Power Word: Shield Status Effect
Version: 1.0
This script allows you to use the Power Word: Shield status. For those of you who never played WoW, the shield absorbs some damage before it goes away.
Imagine the actor has a status effect called power word shield. Now imagine he takes no damage.
Script and Demo,1327.0.html
Add the script under the SDK. Then you'll need to make a new state and change the PWS_ID in the script to the ID of the effect. Then make the skills and whatnot so you can use the new effect
Also, keep in mind, the shield is NOT meant to be dispelled, so any dispel effects will probably screw the system up a bit.
No Questions.....yet.
Tried to make this SDK Compliant and Compatible.
Credits and Thanks
Thanks to WoW for the idea :P
Author's Notes
Next version, I plan to add:
Terms and Conditions
Free to use for non-commerical use, with credit of course
Version: 1.0
This script allows you to use the Power Word: Shield status. For those of you who never played WoW, the shield absorbs some damage before it goes away.
- Absorb Damage, including poisons.
- Configure how much damage you want the shield to absorb.
Imagine the actor has a status effect called power word shield. Now imagine he takes no damage.
Script and Demo
Add the script under the SDK. Then you'll need to make a new state and change the PWS_ID in the script to the ID of the effect. Then make the skills and whatnot so you can use the new effect
Also, keep in mind, the shield is NOT meant to be dispelled, so any dispel effects will probably screw the system up a bit.
No Questions.....yet.
Tried to make this SDK Compliant and Compatible.
Credits and Thanks
Thanks to WoW for the idea :P
Author's Notes
Next version, I plan to add:
- Ability to turn off poison damage absorb.
- Fix any bugs/errors of course :P
Terms and Conditions
Free to use for non-commerical use, with credit of course