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New Forum

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Some of you may have already noticed the new forum under RMXP - Commercial Projects and Discussion. This forum is for the discussion of commercial projects and related issues, such as marketing, pricing, distribution, etc. Its child forum, the classifieds, is a place for people looking for people for paid positions, or for people advertising their skills for a paid position.

Screenshots and project threads should still go in their respective places, even if the material is from a commercial project.
Perhaps a prefix addition should be added (similar to the resource analysis forum) to seperate the discussions from the actual project threads.
I can't help but feel that this whole interest into using rmxp for commercial purposes has tarnished the good spirit of the community.

Every other noob is going to try and sell some game except of sharing it and allowing others to help them improve.

As for the 2% of games that will be any good, we'll have to pay to play them. So sad...

But I suppose this is off-topic. Good administrative move.
I don't think it will. The community is already "divided" over it. We just gave it a section so people that don't like it can ignore it and jsut keep all discussion fo it there.
kaos;207656 said:
This is why Microsoft is bad.

For one your post has too little content to make sense.
Second off, I think the only reason you mention microsoft is because they try to earn money. The real problem is that they release buggy products and dominate the market with them not that they are out to earn money. You would need to apply the same logic to police, people who work at strip clubs, peopel who serve food, anyone that earns money at all would be subject to the same critisim if, as I am assuming, your critisim is based around people earning money.



I really don't think this will change things. The great free games will remain free, and the people already selling resources or making commercial games will continue. And the majority of people still won't finish anything. ^_^

We'll just have one area that people can communicate in and the people who hate the idea can ignore.



Yeah, bad in my opinion. If you don't enjoy it enough that you'll ask money, well, you don't have to do it?

THough I find it laughable paying for an RPG Maker game, let alone a resource, so.

Also, people want to charge that much for resources, when the whole program itself costs, what? $30 or $60?



This is not the place to debate that - there's a whole thread for debating whether or not it's a good thing that people are selling games/resources. Debate your heart out there.
RMXP costs about $60.00 unless you download the hack, and if you do, don't bother coming back to this site again unless you want to be shunned by all. BTW: could I get a link to that debate thread?
Out of curiosity, as I didn't see any rules there...

Would it be violating site policy or anything to that effect by creating a project topic in the traditional section, and just have it moved to the commercial games section when it is released commercially? Or is that frowned upon?

Thanks! Sounds to me like a good idea, although it's saddening to me that the two halves of the community aren't more tolerant of each other.



Yes, that would be a good idea. However, in development projects should probably still go in Project Discussion, and screenshots in the Screenshot Thread.

It is a real pity there isn't more live and let live attitude around here. :(



Awesome idea...do you guys think the price for a RPG Maker XP game would be about $5-$20 depending on the quality? Personally though, I wouldn't pay anything over $10 for a game.
Is this "live and let live" enough?

I plan on making most of my games free still, there'll just be one every once in a while that isn't to help pay for my development costs. I'm not really interested in making much of a profit yet, for now I'm just practicing for when I do game development as a career.
It sounds like a good idea as some people do want to sell there games but the ? is who would want to buy them lol, they would have to be pretty darn good! Also the place it is in now to me just makes the foum look un organized, maybe move it right under the RGSS Support Section!
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