AH HA! thanks for the info, I never made it to the center hole, think I went down one on the left first, then got wiped out........*wicked laugh* sorry I'm such a big loser and so hard on those poor RPG chars, they must hate me they get killed so much when I play with them........*snicker* lucky for them I have a "Save" spell........silly mouse wizard that I am!
I do think your game runs me around a little much, going in and out of these dungeons selling monster parts to replace torches and weapons a little more than I'd like. There seems to be no way to stock up and get through on one run, ya have to fight the beasts to get the parts to sell to buy supplies, ya use the supplies up rather quickly fighting the beasts, and it takes several trips in and out to get through each one, did you intend it to be that way?
I do think your game runs me around a little much, going in and out of these dungeons selling monster parts to replace torches and weapons a little more than I'd like. There seems to be no way to stock up and get through on one run, ya have to fight the beasts to get the parts to sell to buy supplies, ya use the supplies up rather quickly fighting the beasts, and it takes several trips in and out to get through each one, did you intend it to be that way?