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RMXP.org's Logo and Mascot

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Awesome Bro

I quite like Nin's to be honest. Simplicity can be a good thing, especially with things like this. Take Nike for example, It's a tick :| Yet EVERYONE knows what it is even though it isn't what a tick REALLY is.

When i draw logos and mascots, i try to make it so the average joe can draw it when they doodle. Sounds kinda weird, but it's just something i do :S

~ $t3v0



The neck kinda makes sense but the bottom of the face defies all human bone structure. 0_o

Edit: Why thank you St3v0. :P



Folks who want to contribute are welcome to PM me and I will add them to the access list for the mascot devel thread :) not that there is anything wrong with posting here, but it is less spammy in the mascot thread and I would rather not clutter the announcements forum.
well dont ask me about the chin and neck i simply looked at the picture and did the same as it was shown. But ill prob have to make it a bit better



That is no sign, that is a somewhat unsaturated blue parallelogram with the text "RMXP.ORG
ENVISION. CREATE. SHARE.", sir. *breaks bulletproof window with metal baseball bat*

It's an okay idea but it wouldn't do as a mascot...
Aww you mean my wad of clay can't be nominated?.. damn..

I wasn't serious anyway lol if that wasn't already extremely obvious :P
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