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NaNoWriMo is here!

I really am trying to bust out my 'a' game. It's a sonofabitch to do so much of that in so little of a time constraint, and i wouldn't recommend it. It kills me not to revise it, but i haven't!!!! @_@

Speaking of which I haven't done enough for the 3rd. I had a lot of work, then fell asleep from 8p-12a. I'll have to make up the difference.

I've always wanted to publish something ... I occasionally will browse books and read bits and pieces, and it's come to my attention that 90% of dark fantasy is fucking bullshit and I don't know how any of it got published in the first place. I figure I have a shot.



90% of books published every year is bullshit, its just properly worded bullshit that sells. I mean, there are tens of thousands of books published every year, and most of them are ridiculously formulaic books.
damn it my novel is a harry potter x a clockwork orange crossfanfic

i have some heavy competitors here :box: :box: :box:

(actually that might be kind of cool
instead of a lightning bolt on his forehead harry would have a phallic baton
hogwart's would actually just be a hollowed-out abandoned theatre where the wizards and the ... uh, other schools ... do turf wars (with magic)
hermoine would be raped about every 10 pages)
i meant one that was magically or surreptitiously emblazoned on his noggin as a branding of his true calling (whomping street toughs and hobos for shits before enjoying a nice dosing at the milk bar)

i havent read any of the stories but i do know he somehow got that incredibly mary sue scar on there

admittedly it is a ballsy gesture to make a fanfiction wherein i know only half of the subject material but i'll be a renegade among the lowest of nerds and that's something to write home about
Venetia":2dvsg7v1 said:
I really am trying to bust out my 'a' game. It's a sonofabitch to do so much of that in so little of a time constraint, and i wouldn't recommend it. It kills me not to revise it, but i haven't!!!! @_@

Speaking of which I haven't done enough for the 3rd. I had a lot of work, then fell asleep from 8p-12a. I'll have to make up the difference.

I've always wanted to publish something ... I occasionally will browse books and read bits and pieces, and it's come to my attention that 90% of dark fantasy is fucking bullshit and I don't know how any of it got published in the first place. I figure I have a shot.
I find dark fantasy tends to be a lot better than the genre as a whole, or at least if you use the term to refer to gritty fantasy--ASoIaF, Malazan, The Black Company, things along those lines. Or are you talking about the books about vampires and werewolves and shit?

As far as NaNo quality goes, I cannot write at this pace and produce something that doesn't make me cringe. So I'm looking at this as idea generation, and I'll just...rewrite the entire thing if I want to turn it into something...

Also, I'm behind due to lack of direction, but I had an idea earlier that adds a potentially really cool spin to the plot and gives me some ideas. But it also makes this one relationship incredibly fucked up (it was kind of fucked up to begin with), so idk what I'm going to do about it.
youre never on irc when i am so we can't chat about it >:O

honestly though the more i write on this thing the more i feel like it could be the one..........
whoo, accomplished a lot of writing today. :3
(P.S. My word count is always even because I average about 150 words per page, which is a fair estimate because out of the pages I did count, they were at most 10 wods away from 150, sometimes more sometimes less.)
Ven, are you gonna be on IRC later? :O I'm waiting on my lazy shiftless partner to show up to office hours so we can finish the lab from last week, but I might be on tonight if you are.

Also, it's exciting to hear that you're doing well. :3 I don't like what I've written so far, but I hate everything I write, so that's to be expected. Alas, NaNo is even worse than the crap I usually push out. :(
ok i'll leave irc open. i'm working overtime tonight so poke me when you're on. i need to get a bunch of writing done though, i'm about 900 words behind right now b/c of all this fuckin overtime and nightly deadwood sessions w/ soph & a certain litfag from mimetown
I totally blanked out on writing today and spent an hour writing only 500 words. :x

I'm over 1000 words behind now!!!!!!!!!!!!! gotta catch up this weekendddddddd
i made a little headway ... just not quite enough :V

Got to do ~1900 words today to make up the diff!!!! But on the bright side, chapter III is shaping up very nicely
guys don't do nano it forces you into poor writing habits.

protip: books don't get published based on word count

spend your november doing something significantly more important: grow a mustache

only fags use protip

i advise people to spend your time listening to someone that is actually important or worth noting in the world: which is anyone in the world other than despain.
The problem I have with NaNo is that it so strongly endorses the make a big mess and then clean it up later philosophy of writing, which works well for some people but tbh not me so much. So I tend to use it to generate ideas and remind myself that I'm capable of writing regularly. If I produce any worthwhile ideas and want to revisit it, I'll most likely rewrite the entire thing at a much slower pace.

I'd like it if you could set your own word goals. 1000 words/day is a much more comfortable pace for me than 1667.

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