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rtp animated battlers

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Mimi Chan;148950 said:
well umm why not based your battler on this little arshes i got in here:

(link removed)

Wasn't that battler done by Mack? I seem to remember seeing the animated gif on his website - along with other rtp heroes.



this battlers are so nice. i hope you make many enemies and a few more battlers.

can you post a link with the battle system for this battlers?



You shouldn't link that battler--Mack didn't want them to be used, so basing a battler off of it may not be the best of choice.

These are pretty sweet, Green Raven, however if you keep basing them off of the White Ties battlers, you may be lacking in a varity of poses.



Fantastic work, GR!

I actually made a couple RTP style character battlers quite some time ago. These will go up in the download manager soon. Feel free to get them here in the meantime. GR, if they help for your work, you can edit with credit. As you can see they are white ties style, but I drew them more or less from scratch.

Not all are formatted for cybersam/minkoff battle systems, but that is just a matter of using an image editor to reorganise them.

Itachi, please use the Script Requests forum to ask for scripts... or even better, just use Search to find a script yourself.
Itachi;150434 said:
they are so many sripts... from minkoff or cybersam but they use other graphics.
Correct me if I'm wrong Green Raven, but I think these are for Minkoff's system, yes? So Itachi, search for Minkoff's. If you're having trouble finding it, use the script forums for help. Resource analysis isn't really the place to ask for that, as Erk has mentioned. (May want to note that in your first post, GR, so that some people aren't confused).

These are great, GR. =) If I heard the idea of putting RTP characters on the White Ties battler temp, I wouldn't think it would look right, but you've managed to do it really well, and they are looking quite good. ^^

My only complaint is that now that the human characters are larger than normal RTP size, perhaps the monsters, like the lizardman, should be larger, too, just to keep them in scale with the humans. You've still done a really good job animating them, though, so major credit there.
Thanks everyone for the great feedback. actually I think the small enemies look great in comparison with the battlers, the big ones will be made out of scratch though.

I won't run out of poses eventually, because I'm planning on giving each character different poses ''some will still be the same though''

zombie sample:
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... zombie.png[/IMG]

gunner sample:
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... gunner.png[/IMG]

and here's another one :)
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... er07-2.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/mimic2.png[/IMG]

BTW if anyone wants a specific recolor done just ask for it.
Dude, these are friggen' awesome!!! It would be really cool if you put all the ones you've done in a zip file and just upload it as an RTP expansion of some sort. Great job!
wich one were you doing? XD wow srry dude.. otherwise you could just make it and let me edit it.. glad you're helping me out though..
btw goblin01 is a little enemie, just make the stand animation less static. :D
well you could make it a little one or a full sized one =P I always thought of goblin01 as a small kobold myself, but the battler says something different :D
madmax_vii;151648 said:
Dude, these are friggen' awesome!!! It would be really cool if you put all the ones you've done in a zip file and just upload it as an RTP expansion of some sort. Great job!

I don't think that would be worth while. Seeing as GR is doing a couple every day or two. He might as well just wait to he has a batch of 50 or so.
if i ever do a game using only rtp characters and side view, these are the battlers im using without a doubt keep up the great work cant wait for more
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