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my icons, taking requests for practice

omg, sorry for not replying >_>

ah, I thought I replied to this D:

I'm very grateful for that, it looks amazing XD

the part of the handle/hilt was really true, no excuse >_> the shading is really cool, I'm usually really reflective with that, so I need to work in the light source better

shading's my usual weakest link, even on small things like icons x.x Thanks for the help, I'm hopefully going to do some work tonight, as I've been terribly lazy the past few... months, lol

but eh, since your here >_> I havn't gotten any really tough or considerable critique at all on this yet, but I'm hoping to use it as the template for my project

http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x268 ... ionM-4.png[/img]

if you could just... give it some nit picking, I'd love that, I think. It's baisically grandeth adv edited, smaller hands, more colorful pallet, and anime eyes.
thanks, yeah, I usually just grab random colors, I learned spriting with the unorthadox way, just doing it for fun, so I never really learned how to make a actual pallet, I'll have to look into it :P
Your Icons are good, but sometimes you forget or mess with the shading.
Let's look... An request. I really need Icons.
Pickaxe Icon
Bar AND ore icons of:
Steel (somewhat lighter color then Iron)
Adamant (Darkgreen)
Mythril (Darkblue)
Nore (special game ore, orange-red like)

I think I requested too much Icons, but I really need them.

I can't say I know much about stones XD

can you give pictures of them? if best anime pics as they would be a bit easier to work with.

I can do the iron to gold without much problems, just the last few, or are you fine if I just make a ore and bar icon and just recolor them 8 times? Thats probably what I'll do unless the stones should have specific shapes.

anyways, yeah, I usually don't think about desaturating, but I'm trying to work it in more and more as it's easier to work with.

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