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RGSS Studio - A tool for scripting in RGSS (PLATFORM DEMO)

Thanks (Oi, really? Why?)
WPF is turning out to be a bit of a problem... I might just return to C# alone, else I'll find the C# richtextbox control. The WPF one doesn't have things like SelectionColor, or SelectionFont, and SelectionStart/End can't be converted to int.
Hey people! Got a interface design right here - doesn't really have much, but oh well.
Enjoy - This is standard C# here. I just made this, so I haven't added functionality to it yet.
New Screenshot!

Not bad. So, will you be adding code-hints(think Flash AS Editor)?

Like, when you write in "def something" it has a box pop up saying "def <method>(arg1, arg2, etc)" or something along those lines?

Another cool feature, building upon that, would be remembering variables declared earlier in the script. like on line 3 you write "variable = 1", and then on line 11 you write "p " and it gives you the hint "variable".
That would be very nice. Of course, I'd never figure out the auto-complete(code-hints), but the variable thing sounds doable (once I figure it out, with someone's help of course- most likely someone doing it all to show me :sad: )

Hey, where's that snippet for syntax-highlighting you promised me??
It's for VB6, just so you know, but I can still PM it to you if you want. Speaking of which, I need to reinstall my Visual Studio 6.0 .
Waitin' on those text files :P No hurry, no pressure


Way more prettyful now. This is what I'm thinking it'll stay as.

Currently adding functionality :D
Red, as in ruby.I made it a bit lighter to bring out the textboxes so it isn't as hard on the eyes.

But it is red for a reason. I'm looking at other programs that used red as the theme color

Finished with the interface :D (well, a few tweaks here and there; more panels and buttons on the large toolbox; syntax on/off on the status bar)

I made it more gray, alot less red, so it's easier on the eyes. I also added the large toolbar(Office ribbon-ish) and some other eye candy

For real now, going forward with functionality, unless anyone has any problems with the current interface.
What will be the extent of its funtionality? i.e: will it be able to make whole scripts with a simple copy-paste mechanism or will the user have to phiscily edit parts of it on his or her own in order for it to work? Well thats my question and good luck.
It's somewhat both:
Some things will be a simple insert, just the tag, i.e. class, def, #, atr_accessor:: ; in these, it leaves the name/text blank for you to put in (def custom_title_to_put_in)

Some of them will require you to go through a form, like the variable modifier, or to set a variable (in the form you'll select which type, the name, and other such)
As well a title generator for creating a header with the title (you'll have to put in the title, the author, version, and instructions ect.)

Of course, you can also just set these forms to "off" so it just puts in the text, and gives you suggestions.

Looking back, the forms don't look like such a great idea ^^; But I promise more functions than the basic text editor that SciLexer / RM provides.

EDIT: Snippets as well! Forgot those
Hmm, yes, but still, I'll include the option of turning them off, in case of an experienced scripter.

Is anyone willing to help with this project (you'll need to know C#)
If you are, join the Project RgssS Team - become a part of this project, no matter how small the contribution.
I can't do this alone :blush:



This looks interesting and very good I'm thinking of using it when it's done. I also like the black window better then the red one but the red one seems like you put a lot of work into it, why not add an option for the color of the window? I am definitely going to use this and am also going to add the user bar to my signature... *click*

Thank you and have a nice day!
I'm glad to see this project is becoming popular - userbars are poppin up all over the boards.

I'm adding the feature be able to choose your theme - black, silver, or red.

And, thanks to Ulqiurro's suggestion, I'm adding the option of customizable indenting, and from my friend, to change the colours for syntax highlighting.
I recently installed the Visual Studio 2010 beta
This let's me not only code in C#, but in OOLs like Ruby; so a debugger and builder is completely possible (although somewhat useless in most occasions: most scripts will rely on a library of others)
If I was to implement a library feature though... hmm...

No significant progress really.
But for beta testing, you may require installing c#.net version 4
I'll keep the old projects just in case

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