There's nothing wrong with liking money but when you value it more than human life then you have a problem.
iceplosion":1kou2bge said:There's nothing wrong with liking money but when you value it more than human life then you have a problem.
No sir, Money is one possible device that allows you to live. Work, get paid, shop, spend, party, spend, rinse, repeat. This is the basic trap all people so easily fall into. Then you get into debt. Debt is financial guilt. It traps you in the system whilst the bank managers laugh all the way to the, well, bank.Money allows you to live, human life, other than your own, doesn't.
eharper256":22s6zdfq said:Dissonance's example makes it very clear how terrible cash can make us: You'd let 10,000 people die just for a comfy existance? offence dude, but I wouldn't put you in charge of a country; you'd end being one of those extravagant dictators who lets his people suffer while he wallows in luxury.
eharper256":22s6zdfq said:Frankly, I don't care at all for the stuff. I look at my bank statement once a month, and toss it aside. I am not a competitive person, and the idea of working a 9 to 5 job just for a paypacket disgusts me. I require something else from my day. Be it the ability to create something, or a feeling that I might have achieved something useful, given someone happiness, however fleeting. If I spend my life as a pauper, so be it, for those with money are not happy: they just have more ways to waste their time.
eharper256":22s6zdfq said:To say you do not need human life besides your own. That...well...I can't understand. Humans are naturally social creatures. Without trade, language and co-operation, we would've never have got where we are today. Many other species are stronger, faster, keener, and better at survival. A human without his tools is weak, but a human without his heart and soul and emotion is much weaker still. Without love, courage, hope, determination, and all of those other foolish emotions...we could not live. Without others, these emotions have no meaning. Friends are like mirrors into ones own soul; and to say you want none suggests you cannot stand to examine your own soul. Similarily, to go back to money, to be rich has no meaning if there are no poor.
Dissonance":1e0k0971 said:Boy, you sure do enjoy selective reading, don't you?
I specifically said I'd let people die that I'd never, ever know, or have the chance of meeting. If I were the leader of a country, I would have to face my people, in one form or another, every day, and so I most likely wouldn't do that. But if me, where I am right now, was given the option to have a whole ton of money in return for a branch of humanity I would never, ever encounter in any way, I'd do it it a heartbeat and never look back.
I hope you see the difference!
Dissonance":1e0k0971 said:It sounds like you are one of three things. Rich, young, or high.
Dissonance":1e0k0971 said:I agree with your last bit. I only need people for these reasons - two of them to have created me, a small selection of them to be my friends, and a large group of them I don't know and don't care to know to bend over and allow me to stand on their backs.
To that extent, I guess you're right - I do need people.
Legendary":1e0k0971 said:eharper256- When it comes to land animals, NO ONE has better endurance than us. There are entire forms of HUNTING based off of this fact, most of these hunts lasting two days. Us being weak without tools is a myth caused by somebody or other for foolish reasons, but I'm not sure who in this case.
Legendary":1e0k0971 said:Trade- *falls over laughing* Trade is something called economics. At the heart of economics is that everything has a value. In short, this leads to money. Further, money helps us GET cooperation, by ensuring that people with money can take care of themselves. I don't normally mention Star Trek, but one character notes that humans are perfectly pleasant creatures when their needs are taken care of, but once they're tired, hungry, and filthy, they turn really evil.
Legendary":1e0k0971 said:And of course, if friends are so great, why are their so many homeless people? Surely SOME of them have friends and family who aren't destitute. If they're so friendly, why won't they help?
eharper256":3jj8an8t said:That's like saying you're not responsible for dropping an hydrogen bomb, despite the fact you pressed the button, because you never knew the people you just nuked and you didn't touch them directly. An unusual form of logic, I must say.
Whilst you clamber up the backs of others, trying to get your ideal, don't mind me, I'll be standing away from this strange pyramid of people, making sarcastic injokes about their futility, occassionally wondering whether I can play Jenga with the pyramid and see what happens. The other crazy idealists, visionaries, and madmen standing outside the pyramid of people will sadly shake their heads and say they've already tried.
eharper256":egokxu6t said:Its not neccessarily true that we have unparrelelled endurance. Many bird species fly for months to reach warmer climes. Rather, human beings are stubborn as hell. We won't give in if we convince ourselves sufficiently; not to mention that love, hope and such can drive us far beyond even those normals. But yeah, you did say Land species, I suppose. But its really determination, willpower, if you will, rather than true physical endurance. I suppose the two things, however different, have the same application, mind.
eharper256":egokxu6t said:Actually, in trade, I was referring mainly to the exchange of ideas. The very idea of economics didn't really exist until Adam Smith codified it. Before then, there was merely trade, the exchange of thoughts, ideas, news, goods etc. Currency came about because it was easier to carry a pouch of gold coins than it was to lift a cow to the merchant every time you needed a new set of clothes. Money does indeed help in getting co-operation, but it is not the only means of getting what we desire. People seem to forget, in this modern age, that you can still grow your own veggies rather than buy them from the supermarket. Or buy yourself a photovoltaic cell and suddenly you don't need to pay your electric bill.
Its funny you mention Star Trek at the same time as money; as far as I'm aware, the Federation has actually moved beyond capitalism, as human beings are instead inspired by exploration and co-operation between species. But that quote is indeed relevant.
eharper256":egokxu6t said:You've already answered yourself with the Star Trek quote. People become friendly when their needs are met, certainly, but they also tend to forget about the concerns of others. To re-relate to that pyramid of people I spoke of earlier; the higher you climb, the less you can see.
To put it another way, a man builds his castle so that he doesn't HAVE to be concerned about the outside world. He's got his walls, and he ain't letting anyone else in. Why should he? They'll only betray his trust and eat his food. That's just natural paranoia. You pass by the homeless, not wanting to give them anything, because you fear that it'll become habitual, and in the process, you'll become like them.
Phew...that was alot of typing...
Dissonance":1c5h1wdi said:Money allows you to live, human life, other than your own, doesn't.
It's that simple.
Dissonance":1c5h1wdi said:If I was told that I would be given enough money to live an extremely comfortable life, and in return, somebody that I don't know and would never have the chance of meeting would be murdered, I'd do it. Hell ramp the number up 10, 100, 1000, 10,000... I'd still do it.
If you WOULDN'T, then you've got the problem.
Again, selective reading. I never once said I wouldn't be responsible for it.
No, you won't.
As long as you have money and use it, even if you hate it, you'll be there like everybody else.
If you truly wanted to get away from it, you'd need to find an extremely secluded spot, grow your own food, build your own shelter, and live there for the rest of your life, only meeting with the few like-minded people that exist in the world.
You're a cog in the machine whether you like it or not.
We can outlast them, through pure physical endurance. Willpower only goes so far, eventually muscles will say, "No, too tired," and give out.
First off, the exchange of ideas only happens in a world where there is a stable economic basis to ensure that basic needs are taken care of.
Also, could you give me some of these other ways to get what we desire? Growing your own vegetables doesn't work in a city, where people live in small apartments. You could make a little, but nowhere near enough to live on. Photovoltaic cells also have these obvious problems of space.
And Star Trek is decidedly unrealistic as far as how humanity will develop. We are greedy, superstitious, deceitful, hateful bastards, and short of something that makes us lose our humanity, we're likely to stay that way. It's a good survival mechanism.
But WHY are friends so great? If they're so blind, what benefit do you get?
No, and its sad that you really believe that, I feel bad for you, honestly. Money does not allow you to live, without money you wont necesarially starve or die. There are lots of communities out there that dont have or use money (amish for example) and that doesnt mean the people starve or freeze. Just because you have no money, doesnt mean your quality of life is going to suck.
This is a rather disgusting statement, you would kill 10,000 people just so you could live comfterably? what, you cant work your way up?
Its ideals like yours that feed whats wrong with this world, people are stepping on people, our societies are based on stepping over whoever you can to get yours. The current system of things feeds weak minded people like you into believing that its ok to step on your fellow man to get yourself higher on the comfortability notch.
Fact is you dont need material possessions and large homes filled with shiny stuff to be happy, you've just been taught to think that.
You guys really need to get it out of your heads that no money = starving, there are other ways to get by, even comfortably, its just where you draw the line morally. You buy into the idea that its easier to step all over people to get your money, and sure, it may be easier....but its just not right
Bestone":3n1ekcqc said:No, and its sad that you really believe that, I feel bad for you, honestly. Money does not allow you to live, without money you wont necesarially starve or die. There are lots of communities out there that dont have or use money (amish for example) and that doesnt mean the people starve or freeze. Just because you have no money, doesnt mean your quality of life is going to suck.
Bestone":3n1ekcqc said:This is a rather disgusting statement, you would kill 10,000 people just so you could live comfterably? what, you cant work your way up?
Bestone":3n1ekcqc said:Its ideals like yours that feed whats wrong with this world, people are stepping on people, our societies are based on stepping over whoever you can to get yours. The current system of things feeds weak minded people like you into believing that its ok to step on your fellow man to get yourself higher on the comfortability notch.
Bestone":3n1ekcqc said:Fact is you dont need material possessions and large homes filled with shiny stuff to be happy, you've just been taught to think that.
Bestone":3n1ekcqc said:You guys really need to get it out of your heads that no money = starving, there are other ways to get by, even comfortably, its just where you draw the line morally. You buy into the idea that its easier to step all over people to get your money, and sure, it may be easier....but its just not right
Bestone":3n1ekcqc said:So next time your feeling screwed over by someone else in the money department, your just gonna have to take it like a good little boy, cause thats what its all about, right?
eharper256":3n1ekcqc said:Troublesome, true, but you are indeed correct. Perhaps I will never escape the machine fully, as you say, but that wasn't the point of the metaphor. I wasn't saying I was fully removed from society, but rather, I'll just remove myself from the ethos, motivation and ethics of that social context. I won't be 'in the pyramid' and I won't try clamboring for the top. That, at the end of the day, is all.
Trek22":3n1ekcqc said:unless that someone's name was Dissononce
Actually, this is a m00t question. I think this deviated a long time ago, somehow, into a friends vs. cash argument, when in fact, neither are related. A rich person can have just as many friends, but his money can't buy them, and he must ever be wary of people who want to backstab him for the dough. A poor person can be far 'richer', but just not in a financial context, but emotional richness can also never find you friends nor money, and he must ever be wary of people who to tread on him for the possibility of the dough.The question is: Money or people. Not if money is the root of all happiness. When it's money v. people, for me, money wins.
And money allows you to enjoy your hobbies more (better guitars, supplies, etc.).
Venetia":3trkusfe said:Nicer things do make better products.
Venetia":3trkusfe said:This is all about opinion--you can't argue me into a position of liking people.