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No Gas on May 15th!

But like Myo said, you don't buy one day, they will just cover their ass for a day (they have money in reserves), and profits will soar the rest of the week.
It cost money to keep a business open, obviously. A day with little to no sales activity would mean a day's expenses "wasted".

Perfectly legitimate.



People arent upgrading to other types of fuels because that $25,000, which I'll bet a lot of people (me included) don't have.

I will have to sometime, but as for right now... Just not financially possible for me.

And it doesnt hurt to try, might as well not fill up for a day if it has a chance of dropping the prices. :D
Do I have to make some graphs for you Kraft? Remember in like middle school algebra.

One phone company charges $35 a month for unlimited calls, and another charges $15 a month, but 15 cents a minute after 500. How many minutes do you need to talk before the first company is better?

Now, even if solar powered or whatever alternate source of enegy is 5 times the price of a normal car, the expense of gas can kill you. I see people pumping as much as $50 a week into their truck. That's average around where I live. Real quick, that's about $2600 a year. In just the gas. I have read (ages ago), that other sources of energy last longer, are cheaper, and better on the enviroment (go Al Gore, even though I am not really a tree hugger or anything).

So, lets spend a few billion fighting dumb wars, or let's evolve. That's all I am saying. It's the governments fault for not allowing and pushing for this, and its the people fault for not fighting for it. A simple 1-day without gas, does nothing in the long run. If you don't think the oil companies are prepared for this, think again.
SephirothSpawn;204789 said:
How about rather than not buying gas for a day, lets use that god-given brains of ours and actually start evolving like the rest of the planet and quit with the oils for a mode of transportation. There's so many things out there, why in the blue hell, are we still using gas and other oils? There's solar power, hydrogen fuel cells, other chemical crap that will out last gas any days. Why the world as a hole, still uses the same thing now for a hundred years, just "tuned it", is beyond me.

Because you can't charge people for sunlight.

Is anyone going to build something they can't reap the profits from every day?

Hell, the oil companies are worse than the fucking Mafia, do you think they let people develop this stuff? Face it, if you can't charge at least two dollars to power it, nobody's going to build it, and if they do, they'll be bought out or killed.

That's reality, Seph. That's the world.



Heh, Yeah I understand you seph, but still...

I have to use a car, on a daily basis. Too far to bike, and no public busses (I live in a small town)

With my cherokee getting 17 MPG...

I do understand your point though :)
There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the internet network,
and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.

If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take
$2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION)

Alright then! Let's take this note. How often do you fill up your gas tank? I try to drive a little less than usual (though I do have to go quite a way to school), and I have to fill up like once every two weeks about. Now. Let's just assume for your side of the argument that it's one week average to fill up gas. So. 1 day out of 7, how many people actually fill up their gas tank on that day?

Let's divide 73,000,000 by 7. It's about 10428571. That's how many people might actually be affected by not happening to go get gas on that day. Cutting that supposed profit hurt by an equal amount. 327,428,571 to be exact. And in terms of huge overall business, ESPECIALLY considering that those people that might not buy gas that day will just buy it the next... You can see where I'm headed with this. Sorry to be pessimistic, but when you expect everything to turn out the worst, all your surprises are pleasant ones. I'm not saying don't try, it's a good concept, but a week of not going to the gas station would be far more effective (actually netting those numbers you threw out originally), though a lot less people would actually be likely to do it.

Oh also to note: how many of those 73 million will actually heed this message and do that?

EDIT: even longer than a week just stretches their pockets some more, and does all that good nonsense blablabla. Try harder.



I personally find this little protest kind of funny. You're getting enraged because your fuel prices are creeping up, but are still way, way lower than ours? (UK). :/

Even if it was that big of a deal (it isn't), your country is literally infamous for having the least inefficient cars on the planet. And, on top of that, you simply love buying big powerful guzzlers. How can you really complain after that ?_?

In before somebody says hey, that's a stereotype, not all of us do that! - then this post doesn't apply to you, obviously =o
The statistics are totally fucked up, sorry but they are.

Not every average Internet user has a car, and of those that do, how many don't have full tank of petrol and would fill up anyway?



I feel bad for you Grandor. If gas prices hit $4, well...I'd be like hell fuck no

$4 a gallon, right? So a gallon is a bit under 4 litres, so about $1.10 a litre?

A pound will get you just shy of 2 dollars at the moment, so that's the equivalent of us being pissed because our petrol prices are approaching (not even at) 55 pence a litre? Something in the eighties for a litre is cheap here, and it's only going up. What are you complaining about?
Silverline;204974 said:
$4 a gallon, right? So a gallon is a bit under 4 litres, so about $1.10 a litre?

A pound will get you just shy of 2 dollars at the moment, so that's the equivalent of us being pissed because our petrol prices are approaching (not even at) 55 pence a litre? Something in the eighties for a litre is cheap here, and it's only going up. What are you complaining about?

I'm complaining because America is the only country that exists. Also conversions between currency is impossible. If you don't use dollars you're a communist.


Shit, just noticed they were talking about gallons.

Jesus guys, this aint that much.

It's all relativity man. Back when I was like 10 and not driving, gas was like $1.50/gallon around here, and now it's more than doubled that. So if I were to look at only America (because as I said above, only America actually exists [Also sidenote: USA = America, the rest of America doesn't exist]), it seems like shit's going crazy.
Andy6000;204985 said:
I'm complaining because America is the only country that exists. Also conversions between currency is impossible. If you don't use dollars you're a communist.
We use dollars, and with the way our government's acting, we might as well be classified as another US state.

$1.30 I mean $1.35 p/L over here :(
Hold on, gallons?

Here in England, at the petrol station opposite my house, they are charging ?0.93 a litre! That's... $1.84 a litre, and that's quite cheap here, it's even more at motorway services...
Americans think they are getting ripped off, think again.

It costs around $3.00 for a gallon, yes?
Over here, it's about ?3.26 (Pounds) which is around $6... :/
I'm glad I don't drive now :P
While I'm annoyed by the condescension expressed here towards those who are trying to make some kind of difference, I do have to agree that this one day protest is fairly futile. It may provide some symbolic satisfaction, but it's unlike to result in a major difference.

My car gets about 30 miles for each gallon, and it's considered one of the more efficient mainstream cars in America, which is pretty pathetic. I can't afford a hybrid or anything like that at the moment (my current car was a gift...there's no way I could pay for it with the money I currently make), but one day when I hopefully have a little more cash in my bank account years from now, I'm hoping I can acquire a more efficient vehicle.

Other countries have demanded that auto manufacturers produce much more efficient cars, and America should do that as well. Unfortunately, the oil companies have such a choke-hold on the government right now that it's hard to put through any real change. It would also help if we got out of the Middle East...but that's another story. If we really want to change this and bring gas prices down in America, it takes much more than avoiding gas on one day. We need to get behind elected officials who are more progressive on energy concerns. The 2008 election has started freakishly early, use the opportunity to look at all the candidates positions on this issue.

Feel free to resume beating a dead horse by throwing out overarching stereotypes towards Americans, ignoring the reality of nuance and the multiple divisions on these issues within our own populace. Ironically, we're often accused of this ourselves in regard to other nations. I guess it's only bad if we do it.
Canada's gas prices are much higher. America's highest gas prices are in California. There is no where in Canada that has a lower price than that.

We look at $1.10-1.35 a liter on an average sunny day, that is about $4.15-5.10 a gallon ($3.75-4.60 USD).
I love how all the people from the not-USA have read Andy's post...gas here is a little over $3, and less ten years ago, it was under $1. That means it has MORE TRIPLED IN PRICE.

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