Here let me help start you off a little...
Green= You need to capitalize
Blue=Spelling mistake I corrected
Red=Grammar choice should be changed/ wrong punctuation, etc.
OrangeNotes if something is missing, and I added to it.
Strikethrough= This should be omitted.
Game Story : this game takes place in 2006. high up in the mountains there's a boy who was left alone after his grandpas death.
he still blames himself for what happened when that assassin killed his Grandpa. His grandpa's death, forced him to live alone a in the hard life up in the mountains, Because he's afraid for the city, he trains up in the mountains. but what He doesn't know that the assassin that killed his grandpa wasn't a ordinary assassin. he is an alien that ruled the galaxy with fear and destruction. kaian wanted revenge on that assassin more than anything else.
-an easy way to remember how to spell assassin is to break it down visually. ASS-ass-IN.
And I'll stop doing most of the grammar fixing/ suggestions there. After a period you need to capitalize the next letter than begins the next sentance. I've made the letter red , from here on out, where you need to change to capitalization in the next few sentances. If you fix them and follow the idea throughout your thread, I'll help you with the difference between past tense and present tense and some other grammar issues you seem to have.
-Names need also to be capitilized.
but in some way he knew he wasn't strong enough to face the assasian so he trained years and years. until that one faithful day where the assasian sent ghosts to kill the boy in fear of the boy growing to strong. but the assasian was to late kaian was stronger than ever he killed all ghosts. but After that the strongest ghost came kaian was tired and outmatched but a miracle happened the Saikain Soul that was sealed away was free, feeling the rage flow within him he's strenght increased 10 folds. a nd the ghost was out matched but the strength that was drawn out of him made him feel weak and powerless. so he fell down on the ground and after that krilon found him laying there on the ground he took him a long way but the ghost kept coming. no match for krilon and kaian. still kaian was to weak to travel for himself so krilon took him to his house and there kaian rested. for 2 whole days. when he wakes up hes so hungry and he gets the food he needs. after that they set out on a journey for the 5 magical crystals not as easy as they thought it would be the journey includes alot of fighting alot of smiles and alot of anger. don't miss this game
I'm no grammar queen myself, but a little can go a long way. Right? ^^