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NaNoWriMo is here!

I do the same thing, but it's fun!!! You might make some friends!!!

I was super awkward the first time I went to one, but it is actually pretty cool once you get over the whole OH GOD THERE ARE PEOPLE HERE AND I DON'T KNOW THEM WHAT DO I DO thing.
I actually thought about organizing some sort of novel-writing clique at my school but I really don't think there are many teens around here who want to write a novel.

I'd love to go to a NaNo meet, though. They sound like they'd be fun. Having a 24-hour writing spree would actually be really cool :3

Perihelion":32cnur4w said:
By the way, just for fun:


The character I suspect I'm writing about got an 11, which is interesting because I thought it was gonna be much higher, given that she is beautiful (which is actually very unusual for my characters) and accomplished and an exile and things like that.
My main character got a 13. Mostly because I'm lazy and made him more or less a regular teen. except he can shoot lasers from his toenails
Devvy, come to Boston and you can be my NaNo buddy. :3 You can live in my closet, and I'll give you a beret and feed you ramen as you sit hunched over the screen, fingers clattering over the keys, a feverish gleam in your eyes...~~~

Also, all of you guys either link your profiles or add me as your buddy. >:O

Man, that blue circle in my profile should be purple. It's bothering me. I weep. :cry:

I also still dunno what I'm doing, but my worldbuilding file now has mention of bird people and storm people and things like that. I was originally gonna have the main empire of this world be steampunk, but I'm no longer sure it really fits. But it'll have dirigibles, at any rate, because dirigibles are cool and also useful for traversing fragmented quasi-floating continents.

Although since I added that huge storm belt around the outside of the continent, idk how useful they are anymore....hmmmm...

there's a lot of stuff h-here........

i'm gonna sit down and give it a thorough eye-lashing when i get a free..... seven hours :O
srs though i'll do it today :3

p.s. peri's forum's password is totally HotSexyMama94
i looked up some write-ins in my area but they're all way too far away to swing. i guess there arent creative people in new tampa ;o;

it makes sense i guess, new tampa's more expensive and artists are poor~

i'm so stoked though, i dont have any overtime this weekend, i'm going to get a bunch of shit done on the game and i'll start this too ~
:D Yeah, NaNo is a blast! I'm pretty excited too, although my lack of plot and characters is alarming. If the past four years of this have taught me anything, it's that I write better with an outline, but uh, I guess we'll see how it goes?!
i get worried when i have a really dead-set outline because i get excited about certain scenes and always feel like i need to rush to get to them. this story has a super dead-set outline already with all characters and lore and everything fleshed out beforehand so im going to just try to take my time with the stuff inbetween the scenes i'm looking forward to the most :-/
So do you guys write it in a novel-form or in a script-form? A script-form would be more appropriate for an RPG, so I don't know...

novel-form e.g.:
'I don't know,' Bart said, smiling at the others.

script-form e.g.:
Bart: 'I don't know'
TickTock, one assumes people are writing novels for National Novel Writing Month. They do Script Frenzy in the summer where you write a screenplay instead, though


five and a half hours

Perihelion":av7py5bx said:
TickTock, one assumes people are writing novels for National Novel Writing Month. They do Script Frenzy in the summer where you write a screenplay instead, though


five and a half hours


'Cause a novel is much more practical than a script to turn into an RPG. :P
Yeah, I'm holding a very modest kickoff write-in on my hall with about two other people, but they're not gonna be around for an hour or two after midnight, so idk if I'm gonna start exactly on the tick.
just read your info on your story; the continents thing sounds really awesome. You only mentioned 2 races though, how many races/species/etc are there?
I dunno, a lot; I just haven't come up with them yet. There's an ocean now, so maybe merpeople live in it. There are probably magical creatures skulking in most places humans don't go.

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