Do I have to make some graphs for you Kraft? Remember in like middle school algebra.
One phone company charges $35 a month for unlimited calls, and another charges $15 a month, but 15 cents a minute after 500. How many minutes do you need to talk before the first company is better?
Now, even if solar powered or whatever alternate source of enegy is 5 times the price of a normal car, the expense of gas can kill you. I see people pumping as much as $50 a week into their truck. That's average around where I live. Real quick, that's about $2600 a year. In just the gas. I have read (ages ago), that other sources of energy last longer, are cheaper, and better on the enviroment (go Al Gore, even though I am not really a tree hugger or anything).
So, lets spend a few billion fighting dumb wars, or let's evolve. That's all I am saying. It's the governments fault for not allowing and pushing for this, and its the people fault for not fighting for it. A simple 1-day without gas, does nothing in the long run. If you don't think the oil companies are prepared for this, think again.