I NO LONGER SUPPORT THESE SCRIPTS. I'm making a new version. If you want the scripts to get fixed.. ask someone else. Sorry guys.
In this version of my ABS, the party members can fight along side you. You can switch to the party members and you can also use squad commands such as Follow, Stay, Heal, and Search and Destroy.
I will not accept any requests at this point! I'm trying commercial scripting. :P
June 17 2007
- Updated FAQ
- Fixed "Dispose Error" again..
- Fixed "Nil for dead?" error
- Added $ABS.hide_allies and $ABS.show_allies
- Fixed "Enemy kill each other"
- Fixed "Dispose Error"
- Fixed "Enemy Can't activate Common Events"
- Fixed other reported bugs.
- Reported Errors Fixed
- Save and Load Error fixed.
- Hotkey errors fixed.
- Battle with monsters, on the map, that are highly customizable!
- Able to command your squad!
- Able to have as much as party members as you want!
- Improved Enemy AI - Now includes personality(as in how it will act).
- They can no longer see through walls! See WALL_TAG in settings. You can change the number, assign the number to the tiles you want as high 'walls' in tileset editor!
- Personalities:
- Able to Attack.
- Stay at distance from hostile.
- Run when dying.
- Do not move.
- Do not turn.
- Ally(Party Member) AI
- They heal or revive(each other or self) when hurt too much.
- Advanced Control Commands.
- Shoot ranged weapons and skills when too far.
- Attack when close.
- They help you!
- Animations' size can be shrunk to fit the appropriate size - Customizable!
- See: ANIMATION_DIVIDE = 2 in Settings
- Able to Attack(with weapons), Defend, use Ranged Skills and Weapons and Explosive Skills(missile like)!
- Able to Hotkey Skills and Items!
- All keys are customizable!
- Players and Events can animate if animation turned on!
- See: ANIMATE_PLAYER = false and ANIMATE_ENEMY = false in settings.
- Mash Time - Default, by weapon and by skill.
- Dash and Sneak!
- States effect and display on map! Shows state animation as well.
- Can display Damage and Level Up!
- Monsters can now drop Items and Gold!
- Many more, check the demo!

.:Instructions and FAQ:.
Q: I can not open the demo!
A: Download winrar. Google it.
Q: What scripts do I need?
A: You'll need the SDK 2.0 or higher if you don't have it. You'll need the main ABS script and you'll need the Input script. If you want to use the HUD or the Enemy HP Bars you'll need the Gradient bars by Trickster.
Q: My game crashes and all I did was add the script to my game!
A: You need to add them in the same order they came in the demo.
Q: How can I display the mini-map?
A: I believe I set the mini-map switch to Switch 3. Look in the Mini-Map script, it should show where the switch ID is and can be edited. To display the mini-map just turn the switch on.
Q: How can I turn off the HUD with using script call?
A: Call this: $scene.hud_hide to hide and $scene.hud_show to show.
Q: How can I hide and show the allies?
A: Use in a script call $ABS.hide_allies to hide and $ABS.show_allies to show.
Q: How can I edit the animations divided so that the SCREEN animations don't get smaller?
A: Find:[/list][/list][/list][/list]
Replace with:
Q: What are all the default controls for the ABS and the HUD and the squad?
Q: How can I setup an enemy?
A: First go to the enemies database and look at the monsters you will use. Set the stats, items, gold and attacks there. Now go to the event that will be the monster and:
Q: How can I make a bow or a fire ball?
A: To make a bow like weapon, find:
To make a fireball like skill, find:
Q: I want non-ranged skills and weapons to have similar effects as the ranged skills and weapons!
A: Look for:
Q: How can I edit the HUD?
A: There is a HUD tutorial in the tutorials section. You can also request for one in the Script Requests section.
Q: Can you add [feature description] to the ABS?
A: Probably not because there are already so many features but go ahead and ask and try your luck.
A: Download winrar. Google it.
Q: What scripts do I need?
A: You'll need the SDK 2.0 or higher if you don't have it. You'll need the main ABS script and you'll need the Input script. If you want to use the HUD or the Enemy HP Bars you'll need the Gradient bars by Trickster.
Q: My game crashes and all I did was add the script to my game!
A: You need to add them in the same order they came in the demo.
Q: How can I display the mini-map?
A: I believe I set the mini-map switch to Switch 3. Look in the Mini-Map script, it should show where the switch ID is and can be edited. To display the mini-map just turn the switch on.
Q: How can I turn off the HUD with using script call?
A: Call this: $scene.hud_hide to hide and $scene.hud_show to show.
Q: How can I hide and show the allies?
A: Use in a script call $ABS.hide_allies to hide and $ABS.show_allies to show.
Q: How can I edit the animations divided so that the SCREEN animations don't get smaller?
A: Find:[/list][/list][/list][/list]
for an in $data_animations
   next if an == nil
   frames = an.frames
   for i in 0...frames.size
    for j in 0...frames[i].cell_max
     frames[i].cell_data[j, 1] /= $ABS.ANIMATION_DIVIDE
     frames[i].cell_data[j, 2] /= $ABS.ANIMATION_DIVIDE
     frames[i].cell_data[j, 3] /= $ABS.ANIMATION_DIVIDE
  for an in $data_animations
   next if an == nil or an.position == 3
   frames = an.frames
   for i in 0...frames.size
    for j in 0...frames[i].cell_max
     frames[i].cell_data[j, 1] /= $ABS.ANIMATION_DIVIDE
     frames[i].cell_data[j, 2] /= $ABS.ANIMATION_DIVIDE
     frames[i].cell_data[j, 3] /= $ABS.ANIMATION_DIVIDE
Q: What are all the default controls for the ABS and the HUD and the squad?
- Attack - S
- Defend - D
- Run - A
- Sneak - Z
- Skill - Hotkeys(look in the script)
- Toggle On/OFF - E
- Squad
- Follow Key - J
- Search and Destroy - K
- Stay and Secure - L
- Heal All Key - B
- Change Leader - N(forward) or M(backward)
Q: How can I setup an enemy?
A: First go to the enemies database and look at the monsters you will use. Set the stats, items, gold and attacks there. Now go to the event that will be the monster and:
<div class="php" id="{CB}" style="font-family: monospace;"><ol># To add a comment, click on the event command list, in the first tab, you should
# see the [ Comment... ] button. It should look similar to this.
# V = value
# Comment: ABSÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â - Required for recognizing enemies.
# Comment: ID VÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â - Enemy ID from the database.
# Comment: Behavior VÂ Â Â Â Â - Refer to Enemy AI.
# Comment: Sight VÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â - See range the enemy can hear.
# Comment: Sound VÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â - Sound range the enemy can hear.
# Comment: Aggressiveness VÂ Â - How fast will the enemy attack.
# Comment: Speed VÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â - How fast will the enemy move when in battle
# Comment: Frequency VÂ Â Â Â Â - What rate will the enemy move when in battle
# Comment: Trigger VÂ Â Â Â Â Â - Refer to Triggers.
# Comment: Respawn V
# Example:
# Comment: ABS
# Comment: ID 1
# Comment: Behavior 1
# Comment: Sight 5
# Comment: Sound 5
# Comment: Aggressiveness 1
# Comment: Speed 4
# Comment: Frequency 4
# Comment: Trigger 0
# Comment: Respawn 0
Q: How can I make a bow or a fire ball?
A: To make a bow like weapon, find:
<div class="php" id="{CB}" style="font-family: monospace;"><ol>#Ranged Weapons
# RANGE_WEAPONS[Weapon_ID] = [Character Set Name, Move Speed, Animation, Ammo, Range,
#Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Mash Time(in seconds), Kick Back(in tiles),Animation Suffix]
# Leave kickback 0 if you don't want kick back effect.
RANGE_WEAPONS[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">17] = ["Arrow", <span style="color: #cc66cc;">6, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">4, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">35, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">15, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">3, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0, "_bow"]
RANGE_WEAPONS[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">18] = ["Arrow", <span style="color: #cc66cc;">6, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">4, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">35, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">15, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">4, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0]
RANGE_WEAPONS[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">33] = ["Ammo", <span style="color: #cc66cc;">6, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">4, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">34, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">10, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">4, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0]
RANGE_WEAPONS[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">22] = ["Ammo", <span style="color: #cc66cc;">15, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">4, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">12, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">1]
<div class="php" id="{CB}" style="font-family: monospace;"><ol>#--------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Ranged Skills
# RANGE_SKILLS[Skill_ID] = [Range, Move Speed, Character Set Name, Mash Time(in seconds), Kick Back(in tiles)]
RANGE_SKILLS[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">7] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">10, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">5, "Magic Balls", <span style="color: #cc66cc;">3, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">1]
RANGE_SKILLS[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">35] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">10, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">5, "Magic Balls", <span style="color: #cc66cc;">3, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0]
RANGE_SKILLS[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">15] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">10, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">5, "", <span style="color: #cc66cc;">3, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">1]
RANGE_SKILLS[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">81] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">15, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">6, "Arrow", <span style="color: #cc66cc;">3, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0]
Q: I want non-ranged skills and weapons to have similar effects as the ranged skills and weapons!
A: Look for:
<div class="php" id="{CB}" style="font-family: monospace;"><ol>#--------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Since Melee weapons aren't listed I made this for customazation of melee weapons.
# if left blank the default mash time will be MASH_TIME(below)
# No need to use the animation suffix if you don't plan to animate the player's character set.
# MELEE_CUSTOM[Weapon_ID] = [Mash Time(in seconds), Kick Back(in tiles), animation suffix, number of animation of the suffix]
MELEE_CUSTOM[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">1] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">3, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0, "_melee"]
MELEE_CUSTOM[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">2] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">10, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">1, "_melee",<span style="color: #cc66cc;">2]
MELEE_CUSTOM[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">49] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">5, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">1]
# Since some skills won't be listed(i.e non-ranged) I made this for customazation of melee weapons.
# if left blank the default mash time will be MASH_TIME(below)
# No need to use the animation suffix if you don't plan to animate the player's character set.
# SKILL_CUSTOM[Skill_ID] = [Mash Time(in seconds), Kick Back(in tiles), animation suffix, number of animation of the suffix]
SKILL_CUSTOM[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">1] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">3, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0]
SKILL_CUSTOM[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">7] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">3, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0]
SKILL_CUSTOM[<span style="color: #cc66cc;">8] = [<span style="color: #cc66cc;">3, <span style="color: #cc66cc;">0, "_cast",<span style="color: #cc66cc;">2]
Q: How can I edit the HUD?
A: There is a HUD tutorial in the tutorials section. You can also request for one in the Script Requests section.
Q: Can you add [feature description] to the ABS?
A: Probably not because there are already so many features but go ahead and ask and try your luck.
Before you download, do read this!
- Some instructions are missing in the script! Please check the demo for some features such as PERSONALITY in monsters/events! The feature list has the numbers for each personality.
- For a complete feature list, check the settings in the script. You have to check the settings!
- Make sure to have taken all the graphics you need from the Graphics folder.
- Error Reporting
- Name the script you got the error in. There is 2 different ABSs so make sure to name which one you are using.
- Take a screenshot of the error.
- Record the line number and the line itself.
- Tell me what you were last doing.
- Feature Request
- Tell me in details what you want.
- It can't be time consuming.
- Download
.:Credits and Thanks to:.
* Credit only if you will use their script.
- Credit and Thanks to Axerax for the HUD pictures and icons and also for testing.*
- Credit and thanks to Trickster for the Gradient Bars.*
- Credit and Thanks to Aleworks for Input.
- Credit and Thanks to Selywn for Minimap.*
- Credit and Thanks to f0tz!baerchen for Anti-Lag Script.*
- Thanks to Near Fantastica for the math equations.