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Once A Week (writing project)

The main reason I wanted to stay away from Atlantis is because I've already written a short story in the contest we had a month or two ago.  We can do something with Atlantis later, but it's too soon for me to right another story about it.  So, I guess we'll go with ghosts for this week.  It'll end on September 12 since it took so long for us to decide on a new topic.  Actually, every two weeks seems to be working pretty good.  One week to determine what the topic will be and one week to write.

COLEGE":2zpicv3u said:
oh WOW i forgot about this

is anyone still up for doing it :) missingno you at least??
We already finished the first week with the unrequited love theme - http://www.rmxp.org/forums/index.php?topic=54605.0.  We had a pretty good turnout, so I think we'll get enough people this week.

OK everyone, time to write a story that somehow involves ghosts! :boo:
What should our next theme be?  Does anyone have any suggestions or anything they'd like to write about?  We had almost no one last week, but I'm hoping that's just because everyone was busy.
Hmm... I might have an interesting idea for this topic. I'll try and participate in this one, since I was bogged down with other stuff last time.
This week, you're going to have two options!  You can choose to do one of them or both, so you have a little more freedom this week.  This contest will end on Friday, October 24, which is two weeks from now.

Since character creation is such an essential part of stories, I thought it would be a good idea to make it a part of a writing challenge.  When you think about what the character would say in certain situations, it gives you a much better feel of who the character is and it's more likely that you'll be able to show the reader who your character really is. 

So, I've set up a private forum on my own site that we can use for this exercise.  I'll create topics that I want everyone to have their character respond to, and it should get you thinking about general questions you should ask a character before making them say something in your stories.  If you're interested in this exercise, send me a PM so I can give you the link to the private forum and its password.  Since the private forum is on my own site and not rmxp.org, I would understand if someone doesn't feel comfortable participating in this exercise, in which case you can always try Option 2.

As some of you know, I'm taking a sci-fi class this year in school.  I've gotten an assignment that requires me to write a short story, so I thought I'd use this as your second option.  Your goal is to write a short story using the criteria of military science fiction.  I'll explain what military science fiction is and what criteria it has below.

What is military science fiction?
MSF is a sub-genre of science fiction where interstellar or interplanetary conflict and its armed solution make up the main or partial backdrop of the story.  Such war is usually shown from the point of view of the soldier.  In general, a detailed depiction of conflict forms the basis of most works of military science fiction.  The main characters are often part of the military chain of command.

What are the characteristics of military science fiction?
*Typical conflicts: aliens vs. humans, democracies vs. dictatorships
*Military approach appears necessary but often ends up pointless
*Technology is advanced by doesn't always determine the outcome of the conflict
*Allusions to historical battles are common

I'll create a thread halfway through this week for the military sci-fi short stories.  The character exercise may go on for more than two weeks, but this is the only week it'll count for.  It's actually pretty fun pretending to be someone else, so I hope we have at least a few people who will choose Option 1.

Happy posting/writing!

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