Is this still going to be happening? If it is, Wednesdays are pretty much out for me. The closing shift manager at work took a liking to me, and put in a request that I get more shifts with him, which has resulted in a drastic increase in my hours. Sundays are still good, however, because I have not been available for scheduling on Sundays since shortly after I was hired. I also tend to work only morning shifts on Saturdays, while I tend to only work shifts varying from a start at 3pm-4pm (or occasionally 5pm) to an end at 10pm. (pretty much always, since that's the closing shift here)
On another note, if this is still going on, my brother asked me if he'd be able to join. Now, him being my brother, my first reaction was an instinct to shout NO! and leave it at that. But, thinking further, I realize that he'd probably be an even better choice than me. He plays WoW, and has shown an amazing ability to make and keep plans with the guild he's a member of, to the point where he's one of the most regular and necessary members of their instance raids. (Not to mention the fact that his warlock is the #2 DPS dealer in the guild, which is a pretty big thing, considering its size) He also shows an astounding capacity for adapting to and playing both easy and difficult classes, much more than I expected of him.
In other words, my brother should be able to play any class in the game, and, if he makes plans to show up for a game, he's going to show up. And, if he can't show up, the only reason would be something along the lines of direct intervention from our parents, either through a family gathering like last Sunday, or through limiting his access to the computer. (Which they seem to have given up on trying, at this point)