I'm sorry my post is so long, but it's hard for me to summarize my feelings anymore:
I understand your feelings. One of the biggest problems in Crepusculum 2 was creating realistic dialog where the characters didn't just start talking for no reason, yet still revealing important plot information. When you are swept up into a situation like that of Crepusculum's you tend to stop thinking about the past or the far off future and focus on the moment. Also, instead of having Alexis think outloud through the entire game I wanted the player to come to the same conclusions that she has, and assume that the player has read all of the notes. It's difficult to create a survival horror storyline, because almost everything must happen for a reason. A character's thought process is a lot different in a horrifying situation, than that in an RPG when there is plenty of time for a character to stop and think.
A further exploration of the characters is really what Crepusculum 2 is about, so you'll find a lot more about the characters of the original game, and several new characters will be introduced. Crepusculum 1 is more of an exploration of the city itself and the dangerous religion native to it (and in a sense, the city is a character in itself).
Also, throughout the game there is more to Alexis than "Oh no!" Although I did not give her a significant backstory in this game, because I didn't really feel that one was necessary (must all heroes have some sort of inner turmoil?), I did try to show her strong personality and her good nature throughout the title. Instead of just surviving for herself, she grows driven to save and protect a small child, which I view to show that she has a very good heart as a person.
So, in conclusion, wait for Creps 2! So much more about the characters will be revealed! (And FYI I had already planned to do this; Creps 2 was literally planned out while Creps 1 was in production).