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rtp animated battlers

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You've done an awesome job with the sprites. I can't do spriting that well...of course, I haven't even taken a dab at it. However, it looks like on the humans you just stuck a head on them, but who am I complain? This is the uber awesomness..:yes:
bwhahaha it's awesome XD

hmm UPDATE :p
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... st01c2.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/063-Beast01c2battler.png[/IMG]

Please use the edit button to add content before 24 hours. Thanks. ~Euph
NO!! You double posted in less than an hour. You might get banned. I can't handle you being gone. These things are totally awesome. I love the style and general idea.
Hasn't Erichermit done some of the RTP battlers in rmxp.net? I believe yes. Does anyone have them? They would save some work for you (greenraven and kiniko)
Wow, this sure put my cybersams to shame.. lol. They're Wonderful!

PS: Oh yes Djodrix, I do have a bunch of cybersams, ive nearly got the whole RTP down. Unfortunantly... The quality is nowhere NEAR the quality of these so I don't really see much point.

However that reminds me... I should get the reshosted a reposted here at org, shouldn't I hm...
kiniko, raven, great work!
i want to use an animated SVBS in my upcoming game an those sprites will be definately useful.

PS: never again tell me that you're not into spriting kiniko :P
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