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Power Word: Shield

Power Word: Shield Status Effect
Version: 1.0


This script allows you to use the Power Word: Shield status. For those of you who never played WoW, the shield absorbs some damage before it goes away.


  • Absorb Damage, including poisons.
  • Configure how much damage you want the shield to absorb.


Imagine the actor has a status effect called power word shield. Now imagine he takes no damage.

Script and Demo



Add the script under the SDK. Then you'll need to make a new state and change the PWS_ID in the script to the ID of the effect. Then make the skills and whatnot so you can use the new effect :)

Also, keep in mind, the shield is NOT meant to be dispelled, so any dispel effects will probably screw the system up a bit.


No Questions.....yet.


Tried to make this SDK Compliant and Compatible.

Credits and Thanks

Thanks to WoW for the idea :P

Author's Notes

Next version, I plan to add:
  • Ability to turn off poison damage absorb.
  • Fix any bugs/errors of course :P

Terms and Conditions

Free to use for non-commerical use, with credit of course ;)



This seems incredibly useful. As soon as I get my Dell back, I'll put it in my game and play around a bit with it. ^_^

Really, though, awesome idea. I can see a ton of uses for this, especially for people who want a new sort of skill that'll do more than just raise P or MDEF.
I just wanted to say it's nice seeing someone using the SDK alias/overwrite logging commands. :)

  alias pws_add_state add_state
  SDK.log_alias(:Game_Battler, :add_state, :pws_add_state)

The SDK aliases are logged automatically at the same time as the alias if you use it like this:

alias_method :pws_add_state, :add_state
You think something made for the default battle system will work with an ABS?

I probably won't make it compatible with an ABS, but you're welcome to post it and I'll take a look at it.



necropost? anyway.. dude this is an awsome concept espcialy considering I play wow lol

priests save my mage butt a lot XD

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