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On the matter of a potential Final Fantasy VII Remake

Off the topic but I might as well throw my 2 cents in about the VI Rom.

You should take into account the GBA one has a LOT more features than the original or the PSX one. That being said, if you want a VI Rom for the Snes, I'll give it to you, just PM me your email address and I'll send it over right away.

Also IX doesn't need remaking. I'll agree it's probably one of the most underrated games and a fantastic game, my third personal favourite often vying with IV for the second spot too. But graphically it's still in great shape, at least by comparison to the block hands of VII or the realistically proportioned but still blocky VIII.

About VI again though, I have a feeling we will see a remake soon on the 3DS. When they remade III that was good, it gave US and European audiences the chance to play the game. IV's remake I enjoyed too but felt it could have used a better system, only PSP blows and the DS wasn't capable of much more. That being said news of the 3DS probably halted Square-Enix from releasing V and VI on the original DS. I think it'd make sense to release these games on the 3DS, especially as Nintendo seems to be going for a full-on remake saga on the 3DS with Ocarina of Time and Metal Gear Solid 3 enhanced remakes.

If there were a console I'd say releasing VI on now, I'd say the Wii, I just don't think that the art style of Pre-VII games is really suited to fully realistic graphics without taking something away from what the games once were. Also like VII, VI is an outdated game, it's virtually the same gameplay mechanics. That being said a VI remake for the Wii would be suitable but a VII remake for the Wii would not be as audiences would feel short changed as the art style is more suited for the PS3. The a VII remake of the PS3 is a Kobyashi Maru, there's just no way to please people.
As much as i used to love the series, i stop buying new installments in the series ever since X-2
The gameplay and everything has changed too much, the battle systems are.. meh..
I still love buying remakes though, i got Final Fantasy 3 and 4 for the DS and love them to death, almost done beating 4.. 3 is taking longer but is still enjoyable.
My most hated installment was part 8.... if any game in the series needs remade, it's part 8 simply cause it was just that horrible.
part 9 was a true return to form, i loved that game.. even though i was unable to beat it.. my disks got messed up.
As for part 7.. yeah i like it.. still like it.. got the movie and what not, love them.
But.. yeah.. i think it's too late to be honest.... then again if their was a remake, they would probably screw it up and get rid of the classic over-world style of map.. i'm not crazy about how the new ones have you travel from place to place, i like a classic over-world.. where your character is small and the towns are represented with like.. little like.. models or what not.. my problem with the series is it changed to much.. and they should have stop calling it Final Fantasy a long time ago.
The latest installment should have just been given it's own title.
And i love the classic 2D series so much, that when i decided to make my own game, i decided to model it after the old 8 and 16 bit versions..(just saying)
Final Fantasy 7 is nothing more now than a fanboy game anyhow..
Would i go nuts and buy a remake of it? Depends on how they remake it, if it's only graphically and audio wise.. then yes i would buy it.
If it's a full blown change to a lot of core elements.. then no.. i won't buy it, i happen to like the battle system as it is.
Am I the only one who doesn't mind 8, 12, 13 and hates world maps? O_oa (excluding 11 because it's an MMO and doesn't count - but I do loves it). I mainly hate world maps because I have no sense of direction and I get lost easily. It seems more realistic to go from one area to another like in the newer games - that's what we do in real life.

I bet I'm also the only one who loves Tactics (the original, not the advanced ones). It is my favorite in the series, and it's just a spin off. :(

No, they should not re-make Final Fantasy VII, I've heard enough about that game and a re-make would not help it die. I enjoyed at as a little kid, but I see its flaws now.
No, I don't think you are alone. In fact most Final Fantasy fans I talk to hate those games with a fiery passion. I feel like I'm the only one who actually like them. :(

I mean, I don't need other people to like them in order for me to enjoy them, but I would like to find other people who have - then maybe I will make some buddies. XD
StrawberryFlower":23sctb19 said:
Am I the only one who doesn't mind 8, 12, 13 and hates world maps? O_oa (excluding 11 because it's an MMO and doesn't count - but I do loves it). I mainly hate world maps because I have no sense of direction and I get lost easily. It seems more realistic to go from one area to another like in the newer games - that's what we do in real life.

I bet I'm also the only one who loves Tactics (the original, not the advanced ones). It is my favorite in the series, and it's just a spin off. :(

No, they should not re-make Final Fantasy VII, I've heard enough about that game and a re-make would not help it die. I enjoyed at as a little kid, but I see its flaws now.

tactics was amazing, but it took me a while to get into it.

8 was fun. sure, the drain was a chore, but on the PS i just set it to memeory and pressed the same button over and over as i watched the simpsons. Now, i just speed it up on the expse.

12... was a bit boring. Its battle system was final fantasy, but there was a ridiculous amount of grind involved. I mean, I'd go and farm AP for a fucking hour and barely advance. Its protagonist was shit (vaan fought rats. Cloud blew up a power plant. see the differnce?), and ashe wasn't all that interesting (and her clothes were weird for a princess- at least before what they wore made a BIT of sense- yuna summoner clothes, ff8 and their uniforms). It was a bit like rogue galaxy, honestly, and the maps were ridiculously huge, although one could say realistic. It was okay, i guess, and pretty, but it really didn't DRAW me as much as ff4/5/6/8/9/10 did.
Har har har. You just proved it to me.

8 was kind of fun and 12 boring?


I don't care much for Vaan, but Balthier and Fran. <3 Plus Basch. Also Ivalice! YES! I topped like 120 hours on that game, and I loved it. I love having tons of sidequests and things to do like that.

I don't care what Cloud does, he's still lame and unlikeable to me. I hated him the first time I played that game. :( "I don't care". That's all he said, I swear. >.<

Anyways, this is not the time for arguing about Final Fantasy games. 'Tis a time for saying NO TO FF7 REMAKE! :D



to be honest i dont fully understand all the cloud hate. either people pull the whole LOL I DONT CARE or HEH IM AN EMO PUPPET card when describing him either a)never fully paid attention to the game or b)never fucking played the game and assumed. imo, cloud was an amazing protagonist. sure, he had those emo moments, but he took his DEAD FRIEND'S PERSONALITY and also went from emo to a badass in the short span of the game. sure he's over rated as hell but that doesnt make him a bad main char. in fact, zidane is probably the EPITOME OF JRPG, hell id put Squall above him. I cant stand 8, but I gotta admit its a great and well put together game. I think the reason people dont think IX is that memorable is because its TOO anime for some tastes, and thats alright to be honest. X was more of less of the same to be honest, but people dont look into it.

worst main character has to go to vaan though. he was horribly fleshed out and developed (i know the whole LOL ASHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER LOLZ but that bitch should have started the game then)

but yeah......ff7 remake? just say no kids.
I like Squall better than Cloud. He looked better too. I did like Cloud in the movie (especially since they cut down his spikes) - but I prefer Vincent a lot more than him. At least Cloud got a hot chick. XD I found Cloud pretty goofy in FF7, and if they remade it - I think it would be ruined. :(

I liked Zidane better than both. He was energetic and happy! It was a nice change. Plus he had a tail. ^_^

They should've made Basch the main character of FF12, like they were originally planning on to. I don't know who they were asking that said "Make Vaan the main character!" Oh wells, I played because of its setting and music (same music composer as Tactics).

Ramza beats them all, but he doesn't count, since he's in a spinoff game. :D



Yeah, Basch deserved it more honestly, plot wise. I also agree that Ramza does beat them all (especially since Tactics is like my second favorite FF)

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