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Plenty, judging from how well Aveyond did. Really, if you did just a bit of research, you'd have found that out on your own.

And it's fine where it is. You guys will get used to the placement, I'm not moving it again.



How so? The three support forums (General Support, Tutorials, and RGSS Support) are all still together, just as they have been.
Really? Meh, probably a cache error.

Also, why don't you just revert the link on the postbit to go to the normal profiles? I mean, a lot of people were against zoints from the start, and it'd solve the problem, at least until you wanted to turn them back on.
Doctor;207510 said:
I can't help but feel that this whole interest into using rmxp for commercial purposes has tarnished the good spirit of the community.

Every other noob is going to try and sell some game except of sharing it and allowing others to help them improve.

As for the 2% of games that will be any good, we'll have to pay to play them. So sad...

But I suppose this is off-topic. Good administrative move.

Major argeed



ccoa;207931 said:
This is not the place to debate that - there's a whole thread for debating whether or not it's a good thing that people are selling games/resources. Debate your heart out there.

I think it's about time this thread was closed.

Honestly, people, just let people make whatever is in their hearts to make. You have no right to push your views on gamemaking, be it on fangames or on commercial games, onto other people.
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