hunting knife.
                  Although Charles is often seen at the local pub, he has never been know to
                  consume over one glass of ale or cider. He enjoys hunting wild coyotes in his
                  spare time and often makes complete use of all the parts of his prey; Their
                  skins make fine coats for the winter, their bones are make hunting knife handles
                  and their flesh sometimes feed him when food is scarce. He has been known for
                  his marksmanship and hunting skills.
                  Charles earns his keep working as a hand-for-hire. He is also a skilled gunsmith,
                  however only selling weapons to people which he knows will not use them for
                  bad purposes. He needs not much money to survive as he can live off the land
                  when funds get low.
                  Middle of the desert (see backstory)
        Social Class
                  Charles' parents were travelling merchants. He was born on the road and spent
                  his childhood shooting rabbits from the back of the cart as it bounced along the
                  road. When he was 15, both his parents were shot in an attempted robbery.
                  Although he managed to fight off the bandits, his mother had died from the loss
                  of blood, leading his father to make the decision to settle down in a nearby town.
                  His father died of natural causes 6 years later.
        Current story
                  Although Charles is happy with his lonely, simple life he can feel something. Each
                  morning, as he wakes the feeling that something big is about to start stirs within
                  him. His spirit yearns to travel, burns for something larger. "Then it is settled" he
                  mutters to himself as he watches the sun set over the horizon, atop his old, rusty
                  house. "Next year I shall leave this place...and prepare for what awaits me....."
Accepted. I think that is plenty of characters for now. I'll be starting the main RP thread later today. This topic will become the OOC topic.
Okay I'm late but who cares...
Despain":1mec2xnw said:
Note to all: there are a lot of people here who are exiles or have exile relations/tendencies, which seems like it will give us a damn solid starting point for the story, and we're definitely going to be on the side of the Cross revolution in this. We also have a lot of people who seem to be amazing shots with their guns- anyone willing to change a weapon (creativity in weapons can be amazing like Marcel's harpact, it also seems like lots of these characters are inventors) or maybe admit to being a mediocre shot? Just digging for some variety, if everybody is dead-set on their sharpshooting it doesn't have to change.
I purposely didn't chose to be an exile as exiles are so rogueishly cool lol.  Also with Noel Quixote, I tried not to mention he was a good shot.  Let me simply modify now by adding this in here, and I'll go up and edit later...

Noel Quixote is not a great shot.  Even though he won the dead man's rifle in a shooting contest, I should have noted that he had time to aim.  So in other words, his main gun is not his rifle, but the street sweeper styled shot gun.  With the rifle there for when he has time to aim, and more of a souvenir really though he is capable of firing it.  The idea is he won't have to aim though ,with his shotgun, and can simply point at an opponent and pull the trigger, given he's not out of range of a typical shot gun blast.

And given the animal list I want to have a pet bat or bird now lol
A falconer of some sort...
I didn't want to be left out, though it took me a whole 2 minutes to do this (mostly because I messed up cause I forgot what he looked like lol).  I probably should've just not attempted this - or if I didn't wanna be left out, shoulda attempted using the proper damn template... anyway... onto a pic with bad resizing...
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... uixote.png[/img]
Apparently he left half his attire at home during the pic... blah...
Sixty he looks fine. :)

Flanzo, awesome. I only have a problem with one like. "Often word that "The Archer" is passing spreads fast, occasionally leading to challenges or odd jobs others don’t wish to get their hands in." It would be fine, but there's a character named Archer who is becoming increasingly well-known in Arizca at the time of this story.
Hey, sorry about all the PM'ing and e-mailing, i kept making mistakes, and then not wanting to send too much, and got nervous, and then Wumpi kinda just hit me upside the head and told me to stop being a dork so um... Character post ^^u? 

Name: Maurice Shale (alias: Obsidian Slate, “The gun with eyesâ€



Edited. If it can be worked in, even if it leads to mistaken identity events I wouldn't mind keeping archer, but I will leave it out if thats what you wish.
If it leads to mistaken identity and other types of things, and is acknowledged in the story, then it's fine. I've been a part of a collaborative story before where it just so happened that there were three characters named Max and nobody seemed to even notice.

I'm just worried about having two canon characters with the same name in the greater story of things (remember I said that this story and the characters will be adapted into the overall Sandfall canon).

Okay, boys and girls. Things have started. The main thread is here: Hope.

Character Sign-Ups are Closed.



sundress and clogs.....

fixed your link btw (you linked to some ff5 job system script request)
Might I suggest that for the RP we put the day as well as the time and location? I'm starting to get a bit confused already...



I agree with setting up a day scale, especially given not everyone is in the same group at this time, and likely there will be times where a group may break off and go at a bit faster writing pace. For my next post I am going to put a ((day 1)) timescale upon my posts, which hopefully once we get an official date from Despain we can all adopt to using physical dates.

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