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My first Resources (Simpson, Halo, Ninja) (PA)

These are my first ever sprites. Don't laugh and DO NOT STEAL. PLEASE IF YOU USE GIVE ME CREDIT. Please... these are my first sprites and if someone actually uses them I would like to know so I could get a little more recognized.








OK I know they aren't great. They look amazing going down and OK at going sideways. They do look really bad walking up though. I know, I'm trying to fix it too. But please be gentle they are my first. Also I'm not done with my ninja and bart...

UPDATES: I have just updated my homer simpson sprite. Not much better but there are improvements. Feedback anyone?

Also You see my Iron Man sprite. I made it that far (not very far) can anyone help me finish it. I'll give you full credit if you do finish it. I made a few attempts... Not good. Thank you

That made me giggle.

Sorry, but unless you were going for the "ugly, no shading" style, they're pretty bad.

What is Bart standing on, anyway? A skateboard? Doesn't much look like it.

What kind of view were you going for, anyway? 'Cuz the Homer sprite certainly wouldn't look right with the default RMXP perspective(even if it was proper shaded). It'd look like he has constantly listing slightly to the right. :\

And why is Homer's butt bigger than his belly?

Also, why don't that ninja's legs move?

Bottom line: Go look at some other sprites, cuz these are pretty bad. Well, at least you got the Simpson's color scheme right. :\
Um it's a good attempt.

But you've got a long way to go.  Nobody will ever use these sprites.

Just keep trying, though.  That last one shows that you have a little speck of hidden talent.  You just need a lot of practice.  :thumb:
I'm sorry I didn't use any sheets or any blank sheets I made them from scratch.  I know I'm not good at making them but I just wanted some like practice or something.  I didn't know they were that bad. If someone could help me on the walking up part because I have no idea on how to do that.  I only looked on the arshes guy on that.  Really I'm sorry I posted if these were all that bad.  But I told you I'm not done on the ninja and bart.  Please read my whole post next time Luminier.
I'm assuming I'm "Luminiear"? Anyway, I did read your whole post, but by posting the WIP sprites, you suggest that you are at least done with the rows which you are showing us. If not, then perhaps you should have said so.

I would suggest using a template next time you try spriting anything. At your level of skill, starting from scratch might not yield the best results. After you get the hang of spriting on a template, you might be able to start making your sprites from the ground up.
OK I'm sorry "Luminier"  :smile:, that I even posted here.  I'm sorry that I spelled your name wrong too.  People spelled mine wrong too but I didn't bring up a point.  Yah I know you may be saying how did someone spell BigPurplecow wrong but they did.  Also it sounds like you really don't like me.  I'm not trying to be mean at all really.  If I said something I'm sorry my english isn't great.  But these are my first sprites.  Also my homer and bart sprite is gonna be in my simpson game.  I did make tilesets too but those are really bad and didn't want to post.  You didn't say anything about my last sprite.  How do you like that one?   And your little picture of the green thing going in circles is hilarious.

Also what do you think of my reedit:

http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii13 ... Reedit.png[/img]

Thanks for the criticism(?) too.  Criticism is the best way to improve!  :thumb:

And I'm a newbie sorry.  What are WIP sprites?

Sorry, but youre worke is not realy good
but you can lern it it very easy

by your new rtp recolor chara is the red to glaring
and it not good contrast
I jave no idea what Ex. was trying to say. O_O

Anyway, the red, and green on that sprite is way too saturated. You can barely make out the details of the armor. Also, he kinda remiknds me of a Christmas tree. :x
Ha ha, Homer made me laugh.  These are not bad attempts for your first.  I don't know why everyone was so hard.  You do have a long way to go, but everyone starts somewhere, if you started out making sprites like the rtp, everyone would have just said you stole them or you weren't just starting, so I don't know what you're so worried about.

When walking up, watch one of you family members from directly behind you.  Their leg does bend frontward at the knee.  It just lifts up, so it's shorter than the other leg and with sprites, you'd just shade it darker to show it's in the background more.



From the point of realism yeah I guess I have to admit they're terrible but if you consider it a highly stylized approach, which makes sense for Simpsons anyway, the homer is hilarious in animation.  From behind he's doing some kind of Nazi death march, and from the front he's cheerfully skipping along.  If you made a whole game consistently styled like that the goofball factor would probably win out over any failure of perspective or anatomy.

So anyways, honest criticism, you're breaking poor Homer's leg on the rear view.  Remember you're looking at him from about 35-45 degrees, you're not going to see the front part of his leg from behind ever unless he lifts it all the way up.  You won't even see the tip of his toe poking out on the other side.  Furthermore you've clearly delimited the bottom of his butt, his leg should be bending from that point and from his knee, not any other location.

The front view looks hilarious if he's supposed to be skipping, but if he's walking forward his torso and head are not going to move left and right significantly and his legs won't bend anywhere near that much.  The leg passing under his body is bent at about 90 degrees in your image and has become significantly longer in the bargain. 

On the side views your forward moving leg is somehow skinnier than your rear moving leg and seems to be longer as well.  It looks like the legs are shorter in general in the side view than in the front and rear views - try overlaying the sprites to make sure your scales match up.  They're also viewed directly from the side instead of at the 35-45 angle you should be shooting for.  The leg on the far side of the body should be slightly higher and you should see more of the top of his head for starters.

Hope that helps.  at least you've managed to actually make all 16 frames, that's more than most of the jokers around here get around to... ;)
Thank you guys so much.  If there is anyway I could repay you at all... I would do it a million times over and over.  Thank you "Luminier"( :smile:), and Nphyx (for telling me just about everything), Dissonance, and Mikee and everyone else who posted.  "Most" people helped me and I will improve on this.  I will make a new homer and post him later.
You know what.  I am actually going to use this.  Seriously.  Would it be alright?  It might not be a FF or Zelda based game.  But it could end up fun. : )  Just as a side project for something to do when I'm burnt out on spriting and We All Fall.

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