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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One

          Pokémon Pro Circuit
              Season One

You've beaten the gym challenge. You've defeated the Elite Four. The Pokémon League is behind you. Where do you go from here? The answer seems clear enough: the Pro Circuit. This is the big leagues. This isn't a bunch of kids chasing badges; you'll find no pidgey or geodude here. This is the highest level of Pokémon battling that there is. This is fame, this is wealth, this is power... Do you have what it takes to come out on top?

  • You need some knowledge of Pokémon. This game takes place with the most recent canon (fourth generation). You're not required to have experience with the newest games as long as you are willing to do the proper research if your opponent is using Pokémon you are unfamiliar with.
  • This isn't a quest RP, this is high-level tournament battling. I don't want to see anything that I wouldn't expect to see in a serious matchup. ie. No "babies", no magikarp, luvdisc, pikachu, ditto, etc. It goes without saying that there will be no legendaries.
  • Don't cheat. Game mechanics are real. This should be easy enough. Don't expect to hit a Skarmory with Earthquake; that just doesn't happen. Similarly, the "I've trained my Breloom to be resistant to your fire attacks...heh heh heh" line is certainly not going to be acceptable.
  • This is a fiction-based Role Playing game. I expect entries to be written in prose and have a level of decency to them. You may write for your opponent's Pokémon as well as your own, but you may not write for your opponent's trainer. More on battles later.
  • Pokémon  are limited to four moves that they could legally acquire in the games. You are not required to reveal these moves to us from the beginning, but to keep things easier and more consistent, I'm going to suggest that you keep a list of the moves of each of your Pokémon on your end.

Battles will be handled in separate topics, while this topic will serve as the OOC thread as well as the organization topic. The reason for this is because of the tournament-style of the game, multiple battles can be occuring at the same time, as the combatants fight in the ranks and two meet in a final.

How are the fights won? The audience judges. What does this mean? After a battle is over (after all three[six in the finals] Pokémon on each team are knocked out), other participants in the tournament are asked to vote on which trainer did a better job. There can be a number of reasons for judging: creativity, knowledge, writing ability, etc.

Does this mean that you can KO your opponent's Pokémon in your own post? You can KO one of your opponent's monsters in battle, leaving it up your opponent to decide when it would be best for his/her other two do be KOed. This dynamic adds an extra level of strategy to the game, I think. For now, iThis is going to be strictly monitored to see how it works out. Also remember, because the audience is determining the winner through votes, the KOs themselves may not count as much as how they were achieved.

It has changed slightly with the inclusion of Injury, who is fighting me in the first round. I'll update eventually.

Character Template
Okay, trainers! This is the postcard that you've all received in the mail. Not much is needed, because this game is focused more on the monsters and the battles than character interaction. Fill this out and send it back to this thread if you want to enter the Pro Circuit!

Physical Appearance:
Home Region:
Home Town:
Short Biography:
Pokémon (6):

Good luck, trainers!

Note: BULBAPEDIA or SMOGON might be a very useful resource for this. I'd suggest that if you're not confident in your knowledge you can brush up on things using those sites.

I'll be making a character myself later tonight, and once we have a good number of participants I am going to make up a tournament bracket.
This sounds very intresting, I guess I'll try to make a character.

Name: Lucian
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Short, about 5" 8' tall. Has a slender build. His hair is a lime green color that sticks up in a small spike in the back. Wears a black shirt with an orange X overtop. Eyes are a dark green color. (See Sig)
Home Region: Sinnoh
Home Town: Heathome
Short Biography: Lucian had dreamed of becoming a Pokémon trainer since he was six, but never did until he was nearly twenty. He had a natural talent for it and quickly managed to gather all of the gym badges from the Sinnoh, Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn regions, and even defeated each of the regions champions. After accomplishing this feat, however, he found that there was little to do. Very few trainers provided any challenge, and he had already seen and obtained most of the Pokémon. Then Lucian heard about the Pokémon Pro Circuit and decided to try his hand at it.
Pokémon (6): Empolean

Sorry if it's kind of short. I haven't done this in a LONG time.

http://www.pokecharms.com/trainercards/ ... 25d837.png[/img]             
Sign me up! Glad to see someone of such status showing interest down here in the Rp forums.  Gives me hope =]

- Jigoro -

Name: Dr. Jigoru Kano
Age: 77
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: An elderly man, with standard elderly features such as large sun spots, small arms and legs, and a mildly crouched position. Looking at the face he has a very powerful lower jaw, with sharp thin eyes, and balding hair. He also sports a large thick white mustache, and is of Japanese heritage.
Home Region: Hoenn
Home Town: Ever Grande City
Short Biography: Jigoro grew up like stated earlier, in Ever Grande City. He had a harsh raising, with strict parents, and a pre-determined life practically. He has been working with Pokemon for the majority of his life, specifically Fighting, and or normal types. His father was at one point a very professional fighting type Pokemon competitor in tournaments and such. Hitmonlee was the focus of the entire family, going through not only Pokemon training, but standard training as well such as trips to the gym, dieting and the such. Sadly in the early years of Jigoro's fathers career he developed arthritis, and eventually was practically unable to work all together due to the condition. Thus he granted ownership of Hitmonlee to his son Jigoro, who has since been practicing with him, as well as dabbling into the poison, dark, and metal types. He now aims to gain worldwide fame in the wake of his fathers professional career.
Pokémon (6): http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8555/pokeballjv7.png[/img] http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8555/pokeballjv7.png[/img] http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8555/pokeballjv7.png[/img]
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8555/pokeballjv7.png[/img] http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8555/pokeballjv7.png[/img] http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/8555/pokeballjv7.png[/img]

                    http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/uploa ... 3e_047.gif[/img]
                    Parasect [Ushi] Ushi was granted to Dr. Jigoro at a rather young age by a friend of Jigoro's father also retiring from pro battling, already fully evolved, yet with a limited move selection. The name was given by Jigoro's friend because of his own middle name. Kiushi, but once kids found out his name in his late middleschool years they nicknamed him Ushi. After years the name passed, but he revived it for his lead Pokemon in memory.

                    http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/uploa ... 3e_034.gif[/img]
                    Nidoking [Kogo] Kogo was actually one of Jigoro's first Pokemon. While his father trained with Hitmonlee, he had managed to catch a Nidoran, and build up a pretty solid relationship with it. Being one of Jigoro's favorites, Kogo is probably one of the most used/most skilled of the Pokemon Jigoro owns, not to mention one of the naturally strongest. He was given his name simply on a childhood whim and the fact that the name sounded good.

                    http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/uploa ... 3e_232.gif[/img]
                    Donphan [Rough Tire] Rough Tire was a fairly recent catch, but an old friend. When Jigoro explored around the passes and such by the city he would always manage to find this particular Donphan. He was somewhat the leader of his group of Donphans. Jigoro would leave berrries and other treats whenever he managed to see him, then one day Jigoro could not find Rough Tire for a while. Then once again he returned, but with one of his tusks broken off. Then whenever he rolled the mark he left behind was uneven, reminding Jigoro of a jeep with a bad wheel. Later he caught the Rough Tire when he was getting into competitive training, and that is why he got his name.

                    http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/uploa ... 3e_106.gif[/img]
                    Hitmonlee [Sensei] Sensei was trained since before Jigoro was even born, by his father who competed in every tournament he could manage. They were a great duo, and had an excellent tournament record. Sensei was treated like part of the family, and in fact even had human type training methods as well as standard battling. He would go on runs, work out at the gym, and all of that. Sadly Jigoro's father developed arthritis, and eventually it got so bad he could no longer keep up training and competing with Sensei, so he was passed onto Jigoro. Who ever since that day plans on establishing world fame for the honor of his family with that very Hitmonlee.

                    http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/uploa ... 3e_297.gif[/img]
                    Hariyama [Orange Fist] Orange Fist is possibly the most uninspiring tale of Jigoro's Pokemon, but still a very valuable addition to the team. He was simply caught upon first encounter at a lower evolution, and brought up as part of the team. He was named Orange Fist because of the color of his markings, and his preference for punching/hand related moves.

Revealed Moves:
Bulk up
Cross Chop
Dynamic Punch

                    http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/uploa ... 3e_217.gif[/img]
                    Ursaring [Ricky] Ricky Was also caught upon first encounter at a lower evolution, but unlike most of the other Pokemon, because of his size/general aggressive nature he did not get to fully partake in the group training. He was actually for the most part trained by Jigoro's brother in private. Therefore he never really had an official name, but Jigoro has decided to name him after his brother's favorite game charater to honor him. Thus the name "Ricky" arose.
Name: Nicholas "Crime Spree" Despain
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: A generally huge man. Tall and stocky, with a tangled mass of facial hair under a constant cowboy hat. He speaks with a distinct Southern Accent.
Home Region: Sinnoh
Home Town: Solaceon Town
Short Biography: The uncle of the circuit's "Rookie of the Year" Derek Despain, Nicholas has been battling on the competitive circuit as a mid-carder for years. He has an affinity for defensive rock- and ground-type Pokémon, having spent his childhood playing in the mountains and hills that cover the Solaceon Ruins, but is a solid trainer overall.
    Crobat @ Choice Band
Name: "Crazy" Ivan Von Hector
Age: 57
Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: A giant of a man really, about 7' 1" and superbly muscular with a short mustache / beard combo. He wears a green general's hat and overcoat and blue jeans. (edited, because it looks too much like I copied Despain.)

Home Region: Johto
Home Town: Blackthorn City

Short Biography: Born and raised in Blackthorn City, Ivan trained with the local gym leader, Clair, since the age of 13. He later joined the Dragon Clan at the age of 15 in order to buff up not only his pokemon, but himself too. He then continued training until about the age of 17 when he finally surpassed Clair. He later went on to beat every gym seamingly with ease. Over the years he's buffed up his pokemon to the ultimate strength they can have, neither he nor his pokemon seem to have any weakness. (not trying to be super powerful here, but it is true of these pokemon) He does seem to always have time to help any less fortunate than himself though. One reason for his nickname is the shear torture he puts himself through every day to get stronger than he already is, along with the strength of his Pokemon. When he heard about the Pro Circuit he flew with his trusty Salamence from Battle Tower to the Pro Circuit within seconds. (Move spoiler)

http://www.pokecharms.com/trainercards/ ... e7768d.png[/img] (don't mind the fat guy, lol)
Name: Skifford "Skye" Jones
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: A very lively person, Skifford, or Skye as he prefers to be called, stands at 5'11 and weighs approx. 180 lbs. He sports a pair of glasses and a goatee which he greatly prides himself for. A very simple person, Skye's attire includes a dark undershirt with a brown long sleeved shirt, baggy black cargo pants and white sneakers.
Home Region: Johto
Home Town: Goldenrod City
Short Biography: Skye's foray into the world of Pokémon training and battling happened almost by accident; while he was always interested in Pokémon growing up, his dream was to become a Pokémon professor like the Johto region's own Professor Elm. At the age of sixteen, Skye makes a trip to New Bark Town to start an internship with Professor Elm to become one of his many aspiring assistants. One night, after volunteering to "finish up some research" for the Professor (filing papers..) A burglar breaks into the lab hoping to steal the regional starters, Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Chikorita. Skye, hearing the commotion from the lab decides that he'll try to corner the crook instead. Because of his somewhat clumsy nature, however, Skye ends up being cornered by the burglar instead. Backing up into the machine holding the starters, Skye accidentely releases a Cyndaquil. Ultimately deciding he has no other option, Skye uses the Cyndaquil and a successfully fends off the burglar. The next day, after hearing what happened the night prior, Professor Elm suggests to Skye a change of profession. While Skye had heart, the professor admitted, he really didn't have the knack to become an assistant, much less a professor. Instead, the professor explains to Skye that his handling of Pokémon leads him to believe that he'll be successful as a Pokémon trainer. Thus starts Skye's jump into the world of Pokémon training and Battling. During the next four years, Skye's skills would improve as a trainer (or skyrocket as Skye himself likes to say) to the point of him having two seperate leagues under his belt; Johto and Sinnoh. Ready for his next challenge, Skye enters the Pokémon Pro Circuit hoping to win this one as well.
Pokémon (6):
http://img37.picoodle.com/img/img37/5/1 ... dbd5bd.png[/img]

Sorry if my bio was a bit long, I really liked the idea, so i suppose I got carried away... ^_^;
Name: Jake (The French) Goodheart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: A tall, nimble man with a mop of whitish-blonde hair kept under control by his blue bandana. Grey eyes.
Home Region: Hoenn
Home Town: Mossdeep City
Short Biography: An aspiring trainer, the son of Kit Goodheart, the youngest winner of the Hoenn and Sinnoh leagues to date. Prefers Steel- and Ice-types when playing competitively. Doesn't like to let his fans or Pokemon down.
Pokémon (6):
    Skarmory (Wildfang) - Wildfang was the first Pokemon Jake caught, and has grown to care for it and use it, whatever the odds are. The two of them seem to share a bond together.
    Glaceon - Glaceon was given to Jake as an Eevee by his father as a birthday present when he was 10 years old. Jake will protect it, fearing for its life because it has a valiant fighting spirit, and will completely ignore its wounds.
    Metagross - Metagross was once owned by Steven, the champion of the Hoenn league. Jake met Steven in Mossdeep and was given a Beldum. Jake's father, Kit, is a good friend of Steven's.
    Frosslass - Obtained by Jake unexpectedly on a tour of Shoal Cave, he began to train it, not knowing that it would evolve into a ghost. He had asked his father, "Daddy, I thought Snorunt evolved into Glalie," and his father had replied, "Under some conditions it will become a Frosslass." Jake had always been curious as to why...
    Xatu (Totem Pole) - Jake traded away his prized Magneton for this Pokemon. It was originally owned by his best friend, Bill, who moved shortly after the trade. Jake still uses Totem Pole as a tribute to Bill.
    Steelix - Jake caught this Pokemon when he travelled Johto. He brought it back to show his young fans in Mossdeep. Even the Gym Leaders, Tate and Liza, were surprised by the Steelix.




Name: Marion Puce
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance: Marion is tall but not very well built, making her look rather awkward.  She is quite pale with very long dark brown hair and, when they can be seen behind her glasses, eyes that give the impression of constant sleepiness. She wears a long, loose white longsleeved shirt and a black skirt which falls to just below her knees.
Home Region: Johto
Home Town: Ecruteak City
Short Biography: Marion was born and raised in Ecruteak. Like many young children she showed a keen intrest in pokemon at an early age but her terrible eyesight made it too unsafe for her to go off travelling as some other children did. As a result, she has never gone around collecting badges or fighting elite fours. Still, she did not allow herself to be discouraged, catching a weedle and a spearow and going around harassing trainers that passed through Ecruteak, bugging them until they agreed to battle her. This is a habit she has never managed to break and trainers who go through Ecruteak often enough are familiar with her and her habit of annoying anyone with pokeballs on their person until they agree to battle. At 14 she started acting as a gym trainer in Ecruteak gym, weeding out the trainers who shouldn't be fighting Morty at all so their pokemon wen't accidentally hurt, though to be honest she prefers battles outside of the gym where she is not stuck using only one of her pokemon. Despite her best efforts to improve, she is unused to real competetive battling. She doesn't really care about winning and never really has - she is here because she wants to see how good she is in comparison to others.
Pokémon (6):


Marowak: Not Marion's first pokemon but probably the one she shares the closest bond with, Marowak is Marion's first choice in battles outside of Ecruteak gym as long as it is not going to have any obvious difficulty. As a cubone it lost its mother, as many cubone do. It latched on to Marion about two years ago while she was doing errands in Lavender town and hasn't let go since. It is terrifyingly loyal and refuses to give in until it actually cannot move anymore, forcing Marion to recall it from battle long before it is ready to stop for fear of it getting badly hurt.

Mismagius: A ghost pokemon and the only one of her pokemon that Marion is actually allowed to use while acting as a gym trainer. Mismagius was technically Marion's first pokemon despite being the last she caught formally (as a misdreavus it was a ghost pokemon who aided the gym at Morty's request and thus still technically a wild pokemon). Mismagius, being a gym trainer's pokemon, is used to deliberately holding back and sometimes completely throwing fights to allow peole a shot at a badge. As a result, she is a little unused to battling seriously and likely at a disadvantage compared to other pokemon in the competition.

Fearow: The first pokemon Marion actually caught, more frequently used as a mode of transport than as a battling pokemon. Being used to carrying a person around in its back constantly, Fearow is more capable than most pokemon at dealing with exhaustion. However like Mismagius, Fearow is unused to battle. It favours defense over offense.
Gman, can you try and keep his hometown and backstory a little more consistent with the canonical world of pokemon rather than the "real world"? I love the character as an old guy, though. :)

Other than that, these look pretty solid so far. I'll wait a little bit longer to see if there are any more takers and then set up a bracket.
Name: Shynx (His Preferred Nickname, likes the Pokemon Shinx) Likes keeping his real name secret.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: A medium height, medium build typical male. Usually dressed in black and/or blue colors. Medium length jet black hair. Should be wearing glasses, but thinks he looks cooler without them. Looks awesome in a cape, or at least he thinks so. Wears a small necklace with a black and blue pendant.  Trying to grow out his hair into a ponytail, not working so well... Also wants to get an earring. Not sure about it though.
Home Region: Kanto
Home Town: Cerulean City
Short Biography: An admirer of the Cerulean sisters when he was young, Shynx finally grew out of his infatuation of the sisters to realize that he wanted to be a Pokemon trainer. He amassed a large collection of Pokemon from many regions, all starting with his loyal Wartortle. After successfully defeating gym leaders in Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh, (Didnt do too well in Hoenn...=/ ), he decided to enter the Pokemon pro circuit. This brought about a change in him. Before this, he used to use only his favorite pokemon, like his Wartortle, Pidgeot, Sneasel, Shinx, and other Pokemon he liked. Now he only uses Pokemon that will help him win, driven by an intense "need" to be victorious.

Pokémon (6):

Btw: Can I ever change my team?


http://www.pokecharms.com/trainercards/ ... 82ae03.png[/img]           
Name: Mike
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Tall, short black hair, brown eyes.  Has muscles but isn't toooooo muscular.
Home Region: Kanto
Home Town: Vermilion City
Short Biography: Mike started his pokemon career when he was 10 and has been traveling ever since.  He has beaten the Kanto, Johto and the Hoenn elite four as well as the orange islands.  He is a powerful trainer, even though some of his pokemon may not seem it.
Pokémon (6): Furret
                   Gyardos (Thanks Ninjitsu500)

Damn it I'm using Pikachu whether you like it or not.

Name: Shynx (His Preferred Nickname, likes the Pokemon Shinx) Likes keeping his real name secret.

Shynx can be his preferred nickname that is used in the posts, but legal entry in any sort of tournament requires a full name for registration.

actingman, your character is rejected for the time being, I'd suggest you edit the post. Pikachu and Furret are total jokes, and the roleplay uses game canon, where your character seems heavily based on the anime. I simply doubt that you'd do very well in this if you keep that character.

Btw: Can I ever change my team?

Good question, and I don't think I have addressed it directly in my main post, though I'm sure I implied it. You cannot change your main team of six (they are the team officially registered to the tournament and checked out by the Pro Tour board of judges), but each battle (aside from the finals) you will each only be using three of the six. You can keep which three a secret until they are revealed within the story posts.
Can I just be strictly one of the audience judges, and not a full-fledged/serious competitor?
Since I take it that only participants can judge, it still means I need to submit a character template (gonna be competition fodder =P):

Name: Dusk Tora
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance:
Moderate build; around 1.8m/5'9" height. Dark haired and slightly tanned skin. Frequently wear his black shirt and matching pants. Optional attire include protective gloves, vest and cap. A small bag is attached to his belt, which he store small outdoor necessities in.
Home Region: Central Kanto
Home Town: Celadon City
Short Biography:
Originating from Celadon, Dusk have spent the last few years of his life traveling the surrounding regions as an unlicensed Pokemon "vet", or breeder. Thus, he is somewhat knowledgeable with medical treatment regarding Pokemon, but is still considered an amateur in the field.
This young man is more of a passive person, and will avoid battles when possible. Although not the most skilled trainer, Dusk can still put up a solid fight; his Gym badges as further proof of his battling expertise.
Dusk is secretly a huge fan of Erika, renowned gym leader of his hometown. He first met her by chance a few years ago, when the latter kindly sheltered his lost growlithe from the rain.
Dusk is still a stranger to the lady herself, so he is trying his luck in the Pro Circuit - hoping to make a name for himself, and return home thereafter.

http://archives.bulbagarden.net/w/uploa ... ndness.jpg[/img]
...image taken from bulbagarden

Pokémon (6):
  • Gardevoir
  • Arcanine
  • Luxray
  • Roserade
  • Milotic
  • Pidgeot

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y66/Da ... rkKoji.jpg[/img]
(please ignore the missing/random badge set... that's just for aesthetic sake)
Hey Despain...

Just thought about something, what about the use of items? Are we going to use items at all? If so, should we put the hold item next to the pokemon's name or keep it secret until the actual battle?

Also, not that this is any of my business, but how about we start this thing up if no one has posted a new arrival 48 hours after the previous one?
I'm hesitant about hold items simply for the fact that in a realistically-written battle they would seem awkward. Can you really imagine a fierce battle when one of them is continually munching on leftovers? If you can work a hold item in well, then it's allowed.

Also, not that this is any of my business, but how about we start this thing up if no one has posted a new arrival 48 hours after the previous one?

I was planning on starting this weekend (as in tomorrow night).
Ok, then I'll go ahead and post up what mine are a holdin'. (Just gonna use items I can only use once is all, lol)

Ok, sounds good to me. (can you tell I'm dying of anticipation?)
Alright, I converted my character more into Pokemon terms. Hope it is sufficient. I am very much excited to see how this may work out.

items? Eh... It may be complicated including them, but a talented writer could do it. We'll see how it plays first though I guess.
Name: Shynx (His Preferred Nickname, likes the Pokemon Shinx) Likes keeping his real name secret. But for tourney reasons he will reveal his name. lol.

James "Shynx" Mathocon.

and ewww...
Ugh. Its a good team tho. Ill keep it.
Will i have to keep the same 4 moves on each pkmn throughout the tourney?

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