$t3v0":1f7sw7lx said:
hahahaaha you look exactly how i imagined youHarikune":1m7lutuq said:http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c342/ ... ntaspx.jpg[/img]
I took this when I went shopping with my girlfriend back in July. Got an AC/DC shirt. :D
Doctor":1wha515o said:Dargor":1wha515o said:gratheo":1wha515o said:Quelle surprise.Mascarpone":1wha515o said:gratheo":1wha515o said:Mascarpone you have AWESOME hair.
Fuck, I want your genes/conditioner.
Either/or, I'm not picky.
girls say that allot.
are u a girl?
:O is there another french speaker here!?!?
These cookies are totally awesome.
Moi! Moi! Mais vous ne devriez pas parler français ici, les mods américains sont parano et croient que tout ce qui est dit dans un autre language est dirigé contre eux.
And lum is black? seriously? I thought he was a cute fuzzy little green animal.