The picture is a bit old, and the quality isn't the best, but my cellphone camera sucks, and I don't own a real camera =(
Black Shadow":3rv84twd said:http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l104/Dennis88_2006/Me.png[/img]
The picture is a bit old, and the quality isn't the best, but my cellphone camera sucks, and I don't own a real camera =(
Luminier":377ibfsg said:Black Shadow":377ibfsg said:http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l104/Dennis88_2006/Me.png[/img]
The picture is a bit old, and the quality isn't the best, but my cellphone camera sucks, and I don't own a real camera =(
i am very disappointed. i expected a black version of shadow but you are not that at all :'(