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Once A Week (writing project)

COLEGE":2ubrwf8g said:
Oh I thought Guardian was talking about his game
No, I was talking about fictional writing.

missingno":2ubrwf8g said:
Venetia Macgyver":2ubrwf8g said:
dissuades people like des though, making ongoing series.

no, no. a theme sounds good. this wouldn't BE my series thing, it would just help me get in the swing of things and work for motivation

imo the person who posts the best criticism gets to pick the next theme (rather than best piece). that would encourage really good feedback and discourage stupid little "MY STORY WAS BETTER THAN YOURS" garbage.
I agree 100%.  It's sometimes hard to start from nothing.  Maybe we could not only use themes, but also pictures.  Writing a story about a picture can be interesting (it was a common thing in our creative writing class) as long as it's a decent picture and something you can write a story around.
treg I like weekly.  Just share something.  If you have nothing there's next week you know.  Just participate as you can.  If we go with themes what should the first one be?
Tyreg.  I like it.  It makes him sound like a dinosaur.

Anyway, how about we plan on submitting these entries Friday night so, if we get a good turnout, they can be featured in the "This Week on RMXP.org" article?  The first theme seems to be "unrequited love", since no one's submitted any more ideas.

In case anyone wasn't sure, unrequited means that something isn't returned.  So, unrequited love means love that isn't shared, where a person loves another, but that other person doesn't feel the same.  I just thought it would be good that everyone is aware of what, exactly, the theme is.
Yeah, start working on it.  I guess no one's got an objection to the theme or the submission time, so it's "unrequited love" and due by Friday.  Good luck! :thumb:

This failed.  I, personally, didn't have enough time to write the story.  How about we make them due next Friday?  Is anyone actually interested in this, or am I just extending my own deadline?
OK, just to keep things going here.
I think we're going with either Guardian or Des to give us the next theme.
Seriously, you guys, more participation, please.
This thread will be used for you guys to give us a new theme and to discuss.
At the end of the week, someone will post a topic for the week with all that shit involved.
OK, guys? Throw us a a thematic bone here.
I was really waiting for someone else to say who should pick the next topic.  I guess I'll submit some ideas and see what people think since Des isn't active much.  It's hard to pick a theme because it's probably going to be veered toward my writing style (we're supposed to be trying new things), but I'll do a short list.  Most of the suggestions are just things that the story needs to be centered around or involve.

  • Pirates (yar!)
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Atlantis (my specialty...we may want to stay away from this one)
  • Science Fiction
  • Apocalypse
  • http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa216/Gl3ipnir/robots.gif[/img]
  • An Animal's Day
  • Revenge
  • Ghosts :boo:
  • Fanfiction (of the writer's choice)
  • Dreams

That's my list.  What does everyone like?
I'd veer toward the ghosts/dream(or revenge) side since topics that require a specific place aren't really my preference. But, you're really the only one who gave critique to everyone, so I guess that would put you in position to choose. You could set one up for next friday(Sept. 12, I believe), since it is almost already Friday Sept. 5.

I like Ghosts, but Atlantis is a big huzzah for me. Since that seems to be off-limits, though, I guess I'll lean towards either ghosts, dreams or revenge.

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