No, but you would love that.Injury":1y2smlvz said:Does that say McLovin on it?
Tell her she's talented.So I let my little sister (11 years old) do my makeup. xD
BizarreMonkey":15uuq2dl said:Faggoty pictures
Hello thing, I am Human Being, when you feel like speaking in a human tone, feel free to talk again.Jason":2lk94jo9 said:BizarreMonkey":2lk94jo9 said:Faggoty pictures
Just saying, but you look like a MASSIVE faggot
This sounds more like envy than homophobia to me.Jason":2lk94jo9 said:, and if I saw you in public I'd probably throw something at you (... My own feces maybe?), and there's NO FUCKING WAY you're 26 as your profile picture suggests, you look like you're like ten or something
Me too. I am weirdly thin.Jason":2lk94jo9 said:... Also on the second picture your arm scares me.
Overruled, as a moderator just told you to rinse your mouth out with soap. Besides I do, but years worth of mistreatment doesn't get better over a couple years.Jason":2lk94jo9 said:PS. Brush your teeth.
I am laughing so hard right now.Jason":2lk94jo9 said:This post is not ok and I'd hope you can see that. - Hbgames staff.
I can deal with it, I mean I just did flawlessly, but y'know, you did make some pretty heavy comments about gay people, I'm not sure how much bigotry is an offense here though, I only have been active recently.Jason":kxgeq7of said:... I don't see the problem with my post, it wasn't an attack or anything, it was made with my usual mindset (Just joking around), but meh.
I don't think you're bad for it, but I think you lack any form of creative destruction, you could have made a far more formidable post without getting warned, it's not about what you post, it's how you post it.Jason":2z7dhc75 said:You guys are boring, can't a guy joke around anymore? o.O Seriously, if you think I'm bad for that, you wouldn't last a day with my social group, lol.
Unfortunately Human Beings aren't oracles and don't know what you mean before you explain it, numbskull. I'm pretty sure if I walked by a somewhat dark fella and dropped them the N bomb and said "I didn't mean it like that!" they wouldn't instantly stop being offended.Jason":f1awaopj said:Not sure what you're talking about with the queer minded thing, since, and this refers to your last post too, I don't use the term faggot to describe someone being gay, lol
Sorry dude, you aren't special enough that everyone knows you like the back of their hand. Reality check, no one gives enough of a damn about your existence to validate studying you as a specimen and then broadcasting your mental analysis to anyone who might otherwise be offended.Jason":f1awaopj said:to my usual behaviour, lol.
I didn't even need to call on aid to get you reprimanded, top that.Jason":f1awaopj said:Anyways, everyone shut up and carry on about your business, or I'll get Sauk to knock y'all the fuck out with his strong, muscular arms! :box:
BizarreMonkey":gdl0l6v2 said:Sorry dude, you aren't special enough that everyone knows you like the back of their hand.
This recent development you've suffered certainly gives me faith in these observations you're making.Jason":3p7it1ku said:Actually, with how open I am about just about everything, you'd be surprised how well people here know me, lol.